Those politicians…. | Page 15 |

Those politicians….

A good number of the Canadian political content YouTubers (cough, cough, mistersunshinebaby) are very clickbaity with their bylines/headers/thumbnails.
I've stopped watching most of his videos for this reason, and it's a shame. His commentary is often smart, but I'd say his overall understanding is on par with the average Reddit user (which is not a shining endorsement). I only have so much time and so I've demoted his videos if they aren't original or particularly interesting to me.

Some of the others are now doing 2+ hour hangouts looking for $$$ and just rambling about everything. I'd rather get together with friends and have a beer than do that online, so unfortunately those have lost me too.
I've stopped watching most of his videos for this reason, and it's a shame. His commentary is often smart, but I'd say his overall understanding is on par with the average Reddit user (which is not a shining endorsement). I only have so much time and so I've demoted his videos if they aren't original or particularly interesting to me.

Some of the others are now doing 2+ hour hangouts looking for $$$ and just rambling about everything. I'd rather get together with friends and have a beer than do that online, so unfortunately those have lost me too.
I'm amazed that any adult that isn't retired or unemployed has the time to watch youtube politakes. There are so many more interesting things in life to do.
I'm amazed that any adult that isn't retired or unemployed has the time to watch youtube politakes. There are so many more interesting things in life to do.
How else are we going to find out how stupid the general population is for putting up with the procedural crap?

Replace Question period with Punch and Judy or the three stooges. Nyuk, nyuk.
I don't get what the NDP hope to gain here by rocking the boat with the Libs and that deal. They look weak by doing nothing, and if they don't follow through by breaking the deal, they should be crushed for it. Unless there is some back room strategy going on between PP and the NDP.
Like beaching a boat in heavy surf, they're trying to time the waves.
Like beaching a boat in heavy surf, they're trying to time the waves.

Wtf jagmeet

In some way some folks on this forum think Kamala is the magic sauce, she’s had 3.5 yrs to fix issues she is now saying she’s gonna fix.

That’s lunacy

It's referred to as a least worst option. Why can't you understand that?

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