ok, lets just clear something up here, this guy is a scammer, so for all those seeking retaliation against this guy, you gonna have to be a little more thoughtful. burning his house down (i condone this practice by the way) won't work, he's a scammer, you'll be giving him the biggest payout, i'm seeing $50K home theater system and many other "invoices" show up for damaged goods in his house. going after his car won't help much either (yes i condone that too), yup, another $50K sound system in there too and of course, "invoices" to prove it...this guy will get what's coming to him, we don't have to lift a finger...but a few things crack me up about this guy.
in the star article they write, "He does, in fact, have a lengthy rap sheet of Highway Traffic Act offences — 26 in four years — but most are for licence plate issues and speeding"...seriously, if it is true that this guy "saved up for three years" for this car, you'd think after the first few "infractions" he would smarten up...how the hell do you rack that up...
if you are going to support your "extended" family, you'd think being a little more wise over your vehicle purchase since you had to "save" for 3 years to get it, and then on top of that, get the infractions...this guys should be able to obtain disability status as he is obviously retarded.
in the paper this morning i see that sham retracted his statement about this guy trying to scam him for the roadside payoff, presumably since he doesn't have that tidbit of the conversation audibly recorded for anyone to hear, what a shame.
i have no empathy for this scum, i don't feel bad now that his life is now going through the crapper, he brought it on himself.
i see this guy lives out in ajax rather than markham, pitty, i would have loved to drive past his place to check it out...
one quick question though, now that sham has posted this guys license plate on the internet and had his life turned for the worse, is sham accountable? can this scammer go after sham and sue him?