Sat June 9- Ride 507/elephant lake/algonquin

Damnit.. I took Saturday off for this ride, and made appointments to work Sunday.. Guess I'm out.

Well enjoy it folks, great scenery up there! I'm sure it'll be an awesome day.

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Damnit.. I took Saturday off for this ride, and made appointments to work Sunday.. Guess I'm out.
It's not officially changed to Sunday is it?

-Jamie M.
It's not officially changed to Sunday is it?

-Jamie M.

Not officially, but that seems to be the general sentiment.

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Let's just wait and see what saturday brings. I'd say make the final confirmation friday mid-dayish...
Canadian sources are best for Canadian weather: both Radar and forecasts from Environment Canada are more accurate although less glitzy than the US counterparts. For hyper-accurate weather learn how to read aviation weather forecasts :)

I'm not sure if I'll join in yet, but just in case, is there a meeting spot along the route for those of us farther north?

Couple of us from Barrie were gonna join the ride just east of Orrilia, but not sure if I can do Sunday as of yet.
This ride is still on for Sat, not officially changed to Sunday!!

That said I may be/not-be going to the "Guns" ride Sunday, but all an all, if weather does not help Sat, consider this ride cancelled with reschedule for another weekend to give people time to schedule for it.

With the above in mind, some of us don't mind going up Algonquin on Sunday, but that is all up in mid-air.
Hey guys, have a great ride... the weather forcast is 50% wrong 100% of the time. I call a sunny day for Saturday.
I am not really into shooting guns, I come from a relatively violent country and while I enjoy paintball, guns aren't really my drive, plus leaving at 7am for guns or at 9am(ish) for algonquin ... hhhmmm decisions decisions!!
Well Im taking another 250 rider on it Sunday who has never done it, so the pace will be pretty relaxed for anyone else that wants to come ( she's a relatively new rider ). Sunday is looking beautiful, with a high of 31.
I am not really into shooting guns, I come from a relatively violent country and while I enjoy paintball, guns aren't really my drive, plus leaving at 7am for guns or at 9am(ish) for algonquin ... hhhmmm decisions decisions!!

9am.. :D

Well Im taking another 250 rider on it Sunday who has never done it, so the pace will be pretty relaxed for anyone else that wants to come ( she's a relatively new rider ). Sunday is looking beautiful, with a high of 31.

Is this a different ride or this ride pushed to sunday? Either way I would want to come (if you don't mind).. I really need to check out this area..

Gents bring something to keep our visors clean.
Black flies are in full assault formation.

Good to know.. anything else you think is worth bringing? should I bother with off? Will we get swarmed by bugs if we stop for fuel or food? Sorry if the questions seem retarded, I have never been..
Good to know.. anything else you think is worth bringing? should I bother with off? Will we get swarmed by bugs if we stop for fuel or food? Sorry if the questions seem retarded, I have never been..

Expect a long day on the bike. I personally don't carry much:

1) Camelpack / backpack, is tiny / red with a few pockets

2) An ontario map.. I have gps but I know this can fail at any time.

3) Wet naps, I always keep a few of this from St. Louis (bugs are crazy )
I also carry around a little cloth to clean my visor only. after half that ride and cleaning my helmet twice...

4) little army knife with tools

5) cell / wallet .. etc etc..

5) some cookies

6) 20 bucks cash minimum.. I've had moments when I need to pay for gas n damn machine is not working.

good night rest, cuz this ride hungover is a *****!
Ride Cancelled!

Hey everyone,

Is with great sadness that I will let mother nature take this one. I know this can be a long and hard ride and the chances or rain are way more than I myself can personally endure.

We will hope to reschedule this to another Sat, I am not rescheduling this to Sunday (sorry), but I may be hitting this roads Sunday. Some people are thinking to go Sunday (read thread) I have provided a few with the route Draft, while others have different rides in mind.

Ride safe!

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