These Conservatives

I've spent enough time with western rednecks to know that Viersen isn't the only one that can't wait to use his political position to promote his religious views. There are a bunch of videos around showing the risks of premature celebrating and showboating. PP is doing OK thanks mostly to him not being a Liberal.
Don’t forget this is a democracy, we can all have views that are different, even extreme. That’s both the price and the joy of freedom.

Viersen represents a constituency that has decided he will represent them. He has a bit part, we may not agree with his views. His boss will set his boundaries, and so far that’s been done in a manner that’s seems to be acceptable.

Not much press after the beatdown.
Huh so Que doesn't have carbon taxes, but the rest of us (or most) do? How does that make any sense?
Yes they do. JT gave QC a sweetheart deal because they handle their own carbon tax through a cap-and-trade deal, the province collects and administers the deal, not the feds.

Under the sweet deal offered by JT, carbon tax adds about 10 cents to a litre of gas in QC vs the Federal price of 17.61 cents/l we pay in Ontario. . By 2030, Quebec’s provincial carbon tax will rise to 23 cents/l of gas, the federal carbon tax will be 37 cents/l.

QC always gets sweeter deals because if the Libs lose what they have in QC, the party is over. Since the party is going to be over anyway, the BLOC has a lot to be worried about -- they are somewhat relevant when they chose to align with the Liberals.

I don't think the Cons have a really soft spot for QC.
Well if PP and the Cons are smart enough they will find a way to warm up to them.
I suspect they will bear down on the Bloc a little. Remember they are at their core a breakaway form the PCs. Blocs popularity can swing wildly, I’m guessing their voting alignment with JT for the past few years will cost them dearly, they could loose 1/2 their seats next round if a PC majority becomes apparent.

The PCs will dial back federal favouritisms in QC, thst will invigorate Bloc for 2030.
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