Those politicians…. | Page 7 |

Those politicians….

Let the guy retire in peace, enjoy ice cream and drive his '67 corvette (if he still can).
When I saw the way Jill Biden was talking to him it came across as borderline disrespectful:

How many secret service fit in the back of a '67 Vette?
Let the guy retire in peace, enjoy ice cream and drive his '67 corvette (if he still can).
When I saw the way Jill Biden was talking to him it came across as borderline disrespectful:

It’s time our guy showed the same interest in Canada.

JT, you’ve followed your father… it time for a walk in the snow.
When the Biden / Harris duo took power in 2020 I hoped Harris would be more prominent in the media, possibly taking the top spot if Biden's health failed. That doesn't seem to have happened.

Maybe the Biden family antics were too much of a media draw to let Harris show her skills.

I don't know how much control the candidates have over the party platform and IMO there are a lot of rotten planks.

Uncontrolled immigration and wokism are two.

Good luck to Harris. I hope she makes it to the top, losing the woke fanatics along the way.
Union involved with Corus is turning up the pressure. They want governments at all levels to pour in more money on their failing industry. How about the union tries to do something to save it instead? I don't see them with any good ideas beyond tax and spend. If they really wanted fact based media, they would reject government funding as it comes at a huge cost. It locks them into puff pieces and ensures that painful information doesn't see light.

"Every time an announcement like this comes in the media sector, it’s both heartbreaking and boils my blood,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne.

“The media sector is under extreme threat, and we are at a critical juncture where we need life-saving intervention, including a plan from every single political party in Canada, to save local news. We would expect this necessary plan to receive all party support so that media workers can see this country supports fact-based journalism and democracy.”"
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Why do we owe it to them to pay them with government dollars to keep their antiquated industry alive? They've done virtually nothing concrete to try to save themselves but rather stuck with the business models created 100 years ago.
I talk to Dani once in a while. She does stuff for JAZZ FM
Dave Marzden ended up on some odd little station out in the Oshawa area . Most of that CFNY cast of characters must be retired by now . One of the dj ‘s drove an old Ferrari , which I could not figure out how, but in the 80s a 70s Ferrari was a piece of crap I now know.

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Why do we owe it to them to pay them with government dollars to keep their antiquated industry alive? They've done virtually nothing concrete to try to save themselves but rather stuck with the business models created 100 years ago.

I like small businesses of all sorts but it would take a genius to come up with a profitable game plan. I don't know it there was anything concrete they could have done once the internet took hold.
I like small businesses of all sorts but it would take a genius to come up with a profitable game plan. I don't know it there was anything concrete they could have done once the internet took hold.
To that point, perpetual government funding for an industry that has failed makes no sense. Should we also fund whaling vessels and coal mining?
A couple of counter points:

- Everyone assumes the industry has failed, but there's lots of evidence people still like radio etc. as a simple thing to turn on and either get up-to-the-minute local news or music that broadly fits your taste without having to pick an artist or download a podcast etc. This is especially true when people are doing other things, like driving or cleaning the house, etc. It's impossible to know, because these media companies and their idiot MBA widget sellers have a total lack of understanding that being local is specifically what makes radio special. BellMedia, Corus, the lot, have totally destroyed beloved institutions (CFNY, CityTV, the list is endless) by turning them into beige corporate pablum, with robotic DJ's remotely prerecording 15 second links to be inserted across the country. By being so eager to cut costs, they killed the medium, then blamed the audience for tuning out. I would 100% listen to radio if there was a local DJ who would talk about local issues in between playing songs they selected (some of which, shock!, I might not have heard), rather than some broken algorithm that pumps the same crap at me over and over until it has the same appeal as nails on a chalkboard. But those stations don't exist anymore, bar maybe the CBC, but their mandate has always been on the bland side.

- Having active journalism, news, and the ability to conduct mass communications without the internet is of critical national importance, unlike whaling and coal. If the recent Microsoft debacle is of any useful importance, it's the reminder that we are almost totally dependant on both the internet and a very short list of software companies. Having a mass communication system that works without that could be pretty useful.

I'm not saying we should be throwing billions around to prop up the disgusting excuses for humans that run these conglomerates, as they've shown themselves to be wholly incompetent and craven. But I think we should be looking at ways to encourage the continuation of these old forms of media with a particular focus on the local. That's what made things like CityTV and CFNY so popular and influential in the first place...
A couple of counter points:

- Everyone assumes the industry has failed, but there's lots of evidence people still like radio etc. as a simple thing to turn on and either get up-to-the-minute local news or music that broadly fits your taste without having to pick an artist or download a podcast etc. This is especially true when people are doing other things, like driving or cleaning the house, etc. It's impossible to know, because these media companies and their idiot MBA widget sellers have a total lack of understanding that being local is specifically what makes radio special. BellMedia, Corus, the lot, have totally destroyed beloved institutions (CFNY, CityTV, the list is endless) by turning them into beige corporate pablum, with robotic DJ's remotely prerecording 15 second links to be inserted across the country. By being so eager to cut costs, they killed the medium, then blamed the audience for tuning out. I would 100% listen to radio if there was a local DJ who would talk about local issues in between playing songs they selected (some of which, shock!, I might not have heard), rather than some broken algorithm that pumps the same crap at me over and over until it has the same appeal as nails on a chalkboard. But those stations don't exist anymore, bar maybe the CBC, but their mandate has always been on the bland side.

- Having active journalism, news, and the ability to conduct mass communications without the internet is of critical national importance, unlike whaling and coal. If the recent Microsoft debacle is of any useful importance, it's the reminder that we are almost totally dependant on both the internet and a very short list of software companies. Having a mass communication system that works without that could be pretty useful.

I'm not saying we should be throwing billions around to prop up the disgusting excuses for humans that run these conglomerates, as they've shown themselves to be wholly incompetent and craven. But I think we should be looking at ways to encourage the continuation of these old forms of media with a particular focus on the local. That's what made things like CityTV and CFNY so popular and influential in the first place...
I'm ok with all of your points. Imo, there has been enough history at this point to cement that government money does nothing to fix any of them. It just punts the demise a little, reduces the quality and does nothing to fix the underlying issues. It's sink or swim time imo. Shut off the tap completely and see who has the will to survive.
My last car came with satellite radio on a trial basis. I found out that when I travel I don't want Toronto music, traffic and weather. Local stations serve me better.

Secondly, I'm trying to navigate the idiot driving centre of the planet and intently listening to sub tones of the latest utterings are distracting. I'll catch them at home.

Is there a difference in principle between funding an indy radio station and a theatrical or arts endeavor?

The CRTC is governed by directors selected by MP's who in turn are appointed by our prime minister. Who's the real DJ?
My last car came with satellite radio on a trial basis. I found out that when I travel I don't want Toronto music, traffic and weather. Local stations serve me better.

Secondly, I'm trying to navigate the idiot driving centre of the planet and intently listening to sub tones of the latest utterings are distracting. I'll catch them at home.

Is there a difference in principle between funding an indy radio station and a theatrical or arts endeavor?

The CRTC is governed by directors selected by MP's who in turn are appointed by our prime minister. Who's the real DJ?
Funding an indy dj is one thing. Using government money to pay a local to insert meaningless jabber between top40 songs contributes almost nothing to anyone other than the one employee and everyone that took a cut of the tax dollars. No tax money should go to corus as they don't care about any of the issues people have hilited in this thread. If there was a program to give nobbienews a chance (maybe license loan as spectrum is a prohibitive barrier to entry or income tax credit to allow him to keep more of the money he brings in?), I'm not completely opposed to that.
As expected, wanker central voted 21-1 to rename streets taylor swift way. They've done their work for the year and can go on summer break now. The mind boggles. No politician understands broke. They only look at how to spend more.

As expected, wanker central voted 21-1 to rename streets taylor swift way. They've done their work for the year and can go on summer break now. The mind boggles. No politician understands broke. They only look at how to spend more.

Does she get her own bike lane?

What's the budget and who's picking it up?

If the hotels, bars and restaurants pay for it let'r rip.
What's the budget and who's picking it up?

If the hotels, bars and restaurants pay for it let'r rip.
Rogers is paying for the signs. I have no doubt that tidbit will come up in discussions when rogers wants the city to cover something.

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