The Random Night Ride 2.0

RFID was a beast, he was pushing through children and the elderly.

I think he kicked a puppy too!

Asian Night Market Wisdoms:

- Full armour is helpful against crowds of people
- When packed in like sheep, expect to be treated like one :agave:

- Depleted Uranium armour will NOT save you from Stinky Tofu

- Have trust in the people of New Market to not piss in your helmet when left on your bike.

- When navigating crowds, being lithe is an asset. Larger people can only bowl through so much before being swept away by the human current of little people.

- VIP Parking is only for the Queen

- Stealth Police cars come in both black and white

- RFID has an uncanny ability with the ladies. Be warned :)
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Mmmm Carona... been waiting all day and night for this.
Awesome ride tonight, got my fix and then some after 4 days of cold turkey.

If anyone runs over something plastic on the road near yorkmills exit going north on DVP, that's my visor :D
Awesome ride tonight, got my fix and then some after 4 days of cold turkey.

If anyone runs over something plastic on the road near yorkmills exit going north on DVP, that's my visor :D

oh story time! :D
everyone come out tonight for gelato at La Paloma!

Awesome ride tonight, got my fix and then some after 4 days of cold turkey.

If anyone runs over something plastic on the road near yorkmills exit going north on DVP, that's my visor :D

Same here! Needed that ride too after baking like a potatoe this weekend! :angry4:

LoL! That visor hanged on for a good while! Not too bad considering u were close to home & it didn't rain on us! :glasses2:

Saw some beautiful Pink & Orange lightening on the way home! :scratch:
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after BB tonight, there is a ride
You guys ride safe tonight.

More then half of the crew (the regulars) are gonna be staying local tonight...
Let me know how the ride went!
Story time!

Highlights of last night @ Willy Stouts:

- Strange to see people without their majority took the cage!
- RFID is the last person to show always (well can't blame him...have to blame Kare Bear for living too far! :P)
- Who knew tail gators are AWESOME and DEADLY?! AND SO CHEAP?!
- People bought pints and didn't buy pitchers for some odd reason...
- Flies had a nice feast on RFID and myself along with a couple of others
- RFID missed the dungeon lair...he was pretty excited to get whipped
- Nostalgia talking about shows from the 80's and 90's
- Great Choice choosing the place Tornique!
- Left at around 1:35 am and were the last people there
should have brought them to the east end! :)
Nice ride on Sunday, my first real group ride. Lots of nice corners! No one went down. Good times.
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