Tinder App

Yeah who cares I think the seeking advice on a motorcycle forum is gonna get you flamed...live your life and pussy will happen. That's the rule
That's great.....can you please point out the post in which I asked for advice? No rush, take your time. Remember, questions usually end in a question mark.


Crazy idea but maybe I'm just trying to give other guys a realistic outlook on what Tinder is like for a 32 year old dude at this point in time. I'm decent looking and I'm not swimming in VJJ on there. That's the reality. Maybe it was better a year ago but this is how it is now. I'm sure you can go on other forums or talk to your friends and hear about how they're getting laid left right and centre and chicks are begging for it on there. Either they look like male models, this is mostly ******** male bravado or they're smashing whales. I'm telling it how it is for me. If not bullshitting makes me a looser or a pussy, or "gay" then so be it. I rather help some fellow men out there not feel like crap about themselves cause they're barely getting any matches and their friends are telling them that it's easy as pie and they must look like a mutant then score some meaningless brownie points with some people on the internet.

But anyways, enough with this dick measuring contest, let's get back to what this thread was supposed to be about...
We have a winner
That's great.....can you please point out the post in which I asked for advice? No rush, take your time. Remember, questions usually end in a question mark.


Crazy idea but maybe I'm just trying to give other guys a realistic outlook on what Tinder is like for a 32 year old dude at this point in time. I'm decent looking and I'm not swimming in VJJ on there. That's the reality. Maybe it was better a year ago but this is how it is now. I'm sure you can go on other forums or talk to your friends and hear about how they're getting laid left right and centre and chicks are begging for it on there. Either they look like male models, this is mostly ******** male bravado or they're smashing whales. I'm telling it how it is for me. If not bullshitting makes me a looser or a pussy, or "gay" then so be it. I rather help some fellow men out there not feel like crap about themselves cause they're barely getting any matches and their friends are telling them that it's easy as pie and they must look like a mutant then score some meaningless brownie points with some people on the internet.

But anyways, enough with this dick measuring contest, let's get back to what this thread was supposed to be about...

You are asking opinions on here which equals asking for feedback which equals asking for advice. You weren't offering a straight up tinder review
We have a winner

Wouldn't touch it. STI/STDs is one thing.

It may just be me but I start feeling disgusted half way through during meaningless sex. Once the "OMFG I'M HAVING SEX WITH HER" effect wears off, my brain turns on and it goes down hill from there. I'll admit though...she's pretty!

Crazy idea but maybe I'm just trying to give other guys a realistic outlook on what Tinder is like for a 32 year old dude at this point in time. I'm decent looking and I'm not swimming in VJJ on there. That's the reality. Maybe it was better a year ago but this is how it is now. I'm sure you can go on other forums or talk to your friends and hear about how they're getting laid left right and centre and chicks are begging for it on there. Either they look like male models, this is mostly ******** male bravado or they're smashing whales. I'm telling it how it is for me. If not bullshitting makes me a looser or a pussy, or "gay" then so be it. I rather help some fellow men out there not feel like crap about themselves cause they're barely getting any matches and their friends are telling them that it's easy as pie and they must look like a mutant then score some meaningless brownie points with some people on the internet.

You're placing too much emphasis on physical appearance (even for the males lol). Find out what actually turns you on aside from a nice rack and ***. The traits I look for in a girl are very similar to -D-'s but I would put nerdy and artsy above everything else.

On that note, what are you looking for? Cause if it's a quick ****, there's a much faster way (Google terb, I am not responsible if you get stds lol). If you want something real........well, play the numbers game and walk away when there's no connection.
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油井緋色;2260439 said:
Wouldn't touch it. STI/STDs is one thing.

She wouldn't touch you either for free. That's either a Bot, a hooker, or a fake profile.

油井緋色;2260439 said:
You're placing too much emphasis on physical appearance (even for the males lol). Find out what actually turns you on aside from a nice rack and ***. The traits I look for in a girl are very similar to -D-'s but I would put nerdy and artsy above everything else.

Wait, we're still talking about getting matches and dates off Tinder, right? An app where women make a decision on whether they want to meet you based entirely on looking at 1-5 photos of you (often one) for 5 seconds and maybe reading 1-3 lines of text. If you think anything BUT physical appearance matters in this scenario I've got some bad news for you.
She wouldn't touch you either for free. That's either a Bot, a hooker, or a fake profile.

Wait, we're still talking about getting matches and dates off Tinder, right? An app where women make a decision on whether they want to meet you based entirely on looking at 1-5 photos of you (often one) for 5 seconds and maybe reading 1-3 lines of text. If you think anything BUT physical appearance matters in this scenario I've got some bad news for you.

Not true,you can be uglier than a parking ticket on your birthday and still have to fight them off with a stick if you can manage to portray yourself sitting on a stack of cash
She wouldn't touch you either for free. That's either a Bot, a hooker, or a fake profile.

Wait, we're still talking about getting matches and dates off Tinder, right? An app where women make a decision on whether they want to meet you based entirely on looking at 1-5 photos of you (often one) for 5 seconds and maybe reading 1-3 lines of text. If you think anything BUT physical appearance matters in this scenario I've got some bad news for you.

Physical appearance is what triggers the initial contact for Tinder or any online dating application. What will carry you past that, as -D- stated, is your "framework".

I will admit, figuring out what makes you happy, what you like, what makes you tick.....they're deep questions and make everyone feel uncomfortable.
油井緋色;2260548 said:
Physical appearance is what triggers the initial contact for Tinder or any online dating application. What will carry you past that, as -D- stated, is your "framework".

I will admit, figuring out what makes you happy, what you like, what makes you tick.....they're deep questions and make everyone feel uncomfortable.

I'm glad to see you get it, now just execute and things fall into place.

Men are still ruled by caveman dna...we are first attracted to the looks. I can guess women are too. It is a basic human trait, attraction is not a choice.

Does anyone say, "oh, I wonder how kind and smart that person is" or is reality more of "he she/he is cute...let's see what they are about"?

If you know who you are, what you like, your framework, then you tend to automagically attract the people you find desirable.
Women are built to sort out friend from foe quicker because their dna is programmed to identify threats to them and their offspring...meaning they need to know quickly who will hurt them and who wont. Why do you think women will say things such as that guy strikes me as "creepy" or there is something about that guy that doesn't sit right with me? Older women tend to say his spirit doesn't sit right with me.

Again...simplified, know who you are, catch the fish you want to eat.
Learning me some rocket science here. Picture and a blurb on the www. Check.
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