urrgh didnt watch...
The truth is that this is a very complicated issue and no one in this thread from either side can really pin point it to the cause, No Islam is not evil and neither is Christianity, People are evil and use misinterpreted written verbiage to excuse their evil ways and push more susceptible people into doing their work.
Why are those more susceptible people easier to manipulate? the reasons range from economical to geographical reasons. Stop arguing about this damn topic, none of you are right and neither am I.
They have zero tolerence for any other thought or belief when they have the power to enforce their dogma.
The only reason you dont see them forcing their ways here in Canada is because they don have political power. Even then, in places like the UK, they want to force their believe with VIOLENCE in a country they were welcomes to!!! WTF, religion of peace indeed!
Take a look for yourself
haha, they always do that **** in numbers. Especially in that video, it's him and his butt buddy intimidating people. And even if they were by themselves doing that, I'd be willing to wager they have weapons on them.
Bunch o' cowards.
So because you like mini dresses, alcohol, all kinds of meat, clubs and Gambling you are a better person? lol give yourself a head shakeThere are many countries than women are all covered up, there is no alcohol, mosques at eevry corner, halal meat only and no clubs, gambling or anything fun.!.
i dont get it! If you love your Islamic laws so much, go live in a place where thats the law of the land! They force their ways into a secular country and then try to change it!
There are many countries than women are all covered up, there is no alcohol, mosques at eevry corner, halal meat only and no clubs, gambling or anything fun. So just go enjoy your life there and leave the rest of the world who got over the dark ages to enjoy a secular life!
Live and let live.... oh wait, but they have a world domination agenda and in Islam it is prophesied that Islam will rule earth before the judgement day is here.
Makes a lot more sense now.
Actually you are pretty darn bang on as far as recruitment and implementation of extremism.The truth is that this is a very complicated issue and no one in this thread from either side can really pin point it to the cause, No Islam is not evil and neither is Christianity, People are evil and use misinterpreted written verbiage to excuse their evil ways and push more susceptible people into doing their work.
Why are those more susceptible people easier to manipulate? the reasons range from economical to geographical reasons. Stop arguing about this damn topic, none of you are right and neither am I.
Here is a sample from quran.com (and not some right winged racist blog) Directly from quran and i have verified it with many other qurans to make sure its not fake.
Check it out in Arabic and English
" [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them"
Good religion you got buddy!
In the verse we quoted, Allah deals with the case of a wife who behaves immorally towards her husband's rights.