The Official Ongoing Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread

Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Kinda off topic guys do any kind of winter meet ups? like beers and wings or somehing just to socialize while we all suffer through winter depression?
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Not sure about everybody else, but I met pretty much everyone on this thread in the past year, so haven't suffered through a winter together yet. haha...
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Tomorrow looks like its going to be nice.

I might try and get the day off to ride if anyone is interested PM me!
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I wish... no way I can get the day off work. Far too busy.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I wish... no way I can get the day off work. Far too busy.

No worries buddy. I might just try to cut out a ride in the morning. I just booked a 3pm app't to put the snows on the Equinox, the inevitable :(
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Kinda off topic guys do any kind of winter meet ups? like beers and wings or somehing just to socialize while we all suffer through winter depression?

I'd be up for a regular meet in the winter for beer and wings!! Hell, I'm up for that in the summer to!

I'm off work on wednesday. Anyone up for a day ride? I've got commitments in the late afternoon/evening, but I'm hoping to get out during the day.
I'm also off thursday and will most likely be out riding as well. Feel free to join.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Who's riding the bus (aka Gold Wing)?
Dean mentioned it's a new guy who's been following along on the thread for the past while...
Welcome at any rate!

Bus What Bus? LOL

Hey Guys Just want to say thanks again for the ride on Saturday.
Names Bill, Just got back into riding last year after a 22 year break. ( wife and kids got in the way)

Looking forward to riding with you guys again next year, if I can keep up. ( Can't peddle as fast as I use to.)
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Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

This sucks... I'm having a crappy day at work, it's super nice outside, but I'm too busy to bag off early...
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

This sucks... I'm having a crappy day at work, it's super nice outside, but I'm too busy to bag off early...

Eat the sandwich at the desk and a 1/2 hour ride at lunch ;) Thats what I did.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

seeing lots of bikes in the Guelph area. Even saw one doing some wheelies down Arkell Rd. It's always good to get out for wings and beer. One more ride would be awesome, but I think I maybe done for the season after Friday. Rumor has it that the week of Nov 28, the snow is gonna come pretty good.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I am going to go for a little boot right after work. Maybe out to Linwood through crosshill and well home I guess to finish the lights that I should of already had done.
Man this is going to be a long winter.
I'm stuck in training in Markham til 4. By the time I get home it will probably be too chilly to get out. What a waste of a nice day.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

Eat the sandwich at the desk and a 1/2 hour ride at lunch ;) Thats what I did.

My bike is 20 minutes away :( I'm going to leave at 4:00 and try to get out for a quick rip.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'm still going out tomorrow for a nice ride if anyone can get out of work......
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I forgot I had to go to the beer store on my way home from work and by the time I got home the rush hour traffic was brutal. Priorities... hahaha ;)
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I'm still going out tomorrow for a nice ride if anyone can get out of work......

Would love to but way to busy there is no way I will be able to get off. Have fun and be safe.

I forgot I had to go to the beer store on my way home from work and by the time I got home the rush hour traffic was brutal. Priorities... hahaha ;)

MMMMMMM Beeeeerrr LOL I hear ya about traffic damb cagers. LOL Just kidding.

I went out for about a 70 click tour. WOW I knew that motors like the colder air for more power but holy crap. I playede with the throttle alot more than that in the summer and front end very rarley came up. Man that was a fun ride.

I do have 2 questions as I am still pretty new to this. 1 Why is it that when you come up to a vehicle doing less then 80 kph as soon as you get close they speed up? Example came up behind a mini van tonight doing like 75 to 80, I get closer and get ready to pass and he speeds up to almost 120 why? And number 2 why is it that when you're doing 10 to 15 kph above the speed limit that a car just wants to ride your a**but not pass? I do not understand. Example coming out of Crosshill doing 95 kph and this car comes up behind me at a pretty good clip, lots of room to pass and did not. So i speed up a little to get some space between us and they do the same closing the gap even more, so I thought ok I will slow down and let them pass. Nope they did the same thing, at this point I said goodbye to this very kind person that wanted to push me down the highway with thier bumper. Any one else had this problem or is it just the country drivers?

No offence intended towards any one or any group.
I get the same thing driving my car too... Just comes down to stupid drivers... or drivers that an unaware of what they are doing.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

I do have 2 questions as I am still pretty new to this. 1 Why is it that when you come up to a vehicle doing less then 80 kph as soon as you get close they speed up? Example came up behind a mini van tonight doing like 75 to 80, I get closer and get ready to pass and he speeds up to almost 120 why? And number 2 why is it that when you're doing 10 to 15 kph above the speed limit that a car just wants to ride your a**but not pass? I do not understand. Example coming out of Crosshill doing 95 kph and this car comes up behind me at a pretty good clip, lots of room to pass and did not.

First off - consider that your speedometer us probably reading 8% high (that's how my Yamaha was (GPS and car pacing verified), as well as 2 other friends of mine). So, you think you're doing 90 km/h, but in reality, you're doing about 84 km/h. 108 km/h = 100 km/h in reality.

I'm not trying to defend the cagers, as I've had it happen before as well - you think you're doing much more than you really are. People who tailgate bikers are near the lowest form of drivers....

Worst case of a person accelerating as I'm trying to pass was on Sawmill Rd. between St. Jacobs and Conestoga. Pull out to pass a pickup with a Hemi - As I pulled side by side, I was not longer passing 'cause he sped up -- accelerated to 125 km/h and he paced... that's when I had enough, cracked the throttle and left him behind. Some people just don't get that they're playing with another person's life.
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

First off - consider that your speedometer us probably reading 8% high (that's how my Yamaha was (GPS and car pacing verified), as well as 2 other friends of mine). So, you think you're doing 90 km/h, but in reality, you're doing about 84 km/h. 108 km/h = 100 km/h in reality.

I'm not trying to defend the cagers, as I've had it happen before as well - you think you're doing much more than you really are. People who tailgate bikers are near the lowest form of drivers....

Worst case of a person accelerating as I'm trying to pass was on Sawmill Rd. between St. Jacobs and Conestoga. Pull out to pass a pickup with a Hemi - As I pulled side by side, I was not longer passing 'cause he sped up -- accelerated to 125 km/h and he paced... that's when I had enough, cracked the throttle and left him behind. Some people just don't get that they're playing with another person's life.

Had something similar to this happen to me this summer going across hwy #9 between Orangeville and Newmarket. I reacted the same as you and just opened it right up to complete the pass. After I was in front of them they slowed back down to their previous speed. Is this a game to them? Or are they really just that self centered and think other motorist don't have the right to pass them? People who behave like this should be shot and ****** on!
Re: The Official 2011 Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas thread.

First off - consider that your speedometer us probably reading 8% high (that's how my Yamaha was (GPS and car pacing verified), as well as 2 other friends of mine). So, you think you're doing 90 km/h, but in reality, you're doing about 84 km/h. 108 km/h = 100 km/h in reality.

I'm not trying to defend the cagers, as I've had it happen before as well - you think you're doing much more than you really are. People who tailgate bikers are near the lowest form of drivers....

Worst case of a person accelerating as I'm trying to pass was on Sawmill Rd. between St. Jacobs and Conestoga. Pull out to pass a pickup with a Hemi - As I pulled side by side, I was not longer passing 'cause he sped up -- accelerated to 125 km/h and he paced... that's when I had enough, cracked the throttle and left him behind. Some people just don't get that they're playing with another person's life.

Ok I will have to take the gps with me on my next ride and find out by how much the speedo is out. Thank you.

Had something similar to this happen to me this summer going across hwy #9 between Orangeville and Newmarket. I reacted the same as you and just opened it right up to complete the pass. After I was in front of them they slowed back down to their previous speed. Is this a game to them? Or are they really just that self centered and think other motorist don't have the right to pass them? People who behave like this should be shot and ****** on!

I always want to assume that I am in the wrong, because even if I'm right that's little comfort laying in the hospital bed or worse. If the other driver has a bad case of road rage or just doesn't realize what's about to happen.

This Mazda last night coming into and then out of crosshill was just way to close. If you know crosshill you know that there is a 90 degree turn and then heads out of town. Being later in the year I was being cautious and taking it slow around thd curve. I swear you could not have fit another bike between us. So when we got out of town ( going to St Clements ) I gave him or her lots of room to pass but they decided to ride my butt instead so I just rolled on the throttle and did not see him again.

I must admit that this person had me a little nervous as to what they were trying to prove.

Thanks guys.
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