"The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Inclusion is an interesting strategy, but its like the king telling his subjects, you want to live in a castle? fine, I've lifted the ban on castles and you can all build one. Except how many craft brewers would have the resources to buy into Brewers retail. A percentage of operating costs of the hundreds of buildings, thousands of staff, pensions?? and transportation, the other business which is delivering beer to thousands of bars. A portion of the action would bankrupt most craft brewers in a year, to say nothing of the fact many would not have enough production capacity to realize the project.

Well that and who wants to invest in a business that make no money..................
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Also depends on the valuation the beer store puts on it's company. They would probably jack it up or mess around with the EBITA to show higher profit so they can justify the valuation.

Inclusion is an interesting strategy, but its like the king telling his subjects, you want to live in a castle? fine, I've lifted the ban on castles and you can all build one. Except how many craft brewers would have the resources to buy into Brewers retail. A percentage of operating costs of the hundreds of buildings, thousands of staff, pensions?? and transportation, the other business which is delivering beer to thousands of bars. A portion of the action would bankrupt most craft brewers in a year, to say nothing of the fact many would not have enough production capacity to realize the project.

Well that and who wants to invest in a business that make no money..................
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Massive 2-full page ad in today's paper - extolling the virtues of 'your beer store' - just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The buy in is a joke 1000 dollars for a larger small brewer and 100 for a small on, they will sell you one share. You then have a chance to sit on the board 3 seats reserved for the small brewers vs 13 for the big 3.

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Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Their scheme is going down .... whether they buy the whole paper space for their ad or not. The pandora box has been open, they are just scrambling to minimize the damage to their greedy bottom line. I thought it was funny how they tried to tell us that Ontario's price for 24-pack is the lowest in Canada .... LOL

No different than any other business enjoying a large account for years with hefty GP gains without anyone else competing. One day everything sweet ends. Their day has come.

But I will admit, it's fascinating to watch their PR machine in motion. Very slick ...
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The buy in is a joke 1000 dollars for a larger small brewer and 100 for a small on, they will sell you one share. You then have a chance to sit on the board 3 seats reserved for the small brewers vs 13 for the big 3.

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Who wants to buy stock in a company that only breaks even?...............lol
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

so everyone with a home brew kit, a nano brewer, is included in the buy in?? if not, once again they dictate/control, what a load of ******. i would like to thank inbev, a non-profit company for purchasing anheuser busch for $52 billion for all of us to enjoy beer at the cost of the shareholders and owners, thanks!
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Picked up a 24 case of tall boys for $28 at the border on the way back from the US last week. Almost half price. what gives?
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Picked up a 24 case of tall boys for $28 at the border on the way back from the US last week. Almost half price. what gives?

Wow think of the money they lost on that sale
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

At the duty free the absolute cheapest beer there is Miller -- a 24 pack of cans is $13 (or $15.35 CAD at today's exchange rate). Even though they aren't supposed to accept them, you can return the empties for $2.40, bringing the cost of that 2-4 down to $12.95 CAD.

The absolute cheapest 2-4 of cans that you can get at the beer store is PC beer at a regular price of $39.95, or 3x the cost of the cheapest beer in the USA.

If you lived near the border, you'd still be better off buying beer at the duty free, declaring it, and paying the $10 or $12 extra per case, it would still work out cheaper.

Saying that, the beer store doesn't set the beer prices -- the Ontario government nanny state does. I remember a few years ago when Laker stopped using the "Make'r a Laker, It's a Buck a Beer" because the government forced a raise in the minimum price for beer.

I want to see an end to the beer store simply because I don't agree with a government enforced monopoly and I would rather have the convenience of buying beer where I already go such as Costco or Walmart rather than having to make an extra stop during limited hours. I know we will never see a reduction in the price of beer.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Wow think of the money they lost on that sale

I can only image what THAT waybill looked like....
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

this will be an exercise in PR/marketing that will become a text book for colleges in three yrs. The lid is off the cookie jar and media like the Star know that scandals and social injustice sell papers so they wont be letting go of the bone anytime soon, they will chew that for months. And the big three know they have an issue, they aren't Canadian corps anymore, they are considered foreigners that bought National treasures like Labbatt and Molson. They have the impression that they make beer expensive, and they wont help put it into a corner store. They run those not for profit outlets, like a salvation army store or habitat for humanity, with lousy hours and inconvenient locations. This spin will be like selling the war on drugs or police budget talks , you don't want crime going UP do you? that's why we bought an armoured Humvee with a 4" gun turret.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

this will be an exercise in PR/marketing that will become a text book for colleges in three yrs. The lid is off the cookie jar and media like the Star know that scandals and social injustice sell papers so they wont be letting go of the bone anytime soon, they will chew that for months. And the big three know they have an issue, they aren't Canadian corps anymore, they are considered foreigners that bought National treasures like Labbatt and Molson. They have the impression that they make beer expensive, and they wont help put it into a corner store. They run those not for profit outlets, like a salvation army store or habitat for humanity, with lousy hours and inconvenient locations. This spin will be like selling the war on drugs or police budget talks , you don't want crime going UP do you? that's why we bought an armoured Humvee with a 4" gun turret.

Wynne and the Liberals must be celebrating behind closed doors. There has been a fair bit of heat on them lately and this issue with The Beer Store has given them a very timely diversion. Normally this would be forgotten about in a news cycle but the Liberals would love to keep the attention on this to divert attention from all of their wrongdoings with the cancelled gas plants, deleted computer files etc.

Just the same I want The Beer Store gone. Either make it a crown corporation with good paying jobs and the profits going back to the province or scrap the whole thing and give us the convenience and choice of buying our beer and corner stores, Costcos, Walmarts etc.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

The PR machines and brewers lobby is firing on all cylinders .... opened Metro today, and the gang is telling us that based on Wed Jan 7, 500 somewhat people told the polling company they hired that 84% of those people approve or somewhat approve the proposal they made this week. So YOUR beer store is the best deal out there ... the lobby is telling you.

LOL ... I am still laughing an hour after seeing the ad.

They will lie, deceit, delay ... whatever it takes to keep "their losing/unprofitable scheme in place".
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Just the same I want The Beer Store gone. Either make it a crown corporation with good paying jobs and the profits going back to the province or scrap the whole thing and give us the convenience and choice of buying our beer and corner stores, Costcos, Walmarts etc.

Thinking the same thing. Get rid of them completely and either replace it LCBO_Beer division or open up the market completely to anyone interested.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Open up the market

The best solution for the consumers. Will increase the availability of local and out of province beers and other products would be great for the CDN brewing and distillery industry
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Thinking the same thing. Get rid of them completely and either replace it LCBO_Beer division or open up the market completely to anyone interested.

As a first option, I'm in favour of the LCBO-Beer division idea. The prices I can live with, as I'm conditioned into paying them. At least this way, it's somewhat going back into the province.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Wynne and the Liberals must be celebrating behind closed doors. There has been a fair bit of heat on them lately and this issue with The Beer Store has given them a very timely diversion. Normally this would be forgotten about in a news cycle but the Liberals would love to keep the attention on this to divert attention from all of their wrongdoings with the cancelled gas plants, deleted computer files etc.

Just the same I want The Beer Store gone. Either make it a crown corporation with good paying jobs and the profits going back to the province or scrap the whole thing and give us the convenience and choice of buying our beer and corner stores, Costcos, Walmarts etc.
I wouldn't be so sure about the celebrating behind closed doors thing. Word is they were working on their own reform of LCBO/Beer Store operations that would make them (slightly) more appreciated by the public while retaining (or increasing) revenues for the government. Now that's all up in the air depending on public reaction which is still evolving. Hopefully when all the dust settles we get a ton of selection, great prices, and secure jobs in the industry.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

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