Those politicians…. | Page 6 |

Those politicians….

Interesting. One direction would be to try to put Canada back on track, another would be to sign enough contracts and make enough promises to bankrupt the country a couple of years into the next government's mandate; there are other options, as well. If you know that you're going to lose, do you set things up for the election after next, or do your best for the country?
Those numbers hinge on climate change initiatives and carbon tax revenues being met first, right?
Nothing hinges on anything. The upside to meaningless talk with no details is you can pledge infinite money. None of it is his budget anyway. He committed the next few governments to foot the bill. Wanker.
Hamstringing the next govt has become a tactic to make sure nobody likes them “too much “ . The last ditch bill passing to ensure your legacy is borderline criminal.
JTs socialist leaning dad and hippy mom that disco danced with communists like Fidel did not position him well to understand how Canada became Canada . Working hard in Industrialized business and having a GDP helps. Farming and forestry and mining helps . Punishing people that work hard with exorbitant taxes so the less fortunate can have a balanced income to get closer to those that built a business and work hard is not how Canada got where it is , and until the socialist woke are gone we will continue to struggle.

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Hamstringing the next govt has become a tactic to make sure nobody likes them “too much “ . The last ditch bill passing to ensure your legacy is borderline criminal.

Don't forget stacking the Senate. Even with a majority the next government will have a hard time rescinding the poison pill legislations.
The whole senate is a steaming pile that should be abolished along with Governor General. They contribute nothing positive and cost a fortune. If anything, they impede getting anything done.
Does the senate building have windows and stairs? Falls can be fatal.
Ousting Freeland will lower my daily annoyance factor, I presume.

But it won't change the fact that all her replacements will be just like her. Everyone in that cabinet is a lunatic or a crook (or both).

One wonders, if they replace her with a male will another male MP have to give up their position for a female to keep the 50% parity the Liberals are insisting on? For Generational Fairness or for Gender Fairness or whatever it is they're throwing at the wall these days?
If you want to look smart, surround yourself with stupid people.

That doesn't seem to be working for Justin. They seem to have gone with letting max stupid set the pace.
We all know by now ethics committies have no teeth in Canada and people found in violation don't even get a slap on the wrist. I'm not sure why they even waste their time and bother with them.
More high paying jobs to hand out to cronies.

The $500 fines are an embarrassment. A finding of guilt should be a minimum of six months unpaid.
The whole senate is a steaming pile that should be abolished along with Governor General. They contribute nothing positive and cost a fortune. If anything, they impede getting anything done.
I remember a guy named Stephen promised us a triple E senate a while back......
I agree on your assessment of how it currently stands.

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