This is why I have a dash cam

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In my lifetime, I've probably backed up a grant total of 3" on all the highways I've ever driven, as a passenger and as a driver combined. And that's in cars I never even cared about.
this guy saved up for 3 years for that car...drives standard...rolls back an ungogly distance...i have never seen someone rollback that far...if he was that bad at stick shift he would need a continuous supply of bumpers for that car...i just like that his indicators work but none of the three brake lights...lets get a closer look at that car and see what mods have been done...
what sort of crap reporting is this portraying the scammer as a victim.

The media doesn't care about the highway extortion, it is now focused on the harassment. Makes for a more compelling story. Typical lefty liberal media.
In my lifetime, I've probably backed up a grant total of 3" on all the highways I've ever driven, as a passenger and as a driver combined. And that's in cars I never even cared about.

A few months back, a few friends and I were in a car, stopped at a red light in Newmarket. A younger kid and someone who I imagine was his girlfriend were in a standard car next to us. I noticed that their car was slowly rolling backward, and it kept going and going, right into the big Ford 350 pickup behind him. All my friends, me, and everyone in the Ford were laughing our ***** off.

I don't understand how someone can put their car into neutral, and then decide it's OK to take their foot of the brake. And if that isn't enough, then they go on to not realize they are MOVING BACKWARDS
I don't understand how someone can put their car into neutral, and then decide it's OK to take their foot of the brake. And if that isn't enough, then they go on to not realize they are MOVING BACKWARDS

Cuz its hip and kewl.
Whos teaching these retards to put the car in neutral when they stop at a light or stop sign etc?
Whos teaching these retards to put the car in neutral when they stop at a light or stop sign etc?

If the car is a manual, you just press in the clutch. You don't need to actually move the gearshift to neutral.

If you are in the middle lane on an expressway, your main points of visual reference are the cars around you, in front and to your side.

This guy could have been sitting there with the clutch pedal down, thinking he was on level ground even though he was in fact on a slight grade. His car was apparently slowly rolling back so there would be no sensation of acceleration to speak of, and his visual frames of reference (the cars on either side of him) could easily cause him to think that the cars to either side of him and even in front were simply starting to move forward while he remained stopped in his lane.
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This guy could have been sitting there with the clutch pedal down, thinking he was on level ground but in fact on a slight grade.

Even if he thought it was level ground, his foot shouldn't have left the brake pedal. It doesn't take much of a gradient at all for that car to move. It's a stupid risk to take with absolutely no upside
Even if he thought it was level ground, his foot shouldn't have left the brake pedal. It doesn't take much of a gradient at all for that car to move. It's a stupid risk to take with absolutely no upside

Agreed, but this isn't about what he should or shouldn't have done.
If the car is a manual, you just press in the clutch. You don't need to actually move the gearshift to neutral.

If you are in the middle lane on an expressway, your main points of visual reference are the cars around you, in front and to your side.

This guy could have been sitting there with the clutch pedal down, thinking he was on level ground even though he was in fact on a slight grade. His car was have been slowly rolling back so there would be no sensation of acceleration to speak of, and his visual frames of reference (the cars on either side of him) could easily cause him to think that the cars to either side of him and even in front were simply starting to move forward while he remained stopped in his lane.

I was referring to the other post where the guy put the car in neutral at the lights. Only time a manual car should be in neutral is when you park it. As for the guy in the vid, if you rolled back THAT far you would definitely know it especially when you hear the guy behind you beepin the horn.
I was referring to the other post where the guy put the car in neutral at the lights. Only time a manual car should be in neutral is when you park it. As for the guy in the vid, if you rolled back THAT far you would definitely know it especially when you hear the guy behind you beepin the horn.

Maybe the kid at the lights was clutching in like turbo suggested? Either way, same effect on the car... a situation that requires brakes
If the car is a manual, you just press in the clutch. You don't need to actually move the gearshift to neutral.

If you are in the middle lane on an expressway, your main points of visual reference are the cars around you, in front and to your side.

This guy could have been sitting there with the clutch pedal down, thinking he was on level ground even though he was in fact on a slight grade. His car was apparently slowly rolling back so there would be no sensation of acceleration to speak of, and his visual frames of reference (the cars on either side of him) could easily cause him to think that the cars to either side of him and even in front were simply starting to move forward while he remained stopped in his lane.

I don't buy it. More assumptions.
I don't buy it. More assumptions.

This whole episode is all about assumptions. People "assume" he was pulling a scam.

The really lucrative scam would have been for him to simply jam on the brakes in front of Sham and get a real good display of body damage which would then provide credence to an accompanying claim for soft tissue injury.

But that didn't happen. The demanded amount was only $500, which is peanuts, and which is also not an unreasonable amount for minor bumper damage. The risk-reward ratio for that $500 simply doesn't seem to be worthwhile enough.
Ragu demanded $500 cash immediately for a couple of paint chips. This does not strike you as suspicious? A quick and easy $500 is not lucrative? Turbodish, you must be a billionaire.
Ragu demanded $500 cash immediately for a couple of paint chips. This does not strike you as suspicious? A quick and easy $500 is not lucrative? Turbodish, you must be a billionaire.

I think Hanlon's razor could easily apply here.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Let's start from the premise that the guy in front truly did believe that he had been rear-ended. It is possible, especially if he was distracted and didn't realize that it was his car that was rolling backward at the time and not the car behind him moving forward. If someone ran into the back of my car and caused even minor paint damage, I'd want the damage repaired or I would want to be compensated for my damage. Cash or repair works fine for me. How much work and paint does $500 get you at an auto body shop these days?

If you thought that someone ran into the back of your car, would you feel much different?
If you are in the middle lane on an expressway, your main points of visual reference are the cars around you, in front and to your side.

I live in Pickering and have been past that exact same spot where the scam happened. This is 0% of any incline and decline in the road. He would haven't rolled backward that fast if he took the foot off the pedal.
I was referring to the other post where the guy put the car in neutral at the lights. Only time a manual car should be in neutral is when you park it. As for the guy in the vid, if you rolled back THAT far you would definitely know it especially when you hear the guy behind you beepin the horn.

My car is in neutral at every red light..has been for 25 years..strangely, I'm still alive...
If you thought that someone ran into the back of your car, would you feel much different?

I probably wouldnt have called tthe cops after realizing the other guy had a dash cam.
I probably wouldnt have called tthe cops after realizing the other guy had a dash cam.

You know, he may really have thought the other guy rear-ended him. Just's possible he didn't believe he was rolling back and was intent on proceeding with insurance thinking he was actually in the clear. Dunno..some people are just clueless at times..we've all seen what people do on the roads these's insanity at times..
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