"The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

its not just the corrupt politicians that enjoy beer/liquor profits, have a read below.

$400,000 and counting collected by cop nabbed for undeclared beer!

"Only one year before Ms. Nesbeth’s fateful border crossing, another veteran officer, Ronald Hansen, was caught at the Detroit border with a carload of undeclared water pipe tobacco.

Mr. Hansen resigned before his misconduct charges could go to hearing. A few months after Ms. Nesbeth’s suspension, Windsor Police also booted out Const. Colin Little, a nine-year veteran who had been found swapping licence plates on his car in order to better sneak shipments of booze over the Ambassador Bridge."

these are supposed to be cops. lol. link to story is HERE
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

its not just the corrupt politicians that enjoy beer/liquor profits, have a read below.

$400,000 and counting collected by cop nabbed for undeclared beer!

"Only one year before Ms. Nesbeth’s fateful border crossing, another veteran officer, Ronald Hansen, was caught at the Detroit border with a carload of undeclared water pipe tobacco.

Mr. Hansen resigned before his misconduct charges could go to hearing. A few months after Ms. Nesbeth’s suspension, Windsor Police also booted out Const. Colin Little, a nine-year veteran who had been found swapping licence plates on his car in order to better sneak shipments of booze over the Ambassador Bridge."

these are supposed to be cops. lol. link to story is HERE

Repost, see here http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforu...Bad-The-Ugly&p=2252450&viewfull=1#post2252450

And that's a cop who stole from the government, she'll be turfed
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Was there today showed Paul as he was the only on there. I was there for about 20 mins no one else came so enjoyed the show. Was wearing brewers retail hoodie wasn't hiding from anyone. That store that didn't open was due to no computer system working. If a store closes before posted times the **** hits fan really fast.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Repost, see here http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforu...Bad-The-Ugly&p=2252450&viewfull=1#post2252450

And that's a cop who stole from the government, she'll be turfed

Same incident, new article. This quote though:

National Post said:
Nevertheless, the constable’s claim at her hearing was that she didn’t technically smuggle anything because the border officer did not specifically ask her if there was any alcohol in the car.
Yes. Okay. Right. Sure. This woman is a grown-up, and she gets to have a gun.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Was there today showed Paul as he was the only on there. I was there for about 20 mins no one else came so enjoyed the show. Was wearing brewers retail hoodie wasn't hiding from anyone. That store that didn't open was due to no computer system working. If a store closes before posted times the **** hits fan really fast.
Just when I was getting bored with the crying and bitching about you not showing...TOO F'N FUNNY!
Who will be first to chime in now??? I'm assuming they will need Paul to confirm...
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Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Just when I was getting bored with the crying and bitching about you not showing...TOO F'N FUNNY!
Who will be first to chime in now??? I'm assuming they will need Paul to confirm...

I always thought that EBIDA would be a better measure of profitability than a waybill but what the heck do I know?
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Wow you're dense, who cares what that paper says. They are selling it TO THEMSELVES! They can in fact, show that they are selling it for less than they are buying and show loss.

Wanna bet that The Beer Store shows ZERO profitability to not pay any taxes...

Let me tell you how my old company which sold packaging material would work out deals.

They would go to a potential customer and say "look, here's what we buy the material for, we are only making 5% profit" *sad face, "we cant sell it to you any cheaper"

Customer looks at it and goes "okay, yea, hes not ripping us off"

What the customer doesnt know is that at the end of the year, The supplier of the material cuts my company a nice cheque for 8% of the yearly amount that my company bought for them. So in the end, they are making 13% profit, not 5 as the customer thinks. Bait and switch, weasly mofos win again.

You sir, are showing us the papers that the customer is supposed to be looking at, and we aint buying it!
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Wow you're dense, who cares what that paper says. They are selling it TO THEMSELVES! They can in fact, show that they are selling it for less than they are buying and show loss.

Wanna bet that The Beer Store shows ZERO profitability to not pay any taxes...

Let me tell you how my old company which sold packaging material would work out deals.

They would go to a potential customer and say "look, here's what we buy the material for, we are only making 5% profit" *sad face, "we cant sell it to you any cheaper"

Customer looks at it and goes "okay, yea, hes not ripping us off"

What the customer doesnt know is that at the end of the year, The supplier of the material cuts my company a nice cheque for 8% of the yearly amount that my company bought for them. So in the end, they are making 13% profit, not 5 as the customer thinks. Bait and switch, weasly mofos win again.

You sir, are showing us the papers that the customer is supposed to be looking at, and we aint buying it!

One of the companies I was a sales manager at was a subsidiary of a Swedish company. We paid much more to mport that product than it cost to produce the products in Sweden and ship them to us. It was all about paying more or less taxes in the jurisdiction that had a better tax rate. The U.S., Germany etc all paid different amounts for the products depending on what made more sense for the head office.

I still think its more fun to listen to the retail drone though and live in his world.
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Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star


They would go to a potential customer and say "look, here's what we buy the material for, we are only making 5% profit" *sad face, "we cant sell it to you any cheaper"

Customer looks at it and goes "okay, yea, hes not ripping us off"

What the customer doesnt know is that at the end of the year, The supplier of the material cuts my company a nice cheque for 8% of the yearly amount that my company bought for them. So in the end, they are making 13% profit, not 5 as the customer thinks. Bait and switch, weasly mofos win again.

You sir, are showing us the papers that the customer is supposed to be looking at, and we aint buying it!

that's not bait and switch, bait and switch is we show you product x and ship product y. and its not weasly , its business. and a distributor of packaging products grossing 13% is not doing well. What seems to be missing here is (irocian) the brewery makes beer 24hrs a day, thousands and thousands of liters of beer. while the beer store is closed and all the elves are sleeping, there is still more beer. LOTS of manufactures have distribution outlets that are just there to facilitate getting product into the market, the profit is in the manufacture. Pricing on a way bill? yeah, like the car dealer showing you his invoice, you pay what he pays! that's how the president of interbrew got that 30,000sq ft house on Lakeshore, free beer......
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

This reminds me of my part time job working at Wendy's in the 1980s. I made a grand total of $3.50 an hour (minimum wage at the time). That store never seemed to make any money. The money all went to the owner and head office. Store was practically a charity!

The Wendy's I worked at didn't make any money either..
Mostly 'cause this fat guy ate all the profits.
Interesting thread. Glad I don't drink that much beer.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Fine, bait and switch is the wrong term, and 13% was not the correct number. That was used to illustrate a point. Still don't think showing cost as x when it's y is not shady?

thats straight up lying, but hey, they ARE sales guy. It goes without saying.

that's not bait and switch, bait and switch is we show you product x and ship product y. and its not weasly , its business. and a distributor of packaging products grossing 13% is not doing well. What seems to be missing here is (irocian) the brewery makes beer 24hrs a day, thousands and thousands of liters of beer. while the beer store is closed and all the elves are sleeping, there is still more beer. LOTS of manufactures have distribution outlets that are just there to facilitate getting product into the market, the profit is in the manufacture. Pricing on a way bill? yeah, like the car dealer showing you his invoice, you pay what he pays! that's how the president of interbrew got that 30,000sq ft house on Lakeshore, free beer......
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Fine, bait and switch is the wrong term, and 13% was not the correct number. That was used to illustrate a point. Still don't think showing cost as x when it's y is not shady?

thats straight up lying, but hey, they ARE sales guy. It goes without saying.

Easy there Big Business tycoon, you've been to my home and we've done business, and I'm a career sales guy, did I lie or screw you? Just sayin.....and you've been here more than once.

showing x when its y on an internal waybill? shady?? no, they have to have a number showing for a variety of reasons. Its an internal waybill. Of a private business. So they put the actual manufactured cost on the bill? no, it would show the declared value of goods. Its a WAYBILL. And some dillywinkle will run around a bike show with it, would you think costing invoices get left laying around? Not at the company I run.
But you carry on with making up percentages to illustrate your point, use a wrong term for backup.
Don't bother with a witty retort, you know I'm right.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I still can't believe he entertained the notion that beer store doesn't make money. Please that's just dumb. Get a brain.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Obviously my comment struck a nerve. Not all salesmen are shady. That's given as they are human. There are honest ways to sell and the are dishonest ways to sell. Frankly the stigma of a salesman wasn't pulled from thin air.
I'm sorry I don't know the lingo nor am I fluent enough to explain it here. It was explained to me in by another sales guy working for our company who found the whole thing immoral and wrong, and from how he explained it, I agreed.

Easy there Big Business tycoon, you've been to my home and we've done business, and I'm a career sales guy, did I lie or screw you? Just sayin.....and you've been here more than once.

showing x when its y on an internal waybill? shady?? no, they have to have a number showing for a variety of reasons. Its an internal waybill. Of a private business. So they put the actual manufactured cost on the bill? no, it would show the declared value of goods. Its a WAYBILL. And some dillywinkle will run around a bike show with it, would you think costing invoices get left laying around? Not at the company I run.
But you carry on with making up percentages to illustrate your point, use a wrong term for backup.
Don't bother with a witty retort, you know I'm right.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

I hope someone contacted his boss telling informing them that someone is sharing their information... If it was my information being shared I would fire him.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Obviously my comment struck a nerve. Not all salesmen are shady. That's given as they are human. There are honest ways to sell and the are dishonest ways to sell. Frankly the stigma of a salesman wasn't pulled from thin air.
I'm sorry I don't know the lingo nor am I fluent enough to explain it here. It was explained to me in by another sales guy working for our company who found the whole thing immoral and wrong, and from how he explained it, I agreed.

of course its a stigma, lawyers, politicians, maybe plumbers are all untrustworthy. And yet a salesguy, all lying, you work with, explained it and you agreed. You don't need to know any lingo, its called irony. You've mastered it.
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Lol too little too late
Re: "The Beer Store’s secret sweetheart deal with LCBO revealed" - says The Star

Surprised they didn't go the same route as the Robelus cartel who tried to convince us how hard they work and how awesome they are back when Verizon was suggested to be venturing into our market.

The beer store skipped the lying and went straight for pacification. Glad that doesn't seem to be working either.
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