Those politicians…. | Page 9 |

Those politicians….

If your neighbor had two new vehicles sitting idle because they didn’t work would you go and buy a couple for yourself?
If I'm a politician, the answer is obviously yes. Bonus points if they can be bigger and more expensive. Who wants to bet that Toronto doesn't start to install charging infrastructure until the boats are tied up in Toronto? Might as well give them a few years rest to let warranty expire before using them.
Good operating cycle for some of them. Spends a bunch of time parked in a designated spot with a short burst of energy needed. Hopefully they have a better system than a normal charging cord plugged in a dozen times a day.
Good operating cycle for some of them. Spends a bunch of time parked in a designated spot with a short burst of energy needed. Hopefully they have a better system than a normal charging cord plugged in a dozen times a day.
You would think they are so busy they have no time to charge from the amount of service calls they have to do. Not the case, operators just run them till dead
I think JT should watch this speech.

Father knows best.
I'm fine with him remaining at the head of the party until after the next election. New blood may take the edge of the beating they get (and deserve).
Change can be invigorating, look at the renewed enthusiasm in the US since Biden stepped aside for the fall election.

I’d prefer he do the right thing now, Canadians don’t need to wallow in the current climate of misery for another 15 months
Change can be invigorating, look at the renewed enthusiasm in the US since Biden stepped aside for the fall election.

I’d prefer he do the right thing now, Canadians don’t need to wallow in the current climate of misery for another 15 months
His head is far too big for him to ever step down. He has proven at every opportunity that he cares more about himself than canadian citizens. An early election would be nice. He is dropping poison pills faster than a downtown dealer on cheque day.
Absolute scum in parliament. Picking a random 338 prisoners out of jail to run the country would probably result in better humans and less corruption than we have now.

Absolute scum in parliament. Picking a random 338 prisoners out of jail to run the country would probably result in better humans and less corruption than we have now.
Imagine you're holding a meeting about violence against women and the Liberals just start rattling off "point of order" constantly and using their speaking time campaigning for acknowledgement of what the Liberals claim they're doing already, then flipping to attack the Conservatives with the false narrative that they want to put an end to abortion in Canada. Imagine you travelled from another country to share your stories and go above and beyond to try and help with forming policy, and having politicians try and get political points on your hardships.

Northern Perspective did a pretty good job of pointing out what's going on, and how no apology came:

Just while I'm thinking about it, this exactly mirrors my last 9 years of trying to deal with ISED/LPC. Platitudes and attempts to get our support for policies that will harm our industry under the guise that we'll get what we need if we just support what they want. Of course, they are under no obligation to do so and that never materialises, just the opposite if anything.

We're past due to dump this government, it's rotted from the head down and reeks beyond belief at this point.
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Here's your illustrious mayor dancing while Rome burns (yeah, you can't unsee it. deal with it).

Hey as long as she isn't raising taxes and out spending herself, she can dance her heart out. Rome is hardly burning.

The protesters seem all peaceful, what's the mayor going to do, show up with bunch of cops in riot gear?

Nice nothingburger YT vid, more clicks yaaa
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