This is why I have a dash cam

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That should have changed, the moment that the cop saw the other driver's record. It would have at least warranted a look at the video and a check of the other vehicle's mandatory lighting. Maybe a citation for "backing on highway" (2 points). There are just too many red flags, here, for the incident to be ignored.

I had some daddy's little girl smack into the back of my pickup, a couple of years back, and was going to let it slide but wanted her insurance information, in case I couldn't just pop my bumper back out. She got on the phone with daddy, who told her not to give out her insurance information as is required by law. The net result was the same, except that she had to sit in her vehicle for an hour and a half, to wait for a cop to show. I don't like when people dick me around.

You didn't get on the phone with dad? =D
....that a single video from a consumer dash cam (which is not admissible in court) is useless for a Police investigation and saw no purpose in examining the video.

Just curious: why is it useless?
You didn't get on the phone with dad? =D

Would have, if given the option, but when it was clear I wasn't going to just roll over and let her go, she and her friend locked themselves in the van to wait for police. The cop spoke to daddy, at some length, about how bad his advice was.
Can someone enlighten me as to the significance of the "4chan" website? Is it some sort of stalk a scammer forum?
NXSs were sold here both as Acuras and (later) Hondas.

Acura only exists in North America until recently. Everywhere else in the world, every Acura as we know it, is branded as Honda. If I remem correctly, and I never followd up, I believe Honda was intending to introduce the Acura brand fairly recently to world markets but not sure if they ever did.

Edit... Wiki to the rescue....

"The brand has been available in the United States and Canada since March 1986, marketing luxury, performance, and near-performance vehicles. It was introduced to Hong Kong in 1991, Mexico in 2004, and China in 2006. Honda's plan to introduce Acura to the Japanese market in 2008 was delayed, due to economic reasons,[SUP][2][/SUP] and later withheld as a result of the 2008 financial crisis.[SUP][3]"[/SUP]

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Can someone enlighten me as to the significance of the "4chan" website? Is it some sort of stalk a scammer forum?

4CHAN is full of kids with way too much time on their hands and way too much skills. Most memes you see on the internet were created by 4chan forum members. You piss off someone on 4chan and your website goes down (or worse). It's a free for all message board.
Can someone enlighten me as to the significance of the "4chan" website? Is it some sort of stalk a scammer forum?

there are links with /b/ and anonymous. it's an internet culture thing. i'm not sure if it's understandable and if you could understand it i think you would probably have your head explode.
Perhaps, but it's rather unlikely that a particular cop would show up and any specific incident, even if he was on-shift.

I know it sounds a little conspiracy theory-ish, but what if the scammer called the cop directly on his cellphone?
I know it sounds a little conspiracy theory-ish, but what if the scammer called the cop directly on his cellphone?

About all that can be said right now, is that there is not enough information in public to exclude this possibility.

From reading about this incident elsewhere (and there is a lot of it ...) apparently the police know about this incident (outside of that one particular officer). It's gone way too far for it to be ignored. An investigation will surely turn up who the officer was who responded to this incident and whether there are any issues associated with that. I think that having drawn such massive attention, it is now time to let the police and the insurance companies do their jobs.
About all that can be said right now, is that there is not enough information in public to exclude this possibility.

From reading about this incident elsewhere (and there is a lot of it ...) apparently the police know about this incident (outside of that one particular officer). It's gone way too far for it to be ignored. An investigation will surely turn up who the officer was who responded to this incident and whether there are any issues associated with that. I think that having drawn such massive attention, it is now time to let the police and the insurance companies do their jobs.

I for one, have no worries about the insurance companies' ability to protect themselves =D
4CHAN is full of kids with way too much time on their hands and way too much skills. Most memes you see on the internet were created by 4chan forum members. You piss off someone on 4chan and your website goes down (or worse). It's a free for all message board.

Better definition:

4chan is a board where people go to when they are bored. They aren't "kids" and they actually do have a riding group that is more friendly than this board (try to find it). 4chan is simply the representation of a true democracy. If everyone gets ****** off at what you get ****** off at, that issue is going to burn harder than sending it to hell. If they don't give a ****, they just won't give a ****. Majority rules.
You wouldn't be singing this tune if it was you being scammed. What are you? Some kind of ultra boyscout Christian, always playing the benefit-of-the-doubt and forgiveness card? So few scammers get nailed it's good to see one receive poetic justice for a change.

What am I ?
I am the type of guy that doesn't jump to conclusions before establishing facts. And all I was trying to point out previously was the possibility of this incident being an actual accident with just bad coincidences.
But given all the evidence that came under the light later, I did derive the conclusion from the facts, and I feel the same as the rest of you, more or less.

Not that it matters now after I told you the matter from my side, but I don't know what's "the benefit-of-the-doubt and forgiveness card" and I am as much of a Christian as an atheist.
An investigation will surely turn up who the officer was who responded to this incident and whether there are any issues associated with that. I think that having drawn such massive attention, it is now time to let the police and the insurance companies do their jobs.

If this was going to be an embarrassment to the police it would benefit them to drag out any investigation until the case was forgotten.
I don't know how the rules are written regarding setting rates for insurance. If the insurers are allowed to add a fixed percentage to their costs the more they spend the more they make. There is no incentive to cut costs, even from fraud if they can make a buck on it.
IE If they were allowed a net profit of 10% on $3000 policy they pocket $300. If the elimination of fraud drops the policy to $2000 their net profit drops to $200.
While the industry as a whole would make more $$ the individual companies still have to fight their own fair share battles under the protective umbrellas so the fraud fighters would still be better off.
Every thread can't be a sticky or constantly topped but that doesn't mean they should die.
The insurance companies lose, not make money on fraud. They have, however, done the math and have found that putting additional anti-fraud measures in place would cost as much as, or more than, the fraud itself. THAT is why they don't pursue it, as rabidly as they really should. It's a money issue; just not the one you think it is.
Can someone enlighten me as to the significance of the "4chan" website? Is it some sort of stalk a scammer forum?

heck, people in my office think reddit is horrible, i don't even mention 4chan, they just don't understand...mind you, i don't venture onto 4chan, and don't piss anyone off on, near, or associated with can have a bit of a lynch mob mentality...the problem with them going after someone is they don't just go after the one person, they'll go after friends and family...hence the 401 tamil dude now feeling their wraith, including the poor guys family...
All you need to know is don't pick a fight with them.


4chan members are notoriously/fanatically loyal to each other, and if you should do something silly to piss the wrong members off, kiss your anonymity good-bye.
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