The Bad Riders of Ontario Thread

the prevailing normal speed on much of the 401 is above 140km/h...even when you threaten to take people's cars they still travel at that speed because even when its a bit busy, it is safe to go that speed much of the time...

going 180 periodically on a motorcycle with a powerful engine and brakes to make your way through cars, while really inadvisable from a legal standpoint, isn't unsafe or unethical if you're comfortable doing it

the solution to granny-style outrage is to learn how to ride your bike, not to wish others didn't know how to ride theirs
Yikkies are you just asking for trouble out on the roads?

From @J_F reference the accident happened because a car moved into the lane of the bike, and the bike rear ended it. Bam! Done.
Drivers can barely see bikes, you want to add excessive speeds to these same drivers to have them guess or predict distances unexpectedly. That's crazy, never mind that reaction times are severely reduced in these high speed situations.

Good luck to you!
I never understood riding a motorcycle on the 401 to begin with. Whole highway is a death trap, including the Death Valley Parkway (DVP). Soon as I get on my bike I get the furthest away from population as possible. It's crazy the riders just trying to drag knees on the on and off ramps and lane splitting all the way down to Younge street for fun.
A few friends of mine ask me why I don't ride on the 401 to commute to work any longer.

Easy answer is the 401 is a horrible experience no matter how you slice it. Idiots all around, junk on the road (today I saw a chain....a ******* chain! in the tire track of the 2nd lane from the right), accidents, construction, traffic, and massive heat when you're going 5-10km/h.

I'll take the Volt to commute every time. My commuting previously from 403/Hurontario to 401/Yonge killed riding for me. Never again.

From now on, I ride for pleasure only. No more commuting.
I never understood riding a motorcycle on the 401 to begin with. Whole highway is a death trap, including the Death Valley Parkway (DVP).
When you live in the city, it takes a lot of time just to get out and get to a nicer riding roads. Highways cut that time in half, so yeah, I ride on the highways, but I'm not enjoying it a bit. And it's not that scary, to be honest. Just superboring.
the prevailing normal speed on much of the 401 is above 140km/h...even when you threaten to take people's cars they still travel at that speed because even when its a bit busy, it is safe to go that speed much of the time...

going 180 periodically on a motorcycle with a powerful engine and brakes to make your way through cars, while really inadvisable from a legal standpoint, isn't unsafe or unethical if you're comfortable doing it

the solution to granny-style outrage is to learn how to ride your bike, not to wish others didn't know how to ride theirs

lol what. Everyone justifies their dumb ass road habits because they think they’re better than everyone else on it.

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Uh, no. Most traffic outside of the GTA is doing 120-ish, as it always has. It's slower in the GTA because traffic.

Go with the flow of traffic, not way above it. If you're passing everything in sight, you're way above the flow of traffic.
On a bike, I'll often go five above the flow for various reasons but not 20+ over flow.
the prevailing normal speed on much of the 401 is above 140km/h...even when you threaten to take people's cars they still travel at that speed because even when its a bit busy, it is safe to go that speed much of the time...

going 180 periodically on a motorcycle with a powerful engine and brakes to make your way through cars, while really inadvisable from a legal standpoint, isn't unsafe or unethical if you're comfortable doing it

the solution to granny-style outrage is to learn how to ride your bike, not to wish others didn't know how to ride theirs
As someone who travelled by bike on the 401 extensively between GTA and Ottawa, the prevailing speed is never above 140km/hr. Even pre- HTA172 it wasn’t.

I tend to ride pretty quick and am often one of the faster moving vehicles on there, so I’m not one to criticize others for speeding.

If you want to speed that’s fine, but don’t try to justify it with rubbish.
On a bike, I'll often go five above the flow for various reasons but not 20+ over flow.
I always thought the bike was wildly optimistic with speedo….put the gps on the X and unlike the F/Rebel being 10% high…the X is like 2-3kph higher than GPS.
As someone who travelled by bike on the 401 extensively between GTA and Ottawa, the prevailing speed is never above 140km/hr. Even pre- HTA172 it wasn’t.

I tend to ride pretty quick and am often one of the faster moving vehicles on there, so I’m not one to criticize others for speeding.

If you want to speed that’s fine, but don’t try to justify it with rubbish.
I have had a few times when it was but I cam count them on one hand. One time going from kingston to trenton, slow lane was 140+, fast lane was cruising around 180. I had my grandma in the car and was in a diesel so I stayed in the right lane, gave it the beans and tried not to be an obstacle. It was weird but strangely efficient. Tractors strailers obviously caused ripples but people were driving well as a pack. Ime, this average speed/level of courtesy rarely happens in ontario.
I always thought the bike was wildly optimistic with speedo….put the gps on the X and unlike the F/Rebel being 10% high…the X is like 2-3kph higher than GPS.
Haha. That's what I thought when I picked up the ape. Pulled out, rolled on the throttle and thought, there is no way this speedo can be right. Whoops, it was. Lucky there were no cops in the area.
Haha. That's what I thought when I picked up the ape. Pulled out, rolled on the throttle and thought, there is no way this speedo can be right. Whoops, it was. Lucky there were no cops in the area.
Stupid question but what bike is the ‘ape’?
fast riding isn't necessarily bad riding - if they had crashed into you then your post might make more sense

whiney posts like this remind me of a Carlin joke:

"Have you ever noticed that anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone driving faster than you is a MANIAC!!?"
No. You can't ride with me
One thing I have noticed on the QEW between Stoney Creek and St. Catharines since they raised the limit to 110 is that the lane discipline is much better.
One thing I have noticed on the QEW between Stoney Creek and St. Catharines since they raised the limit to 110 is that the lane discipline is much better.
Interesting. I didn't expect that to make a noticeable difference in anything (I thought they would run the pilot, say nothing changed and then go 120 for freeways outside of major urban centers).
One thing I have noticed on the QEW between Stoney Creek and St. Catharines since they raised the limit to 110 is that the lane discipline is much better.
I think that's a side effect of there being a little more room due to less traffic from the pandemic. What I have noticed is that raising the limit to 110 has had no noticeable effect whatsoever on the speed traffic likes to move at
I think that's a side effect of there being a little more room due to less traffic from the pandemic. What I have noticed is that raising the limit to 110 has had no noticeable effect whatsoever on the speed traffic likes to move at
Of course it doesn't. Comfortable travel speed is determined by road design not numbers on signs.

As a useful method of controlling speed, I was somewhere recently where the municipality had nailed pilons onto the road to shrink lane width by ~1m. That is infinitely more effective than changing the number on the signs. Even better would be road design to use that extra space for something useful. I was on a call today where for private roads, the municipality is requiring 6m asphalt plus sidewalk plus 2m buffer on each side. This is for a private court ~30m long serving six houses with no street parking allowed. wtf. Municipality is unwilling to be flexible on their road standard.
let me extend an olive branch for you grannies out there - of course if you're competent and comfortable on your motorcycle you'll be much safer if you still mostly flow with traffic and avoid big groups of cars and speeding

but you should understand a big part of riding sports motorcycles for many is the ability to cut through the herd of retards that jam up highways never passing and tailgating each other

instead of making tiresome posts that essentially amount to "omg won't someone think of the children!?" try to keep that in mind
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