Road Rage on the 401, May 21, 2014

I saw him coming in my mirror, but he was a long way back, did my over shoulder check going into passing lane. He might have been under the impression I cut him off and I might have, at the speed he was going..... but he was way back when I checked. He smacked my mirror after passing the truck. I was about to go into the center lane in front of the truck, blinker on, but he pre-empted me, sort of like the truck video above. I would have estimated his speed at 140-150 after he passed me, don't know what speed he was doing to catch up to me so fast in the first place.
I don't mean smack every sport biker..... just this dude when he starts to brag about it.

So he was probably flying(illegal yes) but in an open lane. You then cut him off and continued to slow down after he is on your bumper in a flash. Take for ever to pass the truck and then he pulled the same moves as the the truck in the video at the same time you are moving over. You don't know how he knocked your mirror off. So maybe you actually hit him with your mirror and he just took off knowing that if he did stop he would prob be the one at fault in the cops eyes. There is a time and place but don't try to make the roads any more dangerous then they already are.
Holy ****, $600-$800? What car do you drive????

OEM Honda Accord replacement heated mirror was $250.

Exactly.. thats a pos Honda. (I hate Hondas ;-) - A late model car with integrated turn signal, motorized mirror and folding motor would probably run $500 + $$ for colourmatching - add $110/per hour for Labour... and this is for a kia/Hyandai
Exactly.. thats a pos Honda. (I hate Hondas ;-) - A late model car with integrated turn signal, motorized mirror and folding motor would probably run $500 + $$ for colourmatching - add $110/per hour for Labour... and this is for a kia/Hyandai

I kinda doubt the OP's VW Jetta TDI with 500,000kms is a late model car though....
Pass on the left is the law of the land right? Not the law on the books written by idiots, the law of the land (the one the majoirty of the people actually believe. The way I see it, speed up and go back to cruise control in the right lane. If anyone is ever on you're rear in the left lane, you're not going fast enough and need to make way.
if you are doing 120ish (aka 105, aka 155) and the biker is on you, move quickly and no lessons will need to be taught. Before we teach someone else a lesson, we should wonder if its us that needs to learn first.
So driver is going 120km/h and the truck usually limits out at 100-105km/h.
driver goes to the left lane and sees a bike was way back. driver then proceeds to overtake the truck with a 15-20km/h speed difference.
The driver then sees the biker tailgating.
driver then teaches the biker a lesson by slowing down... prob to say don't tailgate a cager with a 2 wheeler cuz the 2 wheeler will suffer if **** goes wrong (just assuming).
When the driver passes the truck, driver signals but because the biker was in a rush, he cuts the driver and smashes window.

If the driver kept his speed it'd take less than 20s to pass the truck. But because the biker was taigating he decided to play...
The driver was STILL passing the truck so I don't see why the cager is wrong here. If the driver took 5+ minutes to pass 1 vehicle then thats excessive and understandable.

Keep in mind that speeding is speeding. Cops will give tickets regardless if you're in the passing lane or not it's up to their discretion. "Slow traffic keep right" or "left lane to pass" is an unwritten rule (correct me if i'm wrong). I know cops will bait drivers/riders that are in the passing lane to make them go faster only to stop them with a speeding violation.

Lets have the 2 positions switch but this time instead of the VW tailgating the biker it was a cop and that you cant switch lane until you've passed through 4 transport trucks. You clearly see you're already going 20 over.. that's enough to give you a ticket if ever the cop wanted to. If you decide to speed up even more, you're gambling your driver abstract.

2 or 4 wheelers should always keep their distance to have enough time to safely brake. What if a deer pops out of nowhere and the vehicle in front slams their brakes.... what then?

2 wheeler is clearly speeding excessively and 1 minute should be a fair time for someone to pass another vehicle.
Keep in mind that speeding is speeding. Cops will give tickets regardless if you're in the passing lane or not it's up to their discretion. "Slow traffic keep right" or "left lane to pass" is an unwritten rule (correct me if i'm wrong).

you are wrong, its not unwritten rule but law. See why I hate ontario drivers.. lack of basic driving skills and knowledge .

If you go to the province of Quebec,, further than Montreal you will see lane discipline is great.. and not just on the highways.
This thread kinda reminds me of what happened to me the other day driving home from work (in the car) -- I got on the 401 and was coming up on someone doing 80ish km/h in the slow lane. As I approached and noticed they were not going to speed up even to the limit, I moved to the centre lane, where a car was diving practically beside them (no room to pass) at 90-100km/h, with the passing lane clear. I get in the centre lane, put my signals on and check my mirror to move into passing, and just as I start to signal the dipshit in front of me slams his brakes on, causing me to narrowly miss him by making my lane change abruptly. Closest car in front of that guy was about 30 car lengths away, so he only hit is brakes to piss me off and make me possibly rear end him.

Back on topic, driver was wrong for slowing down in a passing lane, and rider was wrong for breaking the mirror. Had it been me I would have just passed safely afterwards, giving the driver the best WTF expression I could muster with a helmet and gear, then taken off. 2 wrongs don't make a right, and should the car driving recent to react violently, the guy on 2 wheels almost always loses to the 1000+ pound vehicle.
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If you go to the province of Quebec,, further than Montreal you will see lane discipline is great.. and not just on the highways.

I've also seen it in Montreal last fall. People were usually good to get outta the left lane when I came up to them and also they were prone to moving over from the right lane to the middle lane when they'd come up to some merging vehicles. Completely different mentality.
Typical, everyone blame the cage! The rider is responsible for his own safety, speeding, tailgating, improper passing, and road rage resulting in intentional damage to the OP's cage... Yet majority thinks the cage is wrong for being in the passing lane at 120. Lol. Talk about entitlement, he has the right to drive 120 without people trying to tailgate/push him. Plant yourself on the ass of my truck and it's your problem, not mine, I didn't put you in that dangerous position. Smash my mirror off because you're an entitled little prick in a hurry? You just might meet the door of my truck. There is this huge attitude on here that riders are never wrong, the onus is on you as a rider to keep yourself safe.

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Clearly you have never driven in Europe. If you are in the inside lane slowly passing someone with your cruise on, and you see someone come up behind. Common road etiquette would be to step on the gas (you don't even need to disengage the cruise) and pull to the right as soon as you can. Instead you thought that your 20 over was ok, but his 25, 30, 35, whatever over was not, and you became self-righteous and decided to teach him a lesson. Well, I guess you learned the lesson! I agree that he over reacted by smashing your mirror. I would have just pulled in front of you and rolled off the throttle for a second or 2, then be on my way. You know, do unto others as they just did unto you, but not escalate the situation. Since you don't ride, you may not be aware that your actions have serious life threatening consequences to riders. He was just trying to encourage you to actually pass the truck, not just sit beside it. But instead, you did the opposite. So I guess there were 2 a...oles in that situation.

Btw, I can't believe that you actually joined a motorcycle forum just to rant about this, especially when you took the first aggressive move. I'll get my popcorn out!

Agreed...depending on where in Europe you don't pass somebody on your move to the left lane...step on it...pass...back into the right ;)
I grew up in Belgium and drove in the surrounding countries.
There are a few reasons one would smash your mirror:

  1. Doing a crappy speed in the passing lane with no vehicle on the right
    • You know those old Chinese ladies (they are also known as c-lai)? Yeah, they piss me off too.
  2. Making an illegal lane change
    • Cager on 401 Yonge exit merged out of the exit last second while slamming on his brakes. Stuff was broken on his car shortly after
  3. Merging into a rider and not apologizing
Typical, everyone blame the cage! The rider is responsible for his own safety, speeding, tailgating, improper passing, and road rage resulting in intentional damage to the OP's cage... Yet majority thinks the cage is wrong for being in the passing lane at 120. Lol. Talk about entitlement, he has the right to drive 120 without people trying to tailgate/push him. Plant yourself on the *** of my truck and it's your problem, not mine, I didn't put you in that dangerous position. Smash my mirror off because you're an entitled little prick in a hurry? You just might meet the door of my truck. There is this huge attitude on here that riders are never wrong, the onus is on you as a rider to keep yourself safe.

It's the ****ing passing lane. If I'm doing 200 in the passing lane and somebody flies by at 250, I'm going to ****ing move.

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And all of this talk about door of car/truck: if this ever happens to me, you better knock me unconscious or hospitalize me because if I'm conscious enough to move I will drag you out of your vehicle and test my gear out on your face. There is a huge difference between smashing someone's mirror and ATTEMPTING TO KILL SOMEONE.
Hey I have a question. Since when are bikers the most entitled people on public roads? If a car is passing and you have to stop riding like a douche then poor you. It's a pity they don't test for retards before handing out a license.
you are wrong, its not unwritten rule but law. See why I hate ontario drivers.. lack of basic driving skills and knowledge .

+1 :thumbup:

I always hear friends and coworkers talking how they could never drive in those European cities and how drivers there are crazy and this and that. I have driven in most major European cities and I will take those crazy drivers and their lane discipline over the entitled a**holes in this province any day. And I think it's contagious actually, cause when you drive in other provinces or in the states they have really good lane discipline as well but the moment they enter southern ontario their driving skills go to s**ts.

Maybe instead of "Yours to discover" our plates should say "driving skills not required".

Two wrongs don't make a right, and the rider should have just let it go but the things I would like to say to OP regarding his actions and sense of entitlement will most likely get me banned so I'll just keep my mouth shut.
Hey I have a question. Since when are bikers the most entitled people on public roads? If a car is passing and you have to stop riding like a ****** then poor you. It's a pity they don't test for retards before handing out a license.

I think everyone missed the point where the OP admitted to being the entitled one when he decided it was his right to teach someone else a lesson by slowing down even though the law states if your not passing then you don't belong in that lane. The moment the OP slowed down he was no longer passing and therefore in the wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right. If it was wrong for the bike to speed it was wrong for the OP to slow down and certainly wrong for the rider to smash the mirror, but I sense there's more to this story.

My guess is the OP hates bikers cause he wishes he could ride but his wife holds his balls in her purse and when he saw the bike coming up flying on an open empty passing lane he decided to pull in front of him and slowly make his pass. Not close enough to cut off the rider mind you but still purposely impeding his progress, the rider took this as a dick move and tailgated him to which the OP with his sense of entitlement retaliated by slowing down causing the rest of scenario to unfold. And now he comes here crying for sympathy? He gets none from me. Dick move on the part of the rider but the OP shares just as much if not more blame so he should get his balls back from his wifes' purse and stop being a cry baby and learn how to drive properly.
Pass on the left is the law of the land right? Not the law on the books written by idiots, the law of the land (the one the majoirty of the people actually believe. The way I see it, speed up and go back to cruise control in the right lane. If anyone is ever on you're rear in the left lane, you're not going fast enough and need to make way.
if you are doing 120ish (aka 105, aka 155) and the biker is on you, move quickly and no lessons will need to be taught. Before we teach someone else a lesson, we should wonder if its us that needs to learn first.
There is next to no lane discipline on the 400 series highways. I definitely wouldn't say "the majority of people" follow that.

Agreed...depending on where in Europe you don't pass somebody on your move to the left lane...step on it...pass...back into the right ;)
I grew up in Belgium and drove in the surrounding countries.

Stepping on it to pass will easily land you a speeding ticket. Even if passing in the oncoming traffic lane you're not actually supposed to break the limit while passing. I know people that have gotten serious tickets for it.
I think everyone missed the point where the OP admitted to being the entitled one when he decided it was his right to teach someone else a lesson by slowing down even though the law states if your not passing then you don't belong in that lane. The moment the OP slowed down he was no longer passing and therefore in the wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right. If it was wrong for the bike to speed it was wrong for the OP to slow down and certainly wrong for the rider to smash the mirror, but I sense there's more to this story.

My guess is the OP hates bikers cause he wishes he could ride but his wife holds his balls in her purse and when he saw the bike coming up flying on an open empty passing lane he decided to pull in front of him and slowly make his pass. Not close enough to cut off the rider mind you but still purposely impeding his progress, the rider took this as a dick move and tailgated him to which the OP with his sense of entitlement retaliated by slowing down causing the rest of scenario to unfold. And now he comes here crying for sympathy? He gets none from me. Dick move on the part of the rider but the OP shares just as much if not more blame so he should get his balls back from his wifes' purse and stop being a cry baby and learn how to drive properly.

I love the assumptions you make: First, the biker was way back when I chose to go into the left lane..... the FACT that he was going exceedingly fast was not evident until he was on my butt a short time later. If he had even been going only slightly faster then I was, I would have been passed the truck and back in the center lane before he would have caught up to me. Second, I was passing a truck and continued to do so.... I did not just hang beside the truck. Third, I do admire bikers when they are riding in a respectful manner, not like this idiot was.....The same goes for car drivers.... I have trouble tolerating idiots on the road. (though some will call me the idiot for what I did....fair enough) I never mentioned, after he passed me, besides being gone like a shot, he was weaving thru the traffic up I said before he WILL end up in a pine box long before I do. Fourth, I didn't come here crying for sympathy.... maybe some education on both sides of the road? Fifth, I should "learn how to drive properly"? That is a complete joke.... I've been driving since long before you were even thought of, commuting 50,000 km/year, NO accidents in 20+ years.
One day I might learn, seeing as road rage seems to happen more and more these days. This has been a most interesting forum topic. I am not sorry I joined and started it.

Directed at the biker.... what would have happened if I had a legit reason to slam on the brakes? I would hate to be in that situation.... brake hard and have biker smear on my back end or not brake and hit whatever is in front..... lose-lose in both ways.
I love the assumptions you make: First, the biker was way back when I chose to go into the left lane..... the FACT that he was going exceedingly fast was not evident until he was on my butt a short time later. If he had even been going only slightly faster then I was, I would have been passed the truck and back in the center lane before he would have caught up to me. Second, I was passing a truck and continued to do so.... I did not just hang beside the truck. Third, I do admire bikers when they are riding in a respectful manner, not like this idiot was.....The same goes for car drivers.... I have trouble tolerating idiots on the road. (though some will call me the idiot for what I did....fair enough) I never mentioned, after he passed me, besides being gone like a shot, he was weaving thru the traffic up I said before he WILL end up in a pine box long before I do. Fourth, I didn't come here crying for sympathy.... maybe some education on both sides of the road? Fifth, I should "learn how to drive properly"? That is a complete joke.... I've been driving since long before you were even thought of, commuting 50,000 km/year, NO accidents in 20+ years.
One day I might learn, seeing as road rage seems to happen more and more these days. This has been a most interesting forum topic. I am not sorry I joined and started it.

Directed at the biker.... what would have happened if I had a legit reason to slam on the brakes? I would hate to be in that situation.... brake hard and have biker smear on my back end or not brake and hit whatever is in front..... lose-lose in both ways.

Here's something funny: riding position on SS bikes are higher than Caravan seats. Unless you're in a semi (which I would never tailgate) or a raised pick up truck, I can see through your windows to whatever is ahead of you. I would assume other riders look 2-3 car lengths ahead to react appropriately so if I see the 2nd or 3rd car brake, I will start engine braking before you do.

The only reason I would crash into a car I'm tailgating is if something breaks off their car, or they are intentionally brake checking. Also, almost all riders have better spatial awareness than drivers because bikes are smaller than cars. This is why we can weave in and out of traffic with very little chance of crashing and why there is a common misconception with drivers that "OMG THAT'S SO DANGEROUS HOLY **** BBQ GOD RAIN LIGHTNING PINE CONES ARE FALLING HE'S GONNA DIE".

Generally, I keep in mind my bike is capable of doing 0-200 in 8 seconds and try to remember that; I don't expect other drivers to realize that or for them to be able to judge my speed accurately (left turners killing riders is very common for this reason). The rider you met sounds like an ******* though.
I love the assumptions you make: First, the biker was way back when I chose to go into the left lane..... the FACT that he was going exceedingly fast was not evident until he was on my butt a short time later. If he had even been going only slightly faster then I was, I would have been passed the truck and back in the center lane before he would have caught up to me. Second, I was passing a truck and continued to do so.... I did not just hang beside the truck. Third, I do admire bikers when they are riding in a respectful manner, not like this idiot was.....The same goes for car drivers.... I have trouble tolerating idiots on the road. (though some will call me the idiot for what I did....fair enough) I never mentioned, after he passed me, besides being gone like a shot, he was weaving thru the traffic up I said before he WILL end up in a pine box long before I do. Fourth, I didn't come here crying for sympathy.... maybe some education on both sides of the road? Fifth, I should "learn how to drive properly"? That is a complete joke.... I've been driving since long before you were even thought of, commuting 50,000 km/year, NO accidents in 20+ years.
One day I might learn, seeing as road rage seems to happen more and more these days. This has been a most interesting forum topic. I am not sorry I joined and started it.

Directed at the biker.... what would have happened if I had a legit reason to slam on the brakes? I would hate to be in that situation.... brake hard and have biker smear on my back end or not brake and hit whatever is in front..... lose-lose in both ways.

Guess I'm not the only one that makes assumptions, you assume you've been driving long before I have, not everyone on here is in their 20's so don't feel so special about driving for 20+ years cause you're certainly not the only one, and yes that club includes me...what's my prize for that or do I need to know the secret handshake?

50,000kms a year, hmmmm is it a pissing contest, ok I used to average 30k to 40k in my car and 20k+ on my bike a year and there's others here who do even more than that so again don't be feeling so special.

And as far as the rest of your story goes, I find it interesting how you keep changing it to try to make yourself feel better...earlier you said you purposely slowed down (that's not continuing to pass thats being a dick) and now you're saying you continued to pass, that's BS, and now you're trying to add to the story by saying he went off weaving to traffic being a big bad biker, blah blah blah....

Finally, if you say road rage has been occurring more often to you these days, and we're going to assume each incident was with a different individual then what's the common denominator in that??????'s coming to me...wait....EUREKA! IT'S YOU!!!!! Instead of stroking your own damn ego about how good of a driver you are and how bad everyone else is wake the hell up and realize you're the problem.

I'm done being trolled. I've been here a long time without so much as an infraction and I'm not about to get banned trying to get you to see the light.
油井緋色;2174074 said:
Here's something funny: riding position on SS bikes are higher than Caravan seats. Unless you're in a semi (which I would never tailgate) or a raised pick up truck, I can see through your windows to whatever is ahead of you. I would assume other riders look 2-3 car lengths ahead to react appropriately so if I see the 2nd or 3rd car brake, I will start engine braking before you do.

The only reason I would crash into a car I'm tailgating is if something breaks off their car, or they are intentionally brake checking. Also, almost all riders have better spatial awareness than drivers because bikes are smaller than cars. This is why we can weave in and out of traffic with very little chance of crashing and why there is a common misconception with drivers that "OMG THAT'S SO DANGEROUS HOLY **** BBQ GOD RAIN LIGHTNING PINE CONES ARE FALLING HE'S GONNA DIE".

Generally, I keep in mind my bike is capable of doing 0-200 in 8 seconds and try to remember that; I don't expect other drivers to realize that or for them to be able to judge my speed accurately (left turners killing riders is very common for this reason). The rider you met sounds like an ******* though.

There are two other things that you should consider. The first is that things actually do break off cars and, given the number of potholes around lately, it's becoming more and more likely. A few years back I had to motocross over virtually an entire exhaust system that dropped off a car in front of me. That was with a reasonable following distance.

The second thing to consider is that most people, whether on 2 wheels or four, have a much higher opinion of their own ability than is deserved.
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