Terrorist attack in the factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier

Citation required the "Core family structure" has never been a practical reality

So i guess there were no single mothers or fathers pre-20th century?

Thats my point this idea of a core family has always been a myth family situations across the planet have always been diverse and complex.

then how exactly are we going to compare the family structure and its stability with 1946 if you only look year to year... yo challenged the stability of the traditional family structure.. and i disagreed.. don't forget.
here.. you said traditional structure is a myth ... divorce has always been their....
No i didn't you cant even comprehend my points. I challenged its statistical prevalence.

So i guess there were no single mothers or fathers pre-20th century?

Thats my point this idea of a core family has always been a myth family situations across the planet have always been diverse and complex.


statically change in the core family structure has resulted in a substantial rise in the divorce rates in the US.. happy
when you have 2 ALPHA'S i a pride both clash and one has to walk away.. thats a disturbance in the core structure that flows through all of natures creations.. not just humans...

when mommy wants to be same as daddy problems rise... little irritants become full blown fights... you can't put 2 swords in one sheath.. you can't have two people in same role in a family.. rips things apart.
clearly you are only reading what you want to read..

4 wives.. do you even have any idea how many rules and limitations come into play for that to occur...
where in the quran even a lost in translations does it say women are less than or inferior to men? saying listen to your father/brother or husband is not slavery ash... its called a family for a reason and not a business.

are you not part of a MENS rights advocacy group?? because the system we live in is unfair to men??? especially legally.. you are shooting yourself in the foot dude.

did it not make it abundantly clear that the WOMEN IN THE RELATIONSHIP( not some random women you don't know) must not be harmed in any way in this so called BEATING.

what are you smoking RIGHT NOW.. perhaps that is the problem... did not expect you to put the blinders on ash... disappointed.

you don't have to like it.. you don't even have to agree with it.. but you certainly should refrain from misrepresenting it.

should consider an apology for that willful misrepresentation ash.

Misinterpretation? lol So your book (assuming youre Muslims) clearly says to strike your wife if she dispbeys you and i should apologize? lol I think your god or wheoever wrote that should apologize for writing that.

And yes, i am a part of EQUALITY group called EQUALITY CANADA. Im in that group because im against women having more rights than men but im certainly not in any group that wants men to have more rights either. Im a believe of equality. Unlike the Quran that allows for 4 wives (under whatever circumstance you wanna put it, it still never allows for 4 husbands under those very same conditions).

So if anyones putting the blinders on and is willfully ignoring the most obvious TEXT of his own book is you. The ignorance in religion is so mindbogglingly massive that word by word, they cant even read their own text.

If you have any doubts about what that sura mens, go back and read it. It says you can strike your wife and there is no two ways about reading that lol

So no, im not smoking anything but i can see how young children are so well brainwahsed by their parents and religious teachers that even after growing up, their alliegance to an outdated barbaric text is higher than their own logic anc common sense.

So you go ahead an have 4 wives and beat them if they dont OBEY you but i live in the 21st century where i believe in equality and the only arguments i accept are based on FACTS and SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE not some old story. Might as well start believing in Santa lol Oh wait, Santa doesnt kill innocent people who disagree with him and doesnt strike Mrs. Clause either so maybe not for you ;)

Theres your apology
Summer is here and that means that it is FGM season in Eqypt... :(


"But for millions of schoolgirls in Egypt, this time of year represents something much darker: the start of the female genital mutilation (FGM) season."

Ninety-two percent of married Egyptian women aged 15 to 49 have been subjected to FGM, according to a government report released in May."

"Most girls are cut between the ages of nine and 12, and the operations usually take place during the summer school break so the girls can recover at home."

So much for Shahfaisal's assertion that FGM was an African issue.

ISIS is still up to their nasty tricks. 25 were executed recently:


"A just-released video from ISIS shows militants executing 25 captives in the ruins of a Roman amphitheater in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra."

I was hoping for a quiet summer with little Sunni violence. Sadly it appears not to be the case...
The truth is that this is a very complicated issue and no one in this thread from either side can really pin point it to the cause, No Islam is not evil and neither is Christianity, People are evil and use misinterpreted written verbiage to excuse their evil ways and push more susceptible people into doing their work.

Why are those more susceptible people easier to manipulate? the reasons range from economical to geographical reasons. Stop arguing about this damn topic, none of you are right and neither am I.

100% true. Can't say it better then this.

As for the 2 resident nazis.
Guys like sonny and zoodles don't think... They are just programmed and regurgitate.

They play the anti violence card but There have been more then 7 church burnings after the Carolina shootings. In the last couple of weeks alone.. I don't hear either talk about about them.


Both of them are closet Internet racists. The same kind that exist in France. The 66% of people in France that want all immigrants out they are the next generation of sonny and zoodles. This is how it starts.

France has no problems with Muslims when they are winning soccer games for them.

But when European Union capitalists form a single currency (essentially creating one economical country) and suck the life of its people... You need scapegoats to take the people's attention away from the real problem. You need a bad guy, a face, you need a tangible problem for people to focus on.

France has ghettos popping up everywhere, a large percentage of its white Christian population is now suffering. Middle class is disappearing.. Simply put its going down the USA path. Ghettos and Mansions.

This is the greatest crime on earth.. All the Islamic state stuff is a smoke screen. And racism and bigotry are bi-products of the smoke screen. If sonny and zoodles were not busy researching the Internet for anti Islam bits. They might be researching bits on the real problems.. This is exactly wha they don't want the people to do.

There are thousands of people dying and starving and being slaughtered in Africa. Every single day. The world could fix that problem with half the budget they spend on war year after year.. But they don't. You don't even hear of the atrocities in Africa. I don't see sonny or zoodles investigating who or what religion killed who in Africa or China.

It takes 2 to tango. And there has been one nation dancing forever with partner after partner.

Islamic state, Iraq, alqaeda, Korea, panama, Cuba, Vietnam, Russia, Iran, communism, they are all the same thing.



"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
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