This is why I have a dash cam

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I probably wouldnt have called tthe cops after realizing the other guy had a dash cam.

That's just it. Knowing the other guy had a dash cam (because it was pointed out to him by the other driver), he called the cops anyways. That doesn't seem to be the usual indicator of a guilty mind at work, and it doesn't fit very well with him having just tried to pull a scam. It does fit with him really believing that he had just been rear-ended.
That's just it. Knowing the other guy had a dash cam (because it was pointed out to him by the other driver), he called the cops anyways. That doesn't seem to be the usual indicator of a guilty mind at work, and it doesn't fit very well with him having just tried to pull a scam. It does fit with him really believing that he had just been rear-ended.

he thought dashcams were illegal, hence why he called the cops...
You know, he may really have thought the other guy rear-ended him. Just's possible he didn't believe he was rolling back and was intent on proceeding with insurance thinking he was actually in the clear. Dunno..some people are just clueless at times..we've all seen what people do on the roads these's insanity at times..

he did file a claim claiming that he was rear ended.
I've figured out what Turbodish does for a living, he's a criminal defence lawyer.
I read somewhere that he called the cops because than the accident would have a police report. Later on he can milk the insurance system for medical fees. It's also a scare tactic to making the other person think his insurance would increase with a police presence. If he didn't have a dash camera he'd probably pay out the $500.

He did file with his insurance later on that he was rear ended. I think he pulls this scam too often that throwing a video cam curve ball caught him off guard and he didn't know how to adapt to it.
Never mind that Ragu claimed he was distracted (while having his car in neutral) notice how methodical he was having a pen and notepad ready.

Give me $500! No? I'll call the cops. Cops called.

Never once did he ask for insurance papers or anything. Just give me the $500 or I'll call the cops.

I think Hanlon's razor could easily apply here.

Let's start from the premise that the guy in front truly did believe that he had been rear-ended. It is possible, especially if he was distracted and didn't realize that it was his car that was rolling backward at the time and not the car behind him moving forward. If someone ran into the back of my car and caused even minor paint damage, I'd want the damage repaired or I would want to be compensated for my damage. Cash or repair works fine for me. How much work and paint does $500 get you at an auto body shop these days?

If you thought that someone ran into the back of your car, would you feel much different?
Blue Kawi seems to know exactly where this happened. I can't say as I am familiar with that particular stretch of the 401. If someone here lives near there it would be fairly simple to see if a roll back could happen. Pick a time with not so much traffic, head out there and pull over on to the shoulder where the accident happend. Put your car in neutral and see what happens. If your car does or does not roll backwards like Ragu's did on video that will tell us something either way.
My car is in neutral at every red light..has been for 25 years..strangely, I'm still alive...

And the thrust bearing(s) in your clutch(es) thank you. Who ever said a manual should only be in neutral when it's parked doesn't know anything about the workings of a clutch.

Or parking, for that matter.
How much work and paint does $500 get you at an auto body shop these days?

If he's friends with the body shop owner who's in on all of him and his buddy's scams and makes good money overestimating the damages for them (whether they go through his insurance as a not at fault claim or the victim's wallet), $500 will get you quite a bit. Especially if you're being charged the bro rate to blow in a couple of chips on a black bumper (black is so easy). I know that YOU'LL find this hard to believe, but people DO have friends, and the networking in ethnic communities especially is huge. Hell, my body guy did the legs on the Gatorblade fork on my Brodie for free (yes, I do things for people. people do things for me. probably an odd concept for you). We stood in the booth and chatted while he painted them.
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Blue Kawi seems to know exactly where this happened. I can't say as I am familiar with that particular stretch of the 401. If someone here lives near there it would be fairly simple to see if a roll back could happen. Pick a time with not so much traffic, head out there and pull over on to the shoulder where the accident happend. Put your car in neutral and see what happens. If your car does or does not roll backwards like Ragu's did on video that will tell us something either way.

Someone has already checked this. 401 eastbound near Keele St in the collectors. It is slightly uphill at this point but the slope is <1% and is not enough for a manual-transmission car to roll back in neutral - certainly not enough to roll back at the speed shown on the video. Check was done on the shoulder rather than in a traffic lane, but the slope is the same. The conclusion of the person who did this test is that there is NO possibility of that Acura having rolled back at the speed shown in the video, without it having been in reverse.

Other factors: Ragu has apparently owned that car for at least 4 years, so the argument of being unfamiliar with the car is hogwash. The manual transmission on that car has reverse at the bottom right (below 5th) not at the top left (next to 1st) so any potential argument about having accidentally selected reverse is also hogwash (and by the way, my car has reverse at the top left and you STILL can't get it in accidentally unless you have a habit of pushing down firmly on the shift lever with every shift).
Someone has already checked this. 401 eastbound near Keele St in the collectors. It is slightly uphill at this point but the slope is <1% and is not enough for a manual-transmission car to roll back in neutral - certainly not enough to roll back at the speed shown on the video. Check was done on the shoulder rather than in a traffic lane, but the slope is the same. The conclusion of the person who did this test is that there is NO possibility of that Acura having rolled back at the speed shown in the video, without it having been in reverse.

Other factors: Ragu has apparently owned that car for at least 4 years, so the argument of being unfamiliar with the car is hogwash. The manual transmission on that car has reverse at the bottom right (below 5th) not at the top left (next to 1st) so any potential argument about having accidentally selected reverse is also hogwash (and by the way, my car has reverse at the top left and you STILL can't get it in accidentally unless you have a habit of pushing down firmly on the shift lever with every shift).

That pretty much clears up any and all uncertainty in my mind.

Hanlon's Razor does not account for actions which are impossible no matter the degree of stupidity. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells, feels and tastes like a duck.. Odds are it's a duck.

Occam's Razor superscedes Hanlon's Razor.
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My car is in neutral at every red light..has been for 25 years..strangely, I'm still alive...

Really? When you stop your bike at a red light do you put it in neutral too? Sometimes split seconds can be the difference between swerving out of the way or being rear ended into the middle of an intersection...

Meanwhile how is this Ragu guy getting ALL this sympathy from the mainstream media?
Really? When you stop your bike at a red light do you put it in neutral too? Sometimes split seconds can be the difference between swerving out of the way or being rear ended into the middle of an intersection...

Meanwhile how is this Ragu guy getting ALL this sympathy from the mainstream media?

First comment- I have a stage clutch on my MINI and I always keep in neutral because the clutch pushes back VERY hard. A cars not a bike. I would NEVER leave my bike in neutral, but yes it is ok for my cage.
油井緋色;1731235 said:
this is more appropriate every time someone defends ragu


On a side note...!

Seriously, where the hell did that poster come from?!

Ragu: I'm not really scared for myself.....

He's full of ***** mate! You can tell he's scared from his tone of voice and his inability to create a coherent sentence. And he brings in "Ohh the little kids...." so we could build sympathy for a scumbag scammer.

I admit, the posters were a little too much, but let that be a lesson to ALL scammers and potential scammers out there to think twice or better yet don't even THINK about it at all in the first place. Because once we book you it's ALL OVER BABY!!!
Really? When you stop your bike at a red light do you put it in neutral too? Sometimes split seconds can be the difference between swerving out of the way or being rear ended into the middle of an intersection...

Bike too.. If there's a car behind you at an intersection (it's Toronto..when isn't there??), I really don't feel the need to be at Defcon 1 for rear-enders. If you're at the white line at the intersection, do you really think you're going to have the time to be able to swerve out of the way in the 10' you have before you're in the intersection and at danger of being t-boned?? I'd likely just jump off and let the bike get drilled..helluva lot faster than trying some trials moves in a box..

Meanwhile how is this Ragu guy getting ALL this sympathy from the mainstream media?

Nobody likes an ugly lynch mob mentality..except those in the lynch mob..
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