Those politicians…. | Page 16 |

Those politicians….

No need to start cursing in the post, showing way too much emotion
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Love the spin some media outlets are calling the weapon AR style others say AK.
Guessing some are more pro domestic for bad weapons...
At 400 yards a .223 would be lacking tho.
Dude you just don’t like Trump, no matter what the circumstances right or wrong you’re still gonna be butt hurt
About the only thing I like about Trump is his attitude about immigration, recognizing the elephant in the room. Unfortunately his rhetoric undermines his intent.

Fact: We need immigration. We aren't breeding enough of our own

Fact: Other than aboriginals we are descended from immigrants

Opinion: Immigrants enrich our lives

Hard to dispute: Improperly vetted criminal immigrants cause problems. Work ethics are probably no worse than multigenrational Canadians

Hard to argue: Our social system as it stands can not keep pace with high levels of immigration due to housing, educational, medical and food issues.

It is hard to purge hatred formed in other cultures. Large masses of single nationalities or religions make integration problematic as they cluster and reinforce old beliefs.

Fact: We can't afford high levels of immigration without higher taxes and or lower standards of living. If you think otherwise point out specifically where the money is coming from. You aren't allowed to use the words, "Somewhere or somehow" Self balancing budgets are banned.

Any Einsteins out there?

FWIW I don't see the do gooders taking in huge numbers of immigrants into their own homes.

I don't think any parent would throw out their kid to make room for an immigrant but it's ok to burden others.

Housing / ecology hypocrisy: Out for drive through a nice escarpment area with beautiful homes made of brick, concrete and stone, many with "Stop the Quarry" signs.
It’s a ballistic possible shot , you’d need a better than average marksman.
My problem with The Donald is his unbelievable blatant lying, and the kooks in his followers that would bomb threat the city where they are eating cats . Maybe the other leaders lie as well , but nothing like his off the rails caliber of nonsense.

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Pretty impressed that the secret service was able to spot the gun barrel poking through the fence. Trump plays allot of golf. Walking a hole or two ahead would get pretty to just zone out and enjoy the walk.
Pretty impressed that the secret service was able to spot the gun barrel poking through the fence. Trump plays allot of golf. Walking a hole or two ahead would get pretty to just zone out and enjoy the walk.
My guess is at least one is scanning with a thermal camera. Makes people glow.
My guess is at least one is scanning with a thermal camera. Makes people glow.
Possible, but for a former president, the resources are limited. The secret service guy at the press conference noted this when asked how the shooter was able to set-up there and wait until Trump got as close as he did.
Possible, but for a former president, the resources are limited. The secret service guy at the press conference noted this when asked how the shooter was able to set-up there and wait until Trump got as close as he did.
I would suspect a presidential candidate would get more resources than a former president but I haven't looked up the numbers. Drone with a thermal camera can clear an entire area quickly. You don't need it to fly for hours, a quick sweep and then park for a bit with other quick sweeps at random intervals.
Apparently, we've hired 775,000 new public sector employees in Canada since 2015. A 27% increase for a 13% population increase in the time of automation. Meanwhile we've de-funded forestry and resource management at the same time. Nothing is working right anymore and our healthcare system is on its knees. Yet despite all that hiring, our productivity is lower than ever. Let that sink in. Oh, and that means that roughly one out of every 10 people in Canada works in government.

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Increasing the size of public sector is a tricky way the Liberals mess with GDP numbers. Per capita, GDP growth under JT is at its lowest average since the Great Depression. Contrast that to the years where govt spending wasn't wild, Canada led the G7 countries in real GDP growth and business investment growth (97 to '07).

Increasing gov't spending increases GDP numbers... so if the government wants to juice their GDP numbers, they make programs then hire a lot of people to run them. Works for a while, but it's horribly inefficient. A better solution is to leave resources for businesses in the form of workers and tax cuts as they did when Canada led the G7 countries in real GDP growth('97 to '07)
Increasing gov't spending increases GDP numbers... so if the government wants to juice their GDP numbers, they make programs then hire a lot of people to run them. Works for a while, but it's horribly inefficient. A better solution is to leave resources for businesses in the form of workers and tax cuts as they did when Canada led the G7 countries in real GDP growth('97 to '07)
I'm well aware of this. I was also saying the same thing (here, I think I remember) about Wynne's government. The most crass thing to do is spend huge amounts of money to fool the public and gain votes from the people whose jobs depend on them. It's ugly, offensive politics but that's exactly what we've come to expect of the Liberals, at least in the past 20 years or so. It's also what the carbon tax is really about - funneling money to the poor, disaffected and disabled and making it as clear as they can that it's like a secondary welfare cheque for those people. They don't care about the havoc and debt this is all causing as long as they're in power and getting those sweet kickbacks.

You hear we're giving $2B to Telesat? I personally told Gudie Hutchings two years ago that their satellite solution won't help. It's too expensive, the end product is too expensive, and it's not built for household distribution. And yes, Elon Musk already has a solution, has a Canadian passport (or did) and can do it practically tomorrow for half the cost - and it'll actually work, because the solution is vastly superior. What's worse is that Telesat is largely American, and Musk is a Canadian citizen.

All of which craps on my industry, and I'll once again watch my tax dollars go to fund a competitor either way. Telesat's solutions is better for ME but hey... what do I know, I've only done this for 32 years.
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In some way some folks on this forum think Kamala is the magic sauce, she’s had 3.5 yrs to fix issues she is now saying she’s gonna fix.

That’s lunacy
I worry that she will be the US version of JT.

She's making a lot of promises, a good chunk of them are fixing issues that have either been created by or left to fester under the Biden/Harris watch. Everyday Americans are feeling the same strains as Canadians, immigration chaos, inflation, housing affordability, Americans funding 2 ugly protracted wars, and ballooning national debt. Like Canadians, disposable family incomes have declined by about $2000/year under the DEMs.

My biggest concern is that Canada's fortunes are closely tied to the USA, if they hurt, well hurt. If they feel better, we'll feel better. I suspect a Harris gov will be financially harder on Canada, a Trump govt might send the US on a positive economic ride, that could benefit Canada.

The famous activist Maya Angelou said "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” There are a lot of Americans who say they felt better before Biden/Harris.

About the only thing I like about Trump is his attitude about immigration, recognizing the elephant in the room. Unfortunately his rhetoric undermines his intent.

Fact: We need immigration. We aren't breeding enough of our own
True. But we need them in controlled numbers that grow at the same speed we can grow housing and social services.
Fact: Other than aboriginals we are descended from immigrants
Aboriginals descended from immigrants too. They were a wave of Asian immigrants who arrived before the Europeans.
Opinion: Immigrants enrich our lives
In healthy doses and mixes - yes. In surges that overrun communities or flock to ethnic ghettos... not so much. Do I enjoy the rich diversity in cuisine and the people I work with? Yes.

Do I enjoy 3rd world culture approach to driving? No. Do I feel enriched after a drive through the ethnic enclaves of Brampton, Milton or Marknam - not really.
Hard to dispute: Improperly vetted criminal immigrants cause problems. Work ethics are probably no worse than multigenrational Canadians
True and true.
Hard to argue: Our social system as it stands can not keep pace with high levels of immigration due to housing, educational, medical and food issues.
No argument, it's being crushed under the pressure of Immigration. Not any one immigrant or group, the massive surge in numbers.

Can't stuff 10lbs of potatoes into a 5lb bag.
It is hard to purge hatred formed in other cultures. Large masses of single nationalities or religions make integration problematic as they cluster and reinforce old beliefs.
I see less of that these days. I lived in the heart of Toronto when the waves from Italy (60s) and Pakistan (70s) faced a lot rougher integration challenges.
Fact: We can't afford high levels of immigration without higher taxes and or lower standards of living. If you think otherwise point out specifically where the money is coming from. You aren't allowed to use the words, "Somewhere or somehow" Self balancing budgets are banned.
As a country, we should have an immigration policy that serves the best interests of our country AND does our part in providing a reasonable number of immigration spots for real refugees.
Any Einsteins out there?

FWIW I don't see the do gooders taking in huge numbers of immigrants into their own homes.

I don't think any parent would throw out their kid to make room for an immigrant but it's ok to burden others.

Housing / ecology hypocrisy: Out for drive through a nice escarpment area with beautiful homes made of brick, concrete and stone, many with "Stop the Quarry" signs.
It's a big problem, but there are a few simple things that can be done:

1) Put on the brakes. Slow Immigration numbers for 5 years to let infrastructure catch up
2) Fast Track deportations on fraudulent refugee claims, anyone convicted of a criminal offense, and people in the country illegally. There should be no appeal process for these cases.
3) Return the 150,000 civil servants taken from the private sector over the last 10 years. That's 150,000 less temp foreign workers needed.
4) Fill out the list of Safe third countries. Under Canadian law, Countries that respect human rights and offer protection to asylum seekers may be designated as safe third countries. Individuals looking for asylum must do so at the first safe country they pass through. The only country Canada has on the list is the USA.
He needs both the NDP and Block to force an election. It is likely not in either party's best interest to call one now.

So he continues to poke them both in the eye? Hey I need your help, feel my sharp stick right in the eye, want to help me now, OK, how about now?
Maybe he believes that's a pipe dream so he's going to keep making them out to be the boogieman. Mayhap it will keep the ratings up until it does eventually happen?

'See these 2 over here? They keep on saying 'government bad burrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" but won't lift a finger to change the status quo.'

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