Shafia family all found guilty of first-degree murder

you cant "bomb them back to the stone age" , they are already there.

The new spin on the trial will focus on how the crown expert witness testifying on cultural custom may have influenced the jury to focus on the potential of an honor killing , they deliberated for 14hrs after a three month trial.
I don't feel they reached a wrong conclusion, but the family has lots of money for lawyers and will pull every potential discrimination card out of the file to try and get off.

The only advantage we would have under a hard line Islamic system is these defendants would have already joined the rest of the family.......
So who let these potential criminals into Canada?

How do we prevent other criminally minded individuals from entering Canada without doing racial profiling?
Well i was referring to the habitual needs of certain groups to try an LIBERATE all the weak but resource rich nations of the world.. i simply preemptively shot down the"lets bomb them to the stone age" comments...

the move away from from ignorance must be internal cant force it on

We are talking about a crazy family living in Canada. You're talking about something else.

Try to stay on topic.

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How do we prevent other criminally minded individuals from entering Canada without doing racial profiling?

You cannot .... count the number of people admitted versus the number of people convicted this way? It's insignificant, so why to impede the process in place? You cannot protect all the "children", right?

Having said, the case disgusts me, more so, them not accepting the verdict laid out. I hope it sticks.
Difference being they didn't intend to kill their son(s), hence the first degree manslaughter charges.

I'm surprised that New York's "felony murder" statute doesn't include beating the living hell out of someone, but not *intending* to kill him.
So who let these potential criminals into Canada?

How do we prevent other criminally minded individuals from entering Canada without doing racial profiling?

Good question. Germany is facing the same dilemma; especially since they are being flooded with Syrian refugees right now.

They have a similar case. Poor woman was gang raped and her family felt that she was "unclean" even though she was the victim. She ended up being murdered by her own family! :(

And... A second one in Germany... Killed for having a boyfriend? WTF!?

Check that... A third! This poor teenager was murdered by her family for stealing condoms!

Good question. Germany is facing the same dilemma; especially since they are being flooded with Syrian refugees right now.

They have a similar case. Poor woman was gang raped and her family felt that she was "unclean" even though she was the victim. She ended up being murdered by her own family! :(

And... A second one in Germany... Killed for having a boyfriend? WTF!?

Check that... A third! This poor teenager was murdered by her family for stealing condoms!


I wonder, are there any countries with a muslim majority that don't accept honour killings?

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I wonder, are there any countries with a muslim majority that don't accept honour killings?

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I doubt it...

"In many Arab countries, the practice of honour killing dates back to pre-Islamic times when Arab settlers occupied a region adjacent to Sindh, known as Baluchistan (in Pakistan).
57 These Arab settlers had patriarchal traditions such as live burials of newly born daughters. Such traditions trace back to the earliest historic times of Ancient Babylon, where the predominant view was that a woman's virginity belonged to her family."

"worldwide, 91 percent of perpetrators were Muslims. In North America, most killers (84 percent) were Muslims."
I was looking in to my question, and I stumbled over this article:

Forced sex, on the other hand, is inadequately defined in Lebanese law. The definition of rape explicitly excludes forced sex in marriage, and the rape of a virgin by means of deception is potentially subject only to a fine (article 518). If a rapist marries his victim following the crime, the law exonerates him (article 522). Similar legal provisions pardoning an alleged rapist if he marries his victim exist in countries like Bahrain, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The majority of countries in the region also do not criminalize marital rape.

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I almost want to believe in a God reading the above drivel. Then I'd pray she would be horribly vengeful to those who believe that crap.

Hurt is hurt.
Honour Killing is frequently illegal but is still carried out, against the law, typically in more rural areas.

India is trying to change some of its cultural issues. The US Civil War ended about 150 years ago and they're still sorting out details so don't hold your breath on major changes elsewhere.
The issue there is frequently how much 'justice' you can afford.

Justice costs little to nothing. As another poster stated these killings are often not persecuted or only barely litigated.

"Islamic law states that a wife must obey her husband and failure to do so permits physical punishment and even killing. This defense is permitted in more than twenty Middle Eastern countries, and Jordan has the highest rate of honor killings in the world"

"Although most Muslim organizations claim that such honor killings have absolutely nothing to do with Islam, many scholars and critics of Islam strongly disagree. Muslim countries do not often prosecute honor killings."

"...will not prosecute honor killers, or will do so reluctantly, slowly, inexpertly, etc."

"As awful as this sounds, “honor killings” are not isolated incidents. According to the Honour Based Violence Awareness Network, approximately 5,000 honor killings occur internationally each year. Other estimates place these numbers as high as 20,000, as they are rarely reported due to their societal acceptance."

"For instance, under Pakistani law a person charged with killing a woman can be acquitted of the crime if the women’s family forgives the killer or if they accept money from him. But in honor crimes, the killer is almost always related to the woman by blood or marriage, so relatives pardon each other."
"Societies that subscribe to honor killings often allow men to get away with committing these crimes because it is believed that killing for honor is not a crime, but instead a legitimate punishment motivated by a code of morality."

"The available statistics in honour killings show just the tip of an iceberg. The reality is far darker. The statistics do not show the number of female suicides provoked, or engineered to cover up an honour killing, nor the number of mysterious disappearances. Many honour killings never get reported or registered. Many are mislabeled."

"male family members and elder women gather to vote on the death of women. They also decide who will carry out the killing, usually someone under the age of 18 who will be treated more leniently under the law. Murderers walk almost free, no witnesses speak, so the court has to believe what the perpetrator says, and he gets the minimum charge, although it is homicide and it is calculated and is in cold blood."

Nuts... It is even written into law in pretty much all of the Islamic countries. Heaven help us if Canada ever adopts Sharia law... :(

"The articles regarding honour killing in the penal codes of the Middle Eastern countries conform to or are influenced by the Islamic Shari'a Law. These articles are found in the penal codes of majority of Arab and Middle Eastern countries. Article 562 in Lebanon (abolished in February 1999), Article 340 in Jordan, Article 548 in Syria, Article 153 in Kuwait, Article 237 in Egypt, Article 309 in Iraq, Article 334 in the United Arab Emirate, Article 70 in Bahrain, Article 179 in Iran before 1979, Articles 418-424 in Morocco, and Article 252 in Oman. Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Sudan, Pakistan and Qatar apply the Islamic Shari'a law."
If someone in North America murders their partner because of an affair is it a type of honour killing?
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