The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Damned Mazda drivers...

So this morning as I was driving to work in my Mazda3 ;) I was following a guy in the left lane on 85, he was doing 105km/h. I was unsatisfied with this after driving behind him for about a km hoping he'd get the hint, so I passed him on the right. He sped up to 125 or so, I was only at about 115. From Ottawa St. to St. Jacobs he didn't slow down and was long gone. Weird.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Damned Mazda drivers...

So this morning as I was driving to work in my Mazda3 ;) I was following a guy in the left lane on 85, he was doing 105km/h. I was unsatisfied with this after driving behind him for about a km hoping he'd get the hint, so I passed him on the right. He sped up to 125 or so, I was only at about 115. From Ottawa St. to St. Jacobs he didn't slow down and was long gone. Weird.

Nope not all Mazda drivers just the one I encountered last night. Some zoom zoom drivers are really good.

This is what I don't get. He was not comfortable driving faster as long as you were behind Him. But the minute you decide I want to pass him he says oh I can go faster then you. Weird is right.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Nope not all Mazda drivers just the one I encountered last night. Some zoom zoom drivers are really good.

This is what I don't get. He was not comfortable driving faster as long as you were behind Him. But the minute you decide I want to pass him he says oh I can go faster then you. Weird is right.

My opinion is that they're either jealous or let their egos get in the way and try to show off that they can keep up or try to make it hard for you to pass when we are on our bikes.

Either way not giving a bike room or having the nuts to pass if they let you is just plain ignorant. IMO
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

My opinion is that they're either jealous or let their egos get in the way and try to show off that they can keep up or try to make it hard for you to pass when we are on our bikes.

Either way not giving a bike room or having the nuts to pass if they let you is just plain ignorant. IMO

I totally agree.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

My opinion is that they're either jealous or let their egos get in the way and try to show off that they can keep up or try to make it hard for you to pass when we are on our bikes.

This reminds me of back in 2001 on my old 929, a couple of dudes in an Acura RSX-S thought they could race me on the 401. I was just cruising at about 120km/h minding my own business and they came up beside me and were surging forward and back in 3rd gear or something... I was like, whatever, but they wouldn't stop, so I cranked on it (in 6th) for a few seconds and slowed down. Then they caught up again, this time sounded like maybe in 2nd gear, so I kicked it down to 4th and pinned it, and so did they. Obviously no contest, and then suddenly they swerved across 3 lanes of traffic behind me to catch the Hespeler Rd exit. haha...
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

If anyone is interested...
has a deal of the day and today is a GoPro Hero HD w/ Helmet Mount for $179.99 and free shipping.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Anyone up for a ride this sunday afternoon? It looks like the afternoon will be dry and a high of 12ish.
If there's enough interest, I may just be *cough* able to *cough* get out of work for the *cough* afternoon and play!! :D
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Anyone up for a ride this sunday afternoon? It looks like the afternoon will be dry and a high of 12ish.
If there's enough interest, I may just be *cough* able to *cough* get out of work for the *cough* afternoon and play!! :D

I'm out, done. They salted like crazy last night, and I'm not into getting my bike all salty. It's beer and nachos time for me. haha
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Anyone up for a ride this sunday afternoon? It looks like the afternoon will be dry and a high of 12ish.
If there's enough interest, I may just be *cough* able to *cough* get out of work for the *cough* afternoon and play!! :D

Thank you though. I wanted to go out again but the salt squashed that idea.

I'm out, done. They salted like crazy last night, and I'm not into getting my bike all salty. It's beer and nachos time for me. haha

I feel the same. I will be washing and storing it this weekend. I really wish they would not have dumped so much bloody salt all over the place. Even the side streets in Elmira are just covered.

Guys for this being my first season I had a blast thanks for all who lead and to all the guys I met I hope we can get together again.

Thanks guys
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'm still riding but only to work. Braving the cold day in and day out doesn't get me jazzed up for weekend riding. I'll be at the first pizza and wings night.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'm still riding but only to work. Braving the cold day in and day out doesn't get me jazzed up for weekend riding. I'll be at the first pizza and wings night.

Ya I'm still commuting to Milton almost everyday. I might be getting a promotion and am begging for this company vehicle and hoping them see me riding in everyday in the cold because I say the wife needs the truck might help my case :D.

I will hopefully find out soon as it is getting cold in the mornings.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'm out, done. They salted like crazy last night, and I'm not into getting my bike all salty. It's beer and nachos time for me. haha

I put mine away on Tuesday. Looking forward to next year.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I noticed last week in a few places they had put that anti-ice brine on the roads. I guess now they've made it official. Salt season is here.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Ill go out riding sunday ...then ill wash the bike after the run ,,text me Katatonic
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

went out for a ride this aft for a couple hours ...was a little cool but not bad...i still think there will be a couple more rides for me yet :)
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

went out for a ride this aft for a couple hours ...was a little cool but not bad...i still think there will be a couple more rides for me yet :)
I went for a little one too! still a few more in me yet!

Just washing the bike after every ride since they salted blows! LOL
Yup. I put my bike away this weekend. No salt for me.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'm still riding but only to work. Braving the cold day in and day out doesn't get me jazzed up for weekend riding. I'll be at the first pizza and wings night.

We should make a tentative meeting in December sometime, or, get a whack of us and go to one of the bike shows. Meet up afterwards for wings and crap.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

We should make a tentative meeting in December sometime, or, get a whack of us and go to one of the bike shows. Meet up afterwards for wings and crap.

If I'm not working, I'm in for one or both of those! Maybe we can convince a few of the booth-bunnies to join us too.....:D
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