The Bad Riders of Ontario Thread

I crashed every season at least once. I saw the wipeouts coming. The precursor to nearly every single one was "I am tired." Same thing happens when sim racing. The "I am tired" thing also happens to everyone.

In order to get competitive and competent at riding/racing, you have to adopt the mindset of "I am god, and I am certain I won't get into an accident unless I **** up." Any other mindset makes you less competitive.

Same mindset applied on the street, no accidents with any vehicle over 20 years as a result.

EDIT: Above mindset requires sanity checking your skill by comparing against others to know where you are on the totem pole. Can't blindly adopt a mindset with no metric; that's just ego and arrogance lol

Yeah...I found myself on those group rides a few times and never rode w/ them again lol

If you can plan a crash on a busy highway do you mind telling me the Lotto 649 numbers for the upcoming draw?
While true, you can play with the odds. On a windy country road, odds are high you will have a singe vehicle crash. Playing frogger on the 401 odds are very high multiple vehicles will be involved.

So true. I remind myself the big wide saddlebags will clip a car and I will have a very quick but gruesome death 0_0
If you can plan a crash on a busy highway do you mind telling me the Lotto 649 numbers for the upcoming draw?

Learn to pass a bunch of cars on a race track mid corner and you won't crash on a highway in real life because you'll see the idiots who can't drive before they see you and react (either evasive or defensively.)

Hell, join me on iRacing, ACC, or even F1 20xx and you'll see what I mean when you take out half the track on turn one lol

EDIT: Why is it a common Westerner thing to focus on politics and how much an individual can control when the same mindset, when applied to a far more controlled situation like driving, results in ppl throwing their hands up to fate? There is far more chaos in politics. How does this not cause cognitive dissonance explosion?
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Learn to pass a bunch of cars on a race track mid corner and you won't crash on a highway in real life because you'll see the idiots who can't drive before they see you and react (either evasive or defensively.)

Hell, join me on iRacing, ACC, or even F1 20xx and you'll see what I mean when you take out half the track on turn one lol

EDIT: Why is it a common Westerner thing to focus a lot of politics and how much an individual can control when the same mindset, when applied to a far more controlled situation like driving, results in ppl throwing their hands up to fate? There is far more chaos in politics. How does this not cause cognitive dissonance explosion?

You do know that makes zero sense right? The highway/roads aren't racetracks…race school and more importantly, video games, do not teach you how to avoid exploding truck tires, debris in the road, random potholes, cars on the wrong side of the line, and texting drivers in real life. You have also not evolved with 360 degree vision. Pretty sure we have had this conversation multiple times on here with multiple people.
Learn to pass a bunch of cars on a race track mid corner and you won't crash on a highway in real life because you'll see the idiots who can't drive before they see you and react (either evasive or defensively.)

Hell, join me on iRacing, ACC, or even F1 20xx and you'll see what I mean when you take out half the track on turn one lol


EDIT: Why is it a common Westerner thing to blah, blah, blah, blah.

Always gotta stick that little veiled racist nugget in there.
fast riding isn't necessarily bad riding - if they had crashed into you then your post might make more sense

whiney posts like this remind me of a Carlin joke:

"Have you ever noticed that anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone driving faster than you is a MANIAC!!?"
there isn't anywhere on that road that travelling 180
isn't at best stupid, at worst very irresponsible
spirited riding has it's time and place
a suburban GTA freeway is not one of them
there isn't anywhere on that road that travelling 180
isn't at best stupid, at worst very irresponsible
spirited riding has it's time and place
a suburban GTA freeway is not one of them
I would argue that 407 with some foresight and the right time of day has minimal effect on safety at 220 instead of 120. You have lots of empty lanes around you, good sight lines, minimal stationary obstacles, you could slow down to pass vehicles, etc. Animals can always be an issue, speed makes a collision with a deer worse. Now, it would be boring to go 220 on the 407 but I don't believe you have increased the danger greatly.
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I used to be **** hot on team fortress classic. I’m going to advertise my services in Soldier of Fortune Magazine. I’m really ****** I missed out on that head of state coup thing in Haiti.

Wasn't that the point of "America's Army", to find more boots for the wars. 🤣
there isn't anywhere on that road that travelling 180
isn't at best stupid, at worst very irresponsible
spirited riding has it's time and place
a suburban GTA freeway is not one of them
the prevailing normal speed on much of the 401 is above 140km/h...even when you threaten to take people's cars they still travel at that speed because even when its a bit busy, it is safe to go that speed much of the time...

going 180 periodically on a motorcycle with a powerful engine and brakes to make your way through cars, while really inadvisable from a legal standpoint, isn't unsafe or unethical if you're comfortable doing it

the solution to granny-style outrage is to learn how to ride your bike, not to wish others didn't know how to ride theirs

No idea what the 407 is like now, but when I was taking it to work in the mornings years ago if you were doing 140, you better not have been in the passing lane. I was definitely not the rabbit, either.

the prevailing normal speed on much of the 401 is above 140km/h...even when you threaten to take people's cars they still travel at that speed because even when its a bit busy, it is safe to go that speed much of the time...

going 180 periodically on a motorcycle with a powerful engine and brakes to make your way through cars, while really inadvisable from a legal standpoint, isn't unsafe or unethical if you're comfortable doing it

the solution to granny-style outrage is to learn how to ride your bike, not to wish others didn't know how to ride theirs

Level of comfort and level of competence are often disconnected.

Unless you play video games very often apparently.
No idea what the 407 is like now, but when I was taking it to work in the mornings years ago if you were doing 140, you better not have been in the passing lane. I was definitely not the rabbit, either.

But he said 401. 407 is a completely different beast. When I do 140 on 401 I’m usually the fastest car.
we have this example on the 401 a few days ago in Scarborough
lets for fun, apply today's learnings about freeway riding

root cause was:

rider comfortable?
yes, was seen travelling at a high rate of speed and weaving through cars, not his fault

engine power?
see above, not the root cause

they're gone, so I think we're onto something
the brakes were the root cause

GTAM is a source of endless learnings

I never understood riding a motorcycle on the 401 to begin with. Whole highway is a death trap, including the Death Valley Parkway (DVP). Soon as I get on my bike I get the furthest away from population as possible. It's crazy the riders just trying to drag knees on the on and off ramps and lane splitting all the way down to Younge street for fun.
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