The truth is that this is a very complicated issue and no one in this thread from either side can really pin point it to the cause, No Islam is not evil and neither is Christianity, People are evil and use misinterpreted written verbiage to excuse their evil ways and push more susceptible people into doing their work.
Why are those more susceptible people easier to manipulate? the reasons range from economical to geographical reasons. Stop arguing about this damn topic, none of you are right and neither am I.
100% true. Can't say it better then this.
As for the 2 resident nazis.
Guys like sonny and zoodles don't think... They are just programmed and regurgitate.
They play the anti violence card but There have been more then 7 church burnings after the Carolina shootings. In the last couple of weeks alone.. I don't hear either talk about about them.
Both of them are closet Internet racists. The same kind that exist in France. The 66% of people in France that want all immigrants out they are the next generation of sonny and zoodles. This is how it starts.
France has no problems with Muslims when they are winning soccer games for them.
But when European Union capitalists form a single currency (essentially creating one economical country) and suck the life of its people... You need scapegoats to take the people's attention away from the real problem. You need a bad guy, a face, you need a tangible problem for people to focus on.
France has ghettos popping up everywhere, a large percentage of its white Christian population is now suffering. Middle class is disappearing.. Simply put its going down the USA path. Ghettos and Mansions.
This is the greatest crime on earth.. All the Islamic state stuff is a smoke screen. And racism and bigotry are bi-products of the smoke screen. If sonny and zoodles were not busy researching the Internet for anti Islam bits. They might be researching bits on the real problems.. This is exactly wha they don't want the people to do.
There are thousands of people dying and starving and being slaughtered in Africa. Every single day. The world could fix that problem with half the budget they spend on war year after year.. But they don't. You don't even hear of the atrocities in Africa. I don't see sonny or zoodles investigating who or what religion killed who in Africa or China.
It takes 2 to tango. And there has been one nation dancing forever with partner after partner.
Islamic state, Iraq, alqaeda, Korea, panama, Cuba, Vietnam, Russia, Iran, communism, they are all the same thing.
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"