The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread | Page 340 |

The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

We may not be in complete agreement but in construction / heavy equipment the operators are so used to winning by intimidation that they can become complacent, expecting every win.
The truck driver got the win. A $110 ticket (that prosecutor will likely let slide down to a non-moving violation for an easy win) may have zero affect on their future expenses/behaviour.
If a car is making a legal right turn into a driveway or at an intersection and there is a bicyclist approaching from behind, does the cyclist still have the right of way? Is it the bicyclist's responsibility to slow down to avoid hitting the car, just like every other vehicle on the road, or is it the car's responsibility to make sure the bicyclist (that the driver may not even be aware of) isn't passing as he makes the turn?
What is the speed limit for a bicycle travelling on a sidewalk. Walking pace is about 5 KPH. If a driver is backing out of a driveway and a cyclist comes around the corner at 25 KPH, with a collision ensuing, who is at fault?

How many people will die before there is any thought on the matter?
What is the speed limit for a bicycle travelling on a sidewalk. Walking pace is about 5 KPH. If a driver is backing out of a driveway and a cyclist comes around the corner at 25 KPH, with a collision ensuing, who is at fault?

How many people will die before there is any thought on the matter?
No speed limit for bicycle on sidewalk. Only kids on bicycles with small wheels are supposed to be there.

Pedestrians have the absolute right of way on sidewalks above all other vehicles.

In your scenario of motor vehicle vs bicycle, I don't know. It's not clean and I could see it going multiple ways. Assuming it was an adult on the bicycle, it wasn't supposed to be on the sidewalk. Vehicle wasn't supposed to intrude on the sidewalk without it being clear. If bike was going fast (whatever you consider that to be), it makes it much harder for motor vehicle to see them and react appropriately. I expect insurance would give the motor vehicle driver at least 50% fault and it would count as an at-fault crash.
The relevence is the increasing number of tasks the driver is faced with. At some point any driver can err due to the increasing number of distractions. As long as there is a me vs them attitude, things will get worse. Physically, the cyclist gets the worst of it. Financially, it's the driver. There is no winner. It isn't just a bicycle attitude. Self importance and nanny state laws are a bad mix.

If you are the only safe driver on the road you become a hazard to the unsafe ones. Speed or impede. Stop and get rear ended. etc.

The illegality of the No Right Turn signage is IMO irrelevant. If the turn was legal I feel that the same thing would have happened.

Why is there a No Right time bracket? I suspect it is because pedestrian traffic in both directions would cause gridlock at busy times. Pedestrians are far worse at ignoring signs.

If the truck had to go south on Dufferin what would be his alternate route. Side streets in the area are probably "No Heavies" and plugged with parked cars.
The cyclist might have based their actions on the knowledge that a turn was illegal, making it far from irrelevant.
What is the speed limit for a bicycle travelling on a sidewalk. Walking pace is about 5 KPH. If a driver is backing out of a driveway and a cyclist comes around the corner at 25 KPH, with a collision ensuing, who is at fault?

How many people will die before there is any thought on the matter?
The speed limit for a cyclist on a sidewalk, in Toronto, is zero. It's illegal for an adult to ride a bicycle on a sidewalk in Toronto.
Aug 14th on hwy 48 going from Port Bolster to Beaverton. Clear day, straight road section. 18 wheeler coming towards me, then some ass in an SUV decides to pass the truck. Instead of braking and maybe pulling back behind the truck they hit the gas. Luckily for me there was a bit of solid gravel at the side so I braked on pavement then rolled onto the gravel as this ass roared by. Later up the road I noticed there was so safe gravel so it would have been in the ditch for me. What the F was that person thinking, big truck on one side, a motorcycle in the other lane and I should hit the biker as hard as possible or ?
Be careful out there, situations happen fast.
Aug 14th on hwy 48 going from Port Bolster to Beaverton. Clear day, straight road section. 18 wheeler coming towards me, then some ass in an SUV decides to pass the truck. Instead of braking and maybe pulling back behind the truck they hit the gas. Luckily for me there was a bit of solid gravel at the side so I braked on pavement then rolled onto the gravel as this ass roared by. Later up the road I noticed there was so safe gravel so it would have been in the ditch for me. What the F was that person thinking, big truck on one side, a motorcycle in the other lane and I should hit the biker as hard as possible or ?
Be careful out there, situations happen fast.
They were thinking that you're just an NPC.
I hadn't been up to Forks of the Credit in years, so I took a quick run up there this morning. I came back along Mississauga Road and as I came over a rise, just south of town, a pickup truck ran the stop sign on a cross street right in front of me. They then proceeded to run two more, on Mississauga and, when they came to the stop light at King, treated it like a stop sign. I got to the light maybe 10 seconds later and it immediately went green when I got to it. Watch yourselves, up there.
I hadn't been up to Forks of the Credit in years, so I took a quick run up there this morning. I came back along Mississauga Road and as I came over a rise, just south of town, a pickup truck ran the stop sign on a cross street right in front of me. They then proceeded to run two more, on Mississauga and, when they came to the stop light at King, treated it like a stop sign. I got to the light maybe 10 seconds later and it immediately went green when I got to it. Watch yourselves, up there.

Close enough to get the plate? I would definitely be sending that footage to the OPP.
Close enough to get the plate? I would definitely be sending that footage to the OPP.
Unfortunately my camera is currently not working, or I'd have posted video. It needs a new power cable (on order).
As someone who spends time in construction zones periodically, numpties like this keep me awake at night. The new Book 7 (MTO traffic control guidance) added what they call a Longitudinal Buffer Area, which is basically an empty coned off area in the lead-up to the actual work area, and these smooth-brains, along with phone-distracted idiots, are exactly why. It takes the 'whack' of driving into a cone for many of them to actually look up at the roadway and get on the brakes. There were too many cases where idiots and a*seholes simply plowed into a group of workers because they just weren't looking where they were going.

The really mind-bending part of the above is the passenger thought this was funny/entertaining/interesting enough to post somewhere, as if it's all just a big joke...

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