These Conservatives

Some stats on the food banks.

NFPs expect an increase of 18% in additional demand in 2024. In Toronto, non-profit food programs are bracing themselves for an increase of 30%. That translates to more than 1 million people in Canada accessing food charity for the first time this year.
You're kidding right??
Nope, we've done this dance before. Ask sincere and unloaded questions and I'll be right there criticizing him for non answers.

“Some guy, somewhere, said that you said something, about something. How do you respond to those allegations?” Does not cut it for me, I wouldn't respond either.
we cannot keep on voting liberal or conservative and expect change. I will keep voting green. wake up and vote for a change. we need to show the politicians that we have the power to change our government..
I find that interesting, given that the Greens hate powersports. That's your motorcycle, sport.

I think how the gov operates is the problem, parties seem like marketing facades nothing more. There is no reason for them to do better then they are, or to not steal from taxpayers for programs that benefit themselves, or friends, corps etc, and we get left with nothing.
You're right in a very important sense: most of the bureaucrats remain regardless of who is in office... politicians are just temporary hires, the real government works full-time. Which is exactly why one of the first thing Trudeau did was can Industry Canada's staff and create ISED to replace it - and they've floundered with a mix of incompetence and outright monopoly bias since that day. You should try to deal with them, if you don't laugh you'd have to cry. If people only KNEW how bad this crop of Liberals really are once you get closer to where the sausage is made... I've been on conference calls where the ISED bureaucrats on the other screens blank their screens and come back in a few moments to scrap the session because it became completely obvious that they didn't know how to do their job. Reschedule? 8 months later. I only wish I was joking.
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I find that interesting, given that the Greens hate powersports. That's your motorcycle, sport.

You're right in a very important sense: most of the bureaucrats remain regardless of who is in office... they're just temporary hires, the real government works full-time. Which is exactly why one of the first thing Trudeau did was can Industry Canada's staff and create ISED to replace it - and they've floundered with a mix of incompetence and outright monopoly bias since that day. You should try to deal with them, if you don't laugh you'd have to cry. If people only KNEW how bad this crop of Liberals really are once you get closer to where the sausage is made...
My dad was a life long bureaucrat (foreign service) and he would tell me constantly that policy would shift more then the wind. As soon as a new party was voted in, sometimes a complete 180 on current policy. Everyone making policy spent as much time as possible undoing everything the last government did. Then as soon as the train starts running on time, they blew it all up again. This is just immigration and consul services, imagine every other aspect of our lives.

Oy vey.
Nope, we've done this dance before. Ask sincere and unloaded questions and I'll be right there criticizing him for non answers.

“Some guy, somewhere, said that you said something, about something. How do you respond to those allegations?” Does not cut it for me, I wouldn't respond either.
Sadly he finds every question loaded. Him constantly attacking media is of no help either. We saw how that went down south.
Sadly he finds every question loaded. Him constantly attacking media is of no help either. We saw how that went down south.
I don't care what he finds, i care what I think.

Find me a clip of a good question and non answer, i'll get out the pom poms and 'rah rah rah' with you.
Agreed. Ask Justin to follow through on his campaign promise to change FPTP.
Justin isn't going anywhere FPTP, it's too valuable to the Liberals.
I think it’s fair to say media has changed to showing bias and hold conservative points of view with more scrutiny than liberals.

Sure there is cross over when it can’t be avoided but, there is more op ed reporting than journalism. There is select clips to support a given narrative and it undermines the integrity of news in general.

This also creates an echo chamber to feed a given point of view and makes it hard for those with a more independent point of view work harder to uncover the whole story.

It’s frustrating as heck.
I think it’s fair to say media has changed to showing bias and hold conservative points of view with more scrutiny than liberals.

Sure there is cross over when it can’t be avoided but, there is more op ed reporting than journalism. There is select clips to support a given narrative and it undermines the integrity of news in general.

This also creates an echo chamber to feed a given point of view and makes it hard for those with a more independent point of view work harder to uncover the whole story.

It’s frustrating as heck.
Reminds me of harper when he promised transparency and then abrubtly went into hiding. Libs or Cons makes no difference. Frustrating for sure.
Reminds me of harper when he promised transparency and then abrubtly went into hiding. Libs or Cons makes no difference. Frustrating for sure.
Did Harper run on giving us "the most transparent government in Canadian history? Trudeau did. It's been totally the opposite.
I hate partisan politics, failing that, I hate first-past-the-post. If we had proportional representation (e.g. within each province), you would probably find that Alberta isn't as solid Conservative as recent history would suggest, Quebec isn't as solid Liberal as recent history would suggest, and (with 3+ parties) you would seldom get a majority government - meaning, any winning group would at least have to talk to another group and find agreement. I'm fine with minority governments.
PP at least understands a big part of our housing debacle are the permits and fees to build a house . Your 100 to 150k in permits , development fees , hookup fees and a host of minor admin costs to get a shovel in the ground. Maybe govt process is a contributing factor ??

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PP at least understands a big part of our housing debacle are the permits and fees to build a house . Your 100 to 150k in permits , development fees , hookup fees and a host of minor admin costs to get a shovel in the ground. Maybe govt process is a contributing factor ??

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A recent article had a family in collingwood building a single house and being told they had to pay a $50K fee for parkland. They offered to give some land to the town instead and that was rejected (as it should be, it would be essentially private and public couldn't access it). Stupidity. Municipality isn't backing down and wants their 50K (in addition to DC's, permit fees, SPA fees, rezoning fees, etc etc).
A recent article had a family in collingwood building a single house and being told they had to pay a $50K fee for parkland. They offered to give some land to the town instead and that was rejected (as it should be, it would be essentially private and public couldn't access it). Stupidity. Municipality isn't backing down and wants their 50K (in addition to DC's, permit fees, SPA fees, rezoning fees, etc etc).
If you gift the land to the town does it not become public property? (ala High Park).
If you gift the land to the town does it not become public property? (ala High Park).
Sort of but think about the implications of gifting a chunk off the back of your lot (as you can't gift off the front as that would block your access). The town would own a chunk of land but it would be landlocked and only accessible by crossing private land. Conceivably the owner could also grant a ROW to access the chunk but who wants randoms walking past their house to the park in their backyard? The chunk is also small enough to be a relatively useless park (one of those dead spaces with a bench that nobody uses). Realistically, the town would own the chunk but the owners would use it.
Sort of but think about the implications of gifting a chunk off the back of your lot (as you can't gift off the front as that would block your access). The town would own a chunk of land but it would be landlocked and only accessible by crossing private land. Conceivably the owner could also grant a ROW to access the chunk but who wants randoms walking past their house to the park in their backyard? The chunk is also small enough to be a relatively useless park (one of those dead spaces with a bench that nobody uses). Realistically, the town would own the chunk but the owners would use it.
I'm not sure how legislation is written but I suspect that anything owned by the municipality is treated as public property. Now some areas of public property can be treated as restricted areas but they probably need signage/blocked access (think key card access doors and physical gates, etc). So any gifted land would need a public access route.
Did Harper run on giving us "the most transparent government in Canadian history? Trudeau did. It's been totally the opposite.
Pretty much. Also total opposite.
Harper Did lower the GST 2% from 15% to 13%, Also reduced the income tax
And Paul Martin erased the deficit. Neither negates the fact that harper said one thing and then did the exact opposite. ( as JT has done)
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