Shooting in Connecticut

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In that case you may wanna go against the paranoid stupidity being whipped up by the anti-gun lobby as we speak

Sorry...didn't realise the kids were all killed with sticks that the killers mom kept.

Come on now...they are asking for high capacity clips and assault weapons to be banned. What on earth is wrong with that?
Sorry...didn't realise the kids were all killed with sticks that the killers mom kept.

Come on now...they are asking for high capacity clips and assault weapons to be banned. What on earth is wrong with that?

Edit: No, the Bushmaster broke out of its safe, rolled to school and killed'em on its own, without any human action. Newsflash: If they can't use guns, they'll use, planes, trains, automobiles, bulldozers, explosive-loaded vans, anything that will kill people. Where there is a will, there is a way and taking away one method won't prevent the creative human mind from coming up with something else.

Where do I begin?

Let's start with "assault weapons" - To get one is already dang-near impossible for most Americans and it usually involves very expensive tax stamps. If you mean semi-automatic rifles, realistically, the only functional difference between

and this

is the caliber.

As for banning high capacity magazines.... I heard murder's illegal south of the border and the incident in question would most likely qualify as such - its legal status didn't prevent the killer from walking in there and murdering a bunch of kids. A neutered magazine (*) can easily be defeated. A law-abiding citizen will obey the law and thus have his sporting activities hindered. A criminal will just modify the magazine back to the original capacity.

(*) Difference between a clip and a magazine
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Firestart there is no point, seriously you're trying to reason with people who already made up their minds. They dont care what the difference between assault rifle is, semi-auto, bolt action. They don't care whats banned, what isn't, what causes more damage. They simply see a scary looking gun and then start spewing out ******** with buzzwords they heard on the news trying to sound intelligent.
If you face them with facts they will dismiss them and ask a ridiculous question like "how many children isn't too many" or "what if it was your children". Just watch the previous interview with Solomon, it pretty much sums everything up.

Reason and logic isn't something these people are capable of. It also doesn't help that the news clips and articles they're reading have been written by the same kind of people, articles that are filled with fear mongering and inaccuracies.
Sorry're off your trolley. If you can't see something is badly wrong in the US and it needs fixing somehow then I really can't help you with your comprehension skills or a sober analysis of statistics. Even some members of the NRA in the US have come to the conclusion that some things need fixing. That should really kind of tell you something. No one is disarming society, they are just asking for a little restraint with respect to some types of weapons and accessories.

But, you're absolutely right, you must be, seeing as how only the fervent gun nuts in the US with IQs close to the number of teeth they have, want to keep the status quo and everyone else is just plain wrong I guess. Anyhoo...I'm just glad Canada has stricter gun laws and I can manage very happily, worry free, not feeling paranoid, not threatened in the least, day to day without being armed to the teeth.......hallelujah.


PS Interesting's harder to buy french cheese in Kentucky (banned-raw milk) than it is to get an armful of assault rifles from a gun show. I'm so glad too seeing as how that french cheese is so ****ing dangerous.
Sorry're off your trolley. If you can't see something is badly wrong in the US and it needs fixing somehow then I really can't help you with your comprehension skills or a sober analysis of statistics. Even some members of the NRA in the US have come to the conclusion that some things need fixing. That should really kind of tell you something. No one is disarming society, they are just asking for a little restraint with respect to some types of weapons and accessories.

But, you're absolutely right, you must be, seeing as how only the fervent gun nuts in the US with IQs close to the number of teeth they have, want to keep the status quo and everyone else is just plain wrong I guess. Anyhoo...I'm just glad Canada has stricter gun laws and I can manage very happily, worry free, not feeling paranoid, not threatened in the least, day to day without being armed to the teeth.......hallelujah.


PS Interesting's harder to buy french cheese in Kentucky (banned-raw milk) than it is to get an armful of assault rifles from a gun show. I'm so glad too seeing as how that french cheese is so ****ing dangerous.

here's another interesting fact. if i want to go renew my prescription i have to make an appointment, go to the doctor, wait 3 hours, get him to write the prescription, go to the pharmacy, pay for it and pick it up.

if i want cocaine or heroin it will be delivered to me within 30 minutes after one phone call. cocaine and heroin are illegal, and no stores sell them.

this is what "laws" have achieved.
Firestart there is no point, seriously you're trying to reason with people who already made up their minds.

That's where I disagree with you.. At one point I was in his camp, letting my emotions override my common sense, probably somewhere between a Fudd and an Anti. There wasn't a life-changing event that made me say "hey, guns might not be as uncool as I thought they were". It was more of a change in attitude - realizing that people are responsible for their actions and not inanimate objects and that we cannot bubblewrap the entire society - the real cost would far outweigh any benefits that may come of it.
Sorry're off your trolley. If you can't see something is badly wrong in the US and it needs fixing somehow then I really can't help you with your comprehension skills or a sober analysis of statistics. Even some members of the NRA in the US have come to the conclusion that some things need fixing. That should really kind of tell you something. No one is disarming society, they are just asking for a little restraint with respect to some types of weapons and accessories.

But, you're absolutely right, you must be, seeing as how only the fervent gun nuts in the US with IQs close to the number of teeth they have, want to keep the status quo and everyone else is just plain wrong I guess. Anyhoo...I'm just glad Canada has stricter gun laws and I can manage very happily, worry free, not feeling paranoid, not threatened in the least, day to day without being armed to the teeth.......hallelujah.


PS Interesting's harder to buy french cheese in Kentucky (banned-raw milk) than it is to get an armful of assault rifles from a gun show. I'm so glad too seeing as how that french cheese is so ****ing dangerous.

banning a type of weapon based on looks is nothing more than useless symbolism. it will achieve nothing, just makes you feel good for thinking you're actually solving the problem, meanwhile it will solve nothing.
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Sorry're off your trolley. If you can't see something is badly wrong in the US and it needs fixing somehow then I really can't help you with your comprehension skills or a sober analysis of statistics.

There's plenty that's badly wrong on the other side of the border but it has very little to do with their gun laws other than them being overly restrictive in some states, like California.. At least we don't have to register long guns or pay for registering any guns :D
banning a type of weapon based on looks is nothing more than symbolic. it will achieve nothing, just makes you feel good for thinking you're actually solving the problem, meanwhile it will solve nothing.

Guess you're right. Banning certain types of weapons in the UK never worked. Oh wait a minute...yes it did.

Can I ask you what you would do then to approach the problem of gun related crime in the US? Note...solving really means a cure....most diseases don't have cures we instead tackle the symptoms. The analogy is much the same here, no one believes we can "cure" this problem overnight. Enhanced regulations are designed to tackle some symptoms. Also, not sure why you're getting so uptight? What we're discussing here is the US, not Canada. Nothing seems to be overly broken in Canada....things in the US though are completely ****ed.
That's where I disagree with you.. At one point I was in his camp, letting my emotions override my common sense, probably somewhere between a Fudd and an Anti. There wasn't a life-changing event that made me say "hey, guns might not be as uncool as I thought they were". It was more of a change in attitude - realizing that people are responsible for their actions and not inanimate objects and that we cannot bubblewrap the entire society - the real cost would far outweigh any benefits that may come of it.

With people ive encountered there is no talking to them. Guns are bad, they kill people. End of story. You can lay everything out to them, show them statistics, reason, common sense, nothing has worked.

They;re right, you're wrong is what i have encountered.
With people ive encountered there is no talking to them. Guns are bad, they kill people. End of story. You can lay everything out to them, show them statistics, reason, common sense, nothing has worked.

They;re right, you're wrong is what i have encountered.

And I was one of them.. Eventually I started using my brain.. So can they.. Most won't but I'm living proof that some of us do grow up :cool:
Guess you're right. Banning certain types of weapons in the UK never worked. Oh wait a minute...yes it did.

Can I ask you what you would do then to approach the problem of gun related crime in the US? Note...solving really means a cure....most diseases don't have cures we instead tackle the symptoms. The analogy is much the same here, no one believes we can "cure" this problem overnight. Enhanced regulations are designed to tackle some symptoms. Also, not sure why you're getting so uptight? What we're discussing here is the US, not Canada. Nothing seems to be overly broken in Canada....things in the US though are completely ****ed.

See this is what is frustrating about talking to someone like you. I just showed you a perfect example of an epic failure in our own country when it comes to "BANS" (drugs), however you didn't even acknowledge it and simply move on to the next point you think you have. In the UK certain crimes have gone down, but things such as ARMED ROBBERY have skyrocketed? How could this be after a GUN BAN?

What would i do?
There are a few things, however let me ask you first what is completely *****ed in the states? Or more importantly what have you been misinformed about that you think is ****ed?
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With people ive encountered there is no talking to them. Guns are bad, they kill people. End of story. You can lay everything out to them, show them statistics, reason, common sense, nothing has worked.

They;re right, you're wrong is what i have encountered.

Lol..I enjoy shooting..I like guns...I do it for the sport, I have no interest in hunting and I definitely don't need one for protection. Believe what you will though.

I'm more interested in why south of the border people go batshit crazy for guns and are blind to what's going on around them with respect to attitudes/ease of access etc. The whole psyche for a large number of people in the US seems fuelled by fear, paranoia and a desire to shoot first and ask questions later. The more fearful and paranoid they seem to become the more guns they seem to want to acquire. It's absolutely fascinating and sad at the same time as there's a massive trainwreck happening in slow motion and this school shooting is just one part of the entire event.

I've been to societies where there have been tons of guns among the population. I sat on a bus for 3h with an uzi in my ribs in one escorted across an airport departure point at gunpoint in another (went the wrong way)...but those societies didn't have the same problems as you find in the US. Why?
See this is what is frustrating about talking to someone like you. I just showed you a perfect example of an epic failure in our own country when it comes to "BANS" (drugs), however you didn't even acknowledge it and simply move on to the next point you think you have. In the UK certain crimes have gone down, but things such as ARMED ROBBERY have skyrocketed? How could this be after a GUN BAN?

What would i do?
There are a few things, however let me ask you first what is completely *****ed in the states? Or more importantly what have you been misinformed about that you think is ****ed?

One of the crimes that has gone down is mass shootings. Funny that but I guess there's no correlation.
One of the crimes that has gone down is mass shootings. Funny that but I guess there's no correlation.

so as history has taught us all previous bans haven't worked at all, how will a gun ban THIS time change that?

second, how much time have you spent south of the border? list the cities you have visited and for how long.
Lol..I enjoy shooting..I like guns...I do it for the sport, I have no interest in hunting and I definitely don't need one for protection. Believe what you will though.

I'm more interested in why south of the border people go batshit crazy for guns and are blind to what's going on around them with respect to attitudes/ease of access etc. The whole psyche for a large number of people in the US seems fuelled by fear, paranoia and a desire to shoot first and ask questions later. The more fearful and paranoid they seem to become the more guns they seem to want to acquire. It's absolutely fascinating and sad at the same time as there's a massive trainwreck happening in slow motion and this school shooting is just one part of the entire event.

I've been to societies where there have been tons of guns among the population. I sat on a bus for 3h with an uzi in my ribs in one escorted across an airport departure point at gunpoint in another (went the wrong way)...but those societies didn't have the same problems as you find in the US. Why?

True, but taking away their guns won't eliminate the fear and paranoia nor will it prevent them from finding other things to "shoot" instead of guns.

One of the crimes that has gone down is mass shootings. Funny that but I guess there's no correlation.

Ban weddings and you'll also damn-near eliminate wedding murders :cool:
jc100 write down your suggestion to solve this problem, however you have to answer any questions i ask you about your suggestion without simply dismissing it.

i will do the same later on in the evening when i get to work, and will answer any question you may have.

deal? otherwise this is a pointless waste of time and i might as well go and post in the hot chick thread :D
That's where I disagree with you.. At one point I was in his camp, letting my emotions override my common sense, probably somewhere between a Fudd and an Anti. There wasn't a life-changing event that made me say "hey, guns might not be as uncool as I thought they were". It was more of a change in attitude - realizing that people are responsible for their actions and not inanimate objects and that we cannot bubblewrap the entire society - the real cost would far outweigh any benefits that may come of it.

Your argument makes sense but you can't control nutty people. As hard as it would be to control guns, it's still easier than trying to control who gets guns. People are way to volatile. Sure you can claim anyone can get a gun illegally but I doubt some kid with asperger could go to some hardened criminal in the ghetto and get a gun. He would just get ripped off and sent away.
Your argument makes sense but you can't control nutty people. As hard as it would be to control guns, it's still easier than trying to control who gets guns. People are way to volatile. Sure you can claim anyone can get a gun illegally but I doubt some kid with asperger could go to some hardened criminal in the ghetto and get a gun. He would just get ripped off and sent away.

My recommendation is to read up on Bath School Disaster - the worst school massacre in US history and reconsider what you just wrote
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