"The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Soon enough the beer store monopoly will be shut down anyway. Hopefully we can also get a few bucks back from the class action suit too.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Does this guy really not understand the simple principle here... that 3 large foreign companies OWN THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS to sell beer in Ontario? And the reason this monopoly exists is because a) the government chooses not to compete with Brewers Retail Inc. via the LCBO and b) the government doesn't allow any other retailers to sell beer at all?

Shake your head and get a clue dude. This isn't about your crappy store not making any money... it's set up as a retail front for a government-mandated monopoly. You think you'd still have a job if Wal Mart could sell beer? Yeeesh.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

What don't you get? We are a non profit company the Brewers are the bosses and owners. They make the money if not why aren't beer store for sale then? I'd love to buy a store if it made money but they don't and when this court case is even heard I'll wait and see what people say then.
Has nothing to do with me working at this company if the truth hurts then hurts but doesn't change the fact it is true.

I know almost nothing about this but I'm not going to let that stop me from wading in. I'll bet there's legislation and all kinds of binding legal language that makes it appear the "Beer Store" is separate from the brewers to head off any anticipated potential accusations of monopoly. I believe the "Beer Store" does sell a very limited amount of other beer besides the big three foreigners as window dressing to further the charade. An outsider trying for shelf space at the "Beer Store" is exceedingly difficult. So I believe, technically it's entirely possible that on paper the "Beer Store" shows no profit. That's what I vaguely remember about a grilling Steve Paikin laid on a "Beer Store" mouthpiece on the Agenda a number of years ago.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I'll stick to facts that you will see soon enough.

As is said if the truth hurts not my problem
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Thanks for your concern of my well being it's truly touching
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I'll stick to facts that you will see soon enough.

As is said if the truth hurts not my problem

The truth does indeed hurt, which is why you can't admit that you work for a monopoly which funnels Canadian money right out of the country.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

And Toyota and every foreign company doesn't.

I never have said it didn't funnel it out but if you buy a Toyota or anything else not Canadian owned are you boycotting them?
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

So all those who work for anyone not Canadian owned should quit right now as your job isn't worth it if the money made doesn't stay in Canada.

If you use 407 then your in the wrong as well using your logic
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Lol. The provincial government doesn't force us to only buy Toyota vehicles. Are you serious?
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The definition of obtuse
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

This reminds me of my part time job working at Wendy's in the 1980s. I made a grand total of $3.50 an hour (minimum wage at the time). That store never seemed to make any money. The money all went to the owner and head office. Store was practically a charity!

The 800 million claim is the operating budget given to the beer store to run and operate the store as I have stated before.
The deal struck between the Lcbo and beer store was to stop the Lcbo from selling all the imported beers and not letting the beer store sell them.

The 800 million budget covers the buildings, rent if we don't own the land, employee pay and a set acceptable loss that is looked at every year. Also the security needs of company and IT department.

When a beer is sold the money at end of week is sent to the Brewers.

You can believe it or not but when lawsuit is heard you will see the truth. We are run by the breweries but we are a non profit company.

All monies made go to breweries and then they pay the amount needed every year for us to operate.

The truth will come out the government and Lcbo wording that is quotes in this lawsuit is not even close to the truth.

You can insult me all you want heard worse. However I'll wait for lawsuit to be heard and see what everyone has to say then.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

and toyota and every foreign company doesn't.

I never have said it didn't funnel it out but if you buy a toyota or anything else not canadian owned are you boycotting them?

L - O - frickin L

You really are completely clueless.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

No one forces you to buy at the beer store as people have stated can go to small Brewers, drive to buffalo
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

No one forces you to buy at the beer store as people have stated can go to small Brewers, drive to buffalo

That's what's called a monopoly. Having to drive outside the damned province to buy beer.

You, uh.. missing a chromosome?
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

No one forces you to buy at the beer store as people have stated can go to small Brewers, drive to buffalo

Yes they do... If you want anything larger than a 6 pack...
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Also the post was saying money being funneled out. So if your not buying from a Canadian company that has product made only in Canada then you should go after those companies as well
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Also the post was saying money being funneled out. So if your not buying from a Canadian company that has product made only in Canada then you should go after those companies as well

We don't have a choice. If you want a case of beer, you only have one option. Monopoly. You work for one.

If I want a Canadian-made t-shirt, the government doesn't force me to only shop at Wal-Mart for Chinese crap. See how that works? WUNDERBAR!!!
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

So yes I was serious if you read where it said funneled out my reply was about companies funneling money out.
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