Those politicians…. | Page 11 |

Those politicians….

If CBC would cover it, I'd post that. They're mostly covering the DNC & superyacht right now. They're sometimes months behind on stories.
Maybe they would if they had less fluff at the top and more grunts down below. I was a big fan of CBC Radio 1. But it's a hollow shell of it's former self. They constantly replay the same programs.
Maybe they would if they had less fluff at the top and more grunts down below. I was a big fan of CBC Radio 1. But it's a hollow shell of it's former self. They constantly replay the same programs.
Canadians only subsidize the CBC with $1.29 BILLION annually - what are you expecting?
This rail strike will be a big mess really quickly. My little business relies on about 2-3 rail cars a week, and I’m the flea on the elephants arse.

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This rail strike will be a big mess really quickly. My little business relies on about 2-3 rail cars a week, and I’m the flea on the elephants arse.

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always is. automotive sector is going nuts right now for sure. almost all the overseas stuff goes from west coast to toronto on rail.
This rail strike will be a big mess really quickly. My little business relies on about 2-3 rail cars a week, and I’m the flea on the elephants arse.

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We dodged a bullet - 2 incoming containers just got off the rails in Toronto Tuesday.

Not looking forward to our future deliveries. Montreal clears quickly, but the Port of Vancouver gets easily constipated -- they take a lot of time to get unjammed.
I am not sure which one but some group of management dropped the ball on having both contracts end at the same date, totally out manoeuvred by the union(s). I don't know if it was CP or CN but whichever one settled last (last-time) screwed up and handed all the power to the unions. They will likely be forced into binding arbitration by the gov for a big win.

Even city water is impacted as the base chemicals to make the water treatment chemicals are shipped by rail...
Is toilet paper shipped by rail? Maybe I need to rent a truck and head to Costco/s
I am not sure which one but some group of management dropped the ball on having both contracts end at the same date, totally out manoeuvred by the union(s). I don't know if it was CP or CN but whichever one settled last (last-time) screwed up and handed all the power to the unions. They will likely be forced into binding arbitration by the gov for a big win.

Even city water is impacted as the base chemicals to make the water treatment chemicals are shipped by rail...
Maybe, maybe not. One rail company at a time on strike causes competitive pain as the competitor still working gets a windfall. JT is taking this "so serious". They can't force them back to work without recalling parliament and having another party support JT. Can this be our chance for the libs to fall? Probably not but I can dream. Binding arbitration isn't always a huge union win. Corps may use it as a way to get staffing provisions through that the union is very opposed to while allowing additional comp for the workers. In binding arbitration there are no hard no's that the union can enforce.
Why were the optics bad in that the government refused to send it to binding arbitration a day or two ago when asked?
It's definitely more pain all around to delay.
Why were the optics bad in that the government refused to send it to binding arbitration a day or two ago when asked?
It's definitely more pain all around to delay.
Because they are utterly incompetent. If there is a better path, they always choose the other one.
Interesting development. CN management said back to work. Union said F you, we are going on strike.

The union says "we don't believe any of the matters being discussed are insurmountable". Umm. You said that relocation and shift changes are not happening and you will not allow them. So the matters aren't insurmountable as long as you get your way? Losers.

I have no idea on the powers available to JT. He seemed to think that having the minister order binding arbitration was sufficient to force return to work. If that was the case, why have previous issues required a return-to-work vote in parliament? He still doesn't understand what powers he does and doesn't have?

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This will cost all of us a crap ton of dough till settled , I got a truck rate of $4200 US Oregon to TO. That’s two trucks that used to fit on one rail car at 6k …

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