Headline doesnt really match the charges (well, I guess it does, a careless charge instead of 172 makes a hell of a lot more sense)
A 26-year-old Ajax man is now charged with stunt driving, careless driving, driver motor vehicle – no plates, no insurance, fail to wear helmet on motorcycle. His licence was suspended for seven days and his bike was impounded for two weeks.
A 27-year-old Ajax man is charged with careless driving.

Two men facing stunt driving charges after reports of motorcycles racing in Ajax
Durham police have charged two Ajax men after getting reports about two motorcycles racing. Someone called police and said the pair were racing on Finley Ave

A 26-year-old Ajax man is now charged with stunt driving, careless driving, driver motor vehicle – no plates, no insurance, fail to wear helmet on motorcycle. His licence was suspended for seven days and his bike was impounded for two weeks.
A 27-year-old Ajax man is charged with careless driving.