Those politicians…. | Page 13 |

Those politicians….

Weakening the NDP is actually a bad move for the Conservatives come election time as they split the left of centre. The NDP will not win an election even if super strong these days (they had a shot during Jack's time as leader). The people that normally vote for them--if they are not voting NDP--will also not be voting Conservative (way too far apart on issues) so either they don't vote, or bad for the CPC they vote Liberal. The Conservatives should want the NDP to pull Liberal votes, not the other way around.

There is a lot of schadenfreude going on here but it is in the CPC's best interest for the NDP to show come election time if they want a majority government.
You say that but scuttlebutt is the unions are not ruling out a Cons backing.
You say that but scuttlebutt is the unions are not ruling out a Cons backing.
I am thinking more about social issues than about unions, and social issues will be the CPCs biggest potential headache. A handful of union ridings in Hamilton, Windsor, etc. helps but it does not make a majority. Unions don't carry big across the country power in this context in Canada, more a specific riding by riding demographic.

The key vote here is anybody but Liberal... If the NDP are going to pull some of those votes that is good thing.
For the pensions MPs prior to 2016 had a sweeter plan, full pension at 55. The newer plan (post 2016) if they reach six years of service they qualify for a pension at 65 or reduced if they take it early down to age of 55. Average payout is in the middle link.

For those that do not get re-elected there are also severance and support paid out.
IF I am doing the math correctly (big IF as I am not doing a deep dive) a backbench MP with just over six years of service will get $36,000 a year pension at 65. Their out of pocket contribution to the plan looks to be roughly $138K before taxes for the six years. That is the basic and ministers, committee members, etc. make more, get paid more, contribute more and get more at pension time as it is based on their best five years.... More years of service means more payin and payout as well. The average in the report for MPs is just under 70K but that is likely people there longer than six years...

Formulas are in the middle link in my posting above.
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Come on early election. F all those people. Pension should require decades to get full pension. If you work anywhere else for eight years, you may get $100 a month if you're lucky.
It's a contract job. I didn't think a programmer / call centre worker etc got severance at the end of their stint. Why the trough feeders?
I am thinking more about social issues than about unions, and social issues will be the CPCs biggest potential headache. A handful of union ridings in Hamilton, Windsor, etc. helps but it does not make a majority. Unions don't carry big across the country power in this context in Canada, more a specific riding by riding demographic.

The key vote here is anybody but Liberal... If the NDP are going to pull some of those votes that is good thing.
Something else I just considered today.

The Supply & Confidence agreement the NDP had with the Liberals was to last until June 2025. So by reneging on that (for no good/obvious reason other than to create distance from the government) he's just proven to voters that his word isn't worth much. I'm rather tickled pink to see the tap dancing that will occur over the next weeks/months.
Weakening the NDP is actually a bad move for the Conservatives come election time as they split the left of centre. The NDP will not win an election even if super strong these days (they had a shot during Jack's time as leader). The people that normally vote for them--if they are not voting NDP--will also not be voting Conservative (way too far apart on issues) so either they don't vote, or bad for the CPC they vote Liberal. The Conservatives should want the NDP to pull Liberal votes, not the other way around.

There is a lot of schadenfreude going on here but it is in the CPC's best interest for the NDP to show come election time if they want a majority government.
I don’t think the NDP or Libersls are relevant should there be an election, I don’t think the PCs care - they know both those parties are going to have a primary goal of keeping official party status.
I don’t think the NDP or Libersls are relevant should there be an election, I don’t think the PCs care - they know both those parties are going to have a primary goal of keeping official party status.
I have mixed thoughts about the Liberals. It's no secret that I despise our PM but not necessarily Liberal rank and file members.

In my early teens I met an ex German soldier who had moved to Canada. He was a decent guy and there was a sadness in his voice when he mentioned being in the front lines "with twelve year old boys crying for their mothers." He had no choice as deserting or refusing to fight would have him shot. I wonder why intellegent people support the Liberal corruption and incompetence?

Is it like religion where you are baptized Catholic, Baptist, Bretheren etc and converting cuts you off from your family. Does that make party affiliation a cult? What comes first, your party or your country?

How many people would you let die before you change your mindset. Hitler and Putin never cared.

I serviced mostly condos and some miscellanious facilities but the most disturbing place I worked at was a woman's shelter. Before you set foot on site they make it clear that everyone behaves, stays low key, avoids loud, macho or aggresive attitudes etc.

These places are not over funded. If a young woman got into a marriage that turned sour when hubby couldn't handle the stress of meeting the responsibilities of parenting, heavy makeup and big sunglasses only covered so much. Sorry, no room lady.

i don't know the numbers but guessing a hundred grand a year for a couple of years to let her get a safe place for her and the kids, take courses to upgrade her skills, take counselling and get the kids into a normal lifestyle. Instead the politicians build eight million dollar barns, rarely used bike lanes, give civil servants more days off, commit to unsubstantiated demands.

Should the Liberal party be destroyed? That would make the NDP the official opposition. Would that be good?

Copying the provincial situation and considering Ford's developer leanings, does anyone want Wynne back? How long before we get over the federal Liberal dumpster fires?
I have mixed thoughts about the Liberals. It's no secret that I despise our PM but not necessarily Liberal rank and file members.

In my early teens I met an ex German soldier who had moved to Canada. He was a decent guy and there was a sadness in his voice when he mentioned being in the front lines "with twelve year old boys crying for their mothers." He had no choice as deserting or refusing to fight would have him shot. I wonder why intellegent people support the Liberal corruption and incompetence?

Is it like religion where you are baptized Catholic, Baptist, Bretheren etc and converting cuts you off from your family. Does that make party affiliation a cult? What comes first, your party or your country?

How many people would you let die before you change your mindset. Hitler and Putin never cared.

I serviced mostly condos and some miscellanious facilities but the most disturbing place I worked at was a woman's shelter. Before you set foot on site they make it clear that everyone behaves, stays low key, avoids loud, macho or aggresive attitudes etc.

These places are not over funded. If a young woman got into a marriage that turned sour when hubby couldn't handle the stress of meeting the responsibilities of parenting, heavy makeup and big sunglasses only covered so much. Sorry, no room lady.

i don't know the numbers but guessing a hundred grand a year for a couple of years to let her get a safe place for her and the kids, take courses to upgrade her skills, take counselling and get the kids into a normal lifestyle. Instead the politicians build eight million dollar barns, rarely used bike lanes, give civil servants more days off, commit to unsubstantiated demands.

Should the Liberal party be destroyed? That would make the NDP the official opposition. Would that be good?

Copying the provincial situation and considering Ford's developer leanings, does anyone want Wynne back? How long before we get over the federal Liberal dumpster fires?
Yes, the liberal party shpuld suffer the same fate as the provincial liberals and lose party status. It will literally take forever to try to claw back from jt's excess and budget will balance itself policies. How do you cut 40% of the public sector workforce as a start?
Yes, the liberal party shpuld suffer the same fate as the provincial liberals and lose party status. It will literally take forever to try to claw back from jt's excess and budget will balance itself policies. How do you cut 40% of the public sector workforce as a start?
You mean the 40% "Vote Liberal and keep your job crowd"
I have mixed thoughts about the Liberals. It's no secret that I despise our PM but not necessarily Liberal rank and file members.

Can you make a list of the ones that aren't lying fraudsters who may or may not be on the list of MPs that take bribes from foreign governments? It's not a long list, so it shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.
Yes, the liberal party shpuld suffer the same fate as the provincial liberals and lose party status. It will literally take forever to try to claw back from jt's excess and budget will balance itself policies. How do you cut 40% of the public sector workforce as a start?
I agree, the party is sick, it has become dysfunctional. The Liberals at both levels learned they could win a few successive elections with empty promises, once elected they learned they weren’t held accountable so they could do whatever they wanted.

What they never learn is that only works a few times then gets followed with a party crushing exit.
Yes, the liberal party shpuld suffer the same fate as the provincial liberals and lose party status. It will literally take forever to try to claw back from jt's excess and budget will balance itself policies. How do you cut 40% of the public sector workforce as a start?
1. Everybody works in the office, no more WFH.
2. 400 administering carbon tax -sorry, bye.
3. CBC. Bye to another 8000 teat suckers
4. PBO states”IRCC has 65 per cent more staff than needed to meet their goals”. Bye to another 255.
99. Roll back staffing levels to 2014 for any govt department that doesn’t scale workload with population.

Would be easy for me, I’ve done the grim reaper job twice.
1. Everybody works in the office, no more WFH.
2. 400 administering carbon tax -sorry, bye.
3. CBC. Bye to another 8000 teat suckers
4. PBO states”IRCC has 65 per cent more staff than needed to meet their goals”. Bye to another 255.
99. Roll back staffing levels to 2014 for any govt department that doesn’t scale workload with population.

Would be easy for me, I’ve done the grim reaper job twice.
Easy assuming that JT didn't allow the PSU's to hold us hostage. Not only would we be paying huge severance and paying for lawyers on both sides of a years long court battle, I also suspect we'd need to pay hundreds of millions to unions to compensate them for their lost income. Not a lot of politicians have the stones to go nuclear on every public sector union at the same time (I wish one did).
1. Everybody works in the office, no more WFH.
2. 400 administering carbon tax -sorry, bye.
3. CBC. Bye to another 8000 teat suckers
4. PBO states”IRCC has 65 per cent more staff than needed to meet their goals”. Bye to another 255.
99. Roll back staffing levels to 2014 for any govt department that doesn’t scale workload with population.

Would be easy for me, I’ve done the grim reaper job twice.

Someone should see if Elon is available to help..

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