Terrorist attack in the factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier

i don't know about your family.. but men are IN CHARGE of the home.. chances are its your dad that disciplines you not your mom not first at least probably waits for your dad to deal with you first..

in charge does not mean ownership.. it means authority..
yes my father was the authority in my house... m sure that is the case in most if not all houses.. sure when mom would disagree dad would surely reconsider... one is not beneath the other or a lower form of life..

one more time... the rules are their.. if you want to let your own imagination run wild on the situation thats your call..
Of course it happens, drunks beat their wives, people with anger management problems do and yes of all backgrounds. There are bad individuals everywhere. That said, it happens a hell of lot more when it becomes a systemic teaching in an entire faith system that women are less than men. Where men can marry 4 wives and they can beat them when they dont obey.
Compare to growing up in a setting that teaches you from very early days that we are both equal human beings and you dont beat your wife.
When its in your HOLY BOOK, i bet its easier to use your fists since your GOD allowed and told you to do it! And we know how far some people go for their god. We see them in the news everyday! These people kill because someonw drew a cartoon so pretty clear on how dedicated they are to the word of their god

clearly you are only reading what you want to read..

4 wives.. do you even have any idea how many rules and limitations come into play for that to occur...
where in the quran even a lost in translations does it say women are less than or inferior to men? saying listen to your father/brother or husband is not slavery ash... its called a family for a reason and not a business.

are you not part of a MENS rights advocacy group?? because the system we live in is unfair to men??? especially legally.. you are shooting yourself in the foot dude.

did it not make it abundantly clear that the WOMEN IN THE RELATIONSHIP( not some random women you don't know) must not be harmed in any way in this so called BEATING.

what are you smoking RIGHT NOW.. perhaps that is the problem... did not expect you to put the blinders on ash... disappointed.

you don't have to like it.. you don't even have to agree with it.. but you certainly should refrain from misrepresenting it.

should consider an apology for that willful misrepresentation ash.
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What rights are those?

its too complicated to explain here... but in that context violation of "his" rights which occur most often is infidelity within a marriage. or some addiction or something serious like that.. not because she put a tad bit less salt in the soup. those are extreme measures to try and explicitly preserve a marriage... if that fails then divorce ends up being the only option..

sure their are people who read the line and go beat their wives... they will be denied heaven on the day of judgement even if they are perfect lil darling angels wife beatings excepted... for they have sinned.

prophet mohammad(PBUH) never used violence on any women under his authority(family)... not even a single time.. remember he had 4 wives.. he was obligated to take care of them in everyday equally fairly and justly.. never allowed the situation to get that extreme..

just like.. we are allowed to use lethal force in a serious self defence situation.. not because the neighbour you don't like swore at you... allowed does not mean if you are bored go beat your wife.
try this:


one thing often MISSED in the west is your rights in islam are options and secondary.. while your responsibilities and obligations are mandatory and primary.. you are not fulfilling your responsibilities you do not have associated rights. its a package deal.. this is present in ALL aspects of islam.
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its too complicated to explain here...

The 1st right a man has is the right to sexual pleasure. If a woman is not menstruating she should not refuse her husband’s call to intimacy. Abu Hurayrah (ra) said: The Messenger of Allah () said: “If a man calls his wife to his bed and she refuses, and he spends the night angry with her, the angels curse her until morning.” Al-Bukhaari and Muslim. Sheykh Hamza Yusuf says in the original Rights and Responsibilities CD collection: “While a woman should provide herself sexually, the husband should take into consideration her state; women are willing to give up their right, so a man should have that largess that sometimes it’s inappropriate”.

Men are more visually stimulated than women. In accordance with the hadith, if a man sees a woman when he’s out and feels a desire let him go to his wife, because the 'outsider' is not halal, the 'ghar wali' is halal! Please note this is a shared right, both husband and wife must treat each other well, with good words, love, this is more conducive to intimacy. Intimacy is not just a perfunctory act, there is much more to than just fulfilling desire, not recognising this is uber bad and reduces the act to basic instinct.

Didnt seem to complex to me. Wife doesn't want to have sex with her you can strike her (eventually)

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[COLOR=#000000 said:
Didnt seem to complex to me. Wife doesn't want to have sex with her you can strike her (eventually)
you cannot beat your wife because she was not in the mood for it tonight...

did you know upto 4 months a wife and husband can avoid having sexual relations while they are going through the reconciliation process.. at that point the wife has a right to divorce with out his consent; especially if he she has valid reason.

and if your wife does not want to have sex with you for such a long period than dude.. you got problems..

basically she can say no for as long as she can bring up valid reasons.... what is she gonna say.. i don't want you anymore i like someone else... DIVORCE

you've got rights.. but they are secondary to your responsibilities...thats what you get for being the authority.

if she isn't attracted to you then do things to please her, to make her happy WITH YOU.. her rights trump yours anyway any day .. for she is your responsibility.

If you are a man and wanna read the Quran:
every time you read YOUR RIGHTS or equivalent make a mental note secondary.
every time you read YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES OR EQUIVALENT make a mental note primary.
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maybe in yours not in mine.. or most muslim households.. husband/father has the "whip" of authority but wife/mother can overrule it with reason..
Well grand parents then... i didnt expect you to take it literally
Well too late for taht i guess.. most peacefull family wise... 19th and The 20th.. exception being political and military events... you can hardly blame your wife for that
i didnt expect you to take it literally

How else was i supposed to take it? And i don't think my grand parents were born then either and im pretty sure they would agree that the 20th century was a much better time as there was great leaps in social equality, medicine and technology
How else was i supposed to take it? And i don't think my grand parents were born then either and im pretty sure they would agree that the 20th century was a much better time as there was great leaps in social equality, medicine and technology

things have been getting complicated with the industrial age.. a lot more now granted....
things have been getting complicated with the industrial age.. a lot more now granted....

No way we are living in the worst peacefully healthy time ever. Life is easier than it has ever been.

In the 19th century and well into parts of the 20th it was legal to rape you wife. Family life for most people was not a happy afair. Hell the idea that you marry for Love is a very recent thing.
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well WW1 WW2 killed a lot of people world wide... this affected families all over the world... plus with the industrial age maturing just about WW2 women got in the work force so the status quo was severely impacted... following economic situations in the west and the drive to seek freedom from western empires in the rest of the world did place immense strain on the core family structure. roles got reversed far too quickly divorce rates started to go up fast after WW2 not as bad as it is now but still too high for those times.

birth rates went down as both adults in the family were either working or knew someone who did..
well WW1 WW2 killed a lot of people world wide... this affected families all over the world... plus with the industrial age maturing just about WW@ women got in the work force so the status quo was severely impacted... following economic situations in the west and the drive to seek freedom from western empires in the rest of the world did place immense strain on the core family structure.

Citation required the "Core family structure" has never been a practical reality
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