Those politicians…. | Page 14 |

Those politicians….

Let’s leave Trump out on this please, he is next level off the rails .

You're telling me the most hallowed ground in the USA isn't a good spot for a campaign photo-op? Well I never.

Apparently, we've hired 775,000 new public sector employees in Canada since 2015. A 27% increase for a 13% population increase in the time of automation. Meanwhile we've de-funded forestry and resource management at the same time. Nothing is working right anymore and our healthcare system is on its knees. Yet despite all that hiring, our productivity is lower than ever. Let that sink in. Oh, and that means that roughly one out of every 10 people in Canada works in government.

Can you make a list of the ones that aren't lying fraudsters who may or may not be on the list of MPs that take bribes from foreign governments? It's not a long list, so it shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.
I'm talking about card carrying Liberals that work in the private sector with no hands in the trough. A neighbour is a Liberal lifer. I haven't asked him why and assume he was raised Liberal by his father who was raised Liberal by his father, a judge.

I couldn't ask for a better neighbour and he admits the party is going through some upper level problems.

I haven't come up with a nice way of asking how many destroyed lives he feels acceptable as collateral damage.

Of course many immigrants are from places with poor health care facilities and there will be catch up as they get free (roll your eyes) care here.

The picture is ugly

The feds want to let in over a million new people when existing Canadians have housing problems.

The NDP led municipal government wants to eliminate R-1 zoning allowing more families on one lot. I think the downtown core is already saturated so that means suburban multi families. Transit sucks in the burbs so cars are needed but there are no magic parking spots. Much existing street parking is taken for bike lanes. 0.003% of the population controls the roads built and paid for the other 99.7%.

Transit in the core is a passable grid but the burbs gets a spoke system getting people down town and back. If you have to go from Mimico to Rexdale, pack a lunch and leave early.

Of course the time away from home and family is increased along with the stress. A couple of hours a day in transit is a couple of hours a day one can't do overtime to pay the 10% property tax increase.

The provincial driving license, cut from a cereal box, creates more havoc and increases car insurance. It's only a little more a month for people that don't have enough at the end of the month.

Of course if you have kids in day care there is a surcharge if you don't pick them up in time. Just a little bit more from what they don't have. The alternate is to rush, risking a crash or ticket (Can't miss the opportunity for a bit more Policing for Profit).

All of the above and more while drinking from a well poisoned by previous administrations.

Good luck P.P.
Apparently, we've hired 775,000 new public sector employees in Canada since 2015. A 27% increase for a 13% population increase in the time of automation. Meanwhile we've de-funded forestry and resource management at the same time. Nothing is working right anymore and our healthcare system is on its knees. Yet despite all that hiring, our productivity is lower than ever. Let that sink in. Oh, and that means that roughly one out of every 10 people in Canada works in government.

View attachment 69672
Did you sneak a camera into my house?

Due to a vague email from CRA I spent an hour and a half trying to clarify a status issue with them, the usual game of trying to hit the right number on a rotating dart board.

The first number should have had Del Shannon's "Runaround Sue" as background music.

On the second number I got to play keypad bingo for another 45 minutes. The final message was to press star to go over options or stay on hold. I didn't need to review the options so stayed on hold. Then robo fiend said "You haven't selected an option so the call is being terminated. There were only two options, press star or hold. I held. Click. Dial tone.

Call 3 got me to a nice lady that at least confirmed I didn't owe anything and they weren't sending the RCMP to arrest me. She also suggested better times to call.

Re productivity: The Day of Truth and Reconciliation is another day off for the people (Largely federal employees) whose predecessors caused the problems. Aboriginals don't get the day off. Reward the perps and punish the victims.

I figure the daily federal payroll is about $100 Million. On top of that the inconvenience of closed banks and post offices affecting the private sector. All in perpetuity.

as predicted.
Time for JT to prorogue again. You can't have a non-confidence vote if they are on vacation again. Hopefully PP can wipe out that useless expensive position along with the CBC. If GG told JT to f off and do his job, I would support it but they are appointed by and survive at the bequest of the party in power so they never contradict their orders.
Time for JT to prorogue again. You can't have a non-confidence vote if they are on vacation again. Hopefully PP can wipe out that useless expensive position along with the CBC. If GG told JT to f off and do his job, I would support it but they are appointed by and survive at the bequest of the party in power so they never contradict their orders.
yeah the 'rubber stamping position' is nice from the historical/commonwealth POV, but when they just look the other way it gets old fast.
yeah the 'rubber stamping position' is nice from the historical/commonwealth POV, but when they just look the other way it gets old fast.
A reasonable salary for a rubber stamp position tops out at minimum wage (and even that would be generous as she only rubber stamps a few things a year). We spend millions supporting the position every year. The queen is dead. The monarchy died with her. Leave her picture up, stop spending money on the monarchy farce.
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I think Dougie is right on this one (Singh) just all talk no action.
If Dougie is smart, he'll shut his trap. Trudeau is acting as the ultimate lightning rod for the Ontario cons and soaking up all the rage. As soon as he's gone, the "Thanks, Trudeau!" brigade will have to vent their anger elsewhere, and Dougie will rightfully have to answer for his governments significant shortcomings...
If Dougie is smart, he'll shut his trap. Trudeau is acting as the ultimate lightning rod for the Ontario cons and soaking up all the rage. As soon as he's gone, the "Thanks, Trudeau!" brigade will have to vent their anger elsewhere, and Dougie will rightfully have to answer for his governments significant shortcomings...
Doug doesn't want a election once the cons are in Ottawa as that normally means they get kicked out in Ontario.

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He certainly doesn't lose it (clickbait) but he paints himself into a corner quite well. Doesn't bode well for the confidence votes.

A good number of the Canadian political content YouTubers (cough, cough, mistersunshinebaby) are very clickbaity with their bylines/headers/thumbnails.
A good number of the Canadian political content YouTubers (cough, cough, mistersunshinebaby) are very clickbaity with their bylines/headers/thumbnails.
absolutely, par for the course it would seem.
I don't get what the NDP hope to gain here by rocking the boat with the Libs and that deal. They look weak by doing nothing, and if they don't follow through by breaking the deal, they should be crushed for it. Unless there is some back room strategy going on between PP and the NDP.

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