Road Rage on the 401, May 21, 2014

Clearly he did something wrong, but this appears like you still believe that you did nothing wrong. I guess you aren't open to learning something after all.
Who says I haven't learned anything? I know it takes 2 to make a fight..... but who started that fight? I would say him by tailgating, but I managed to escalate it by slowing.....I was passing the truck and did so within a km or so, not like some truckers who take 5-10 kms to pass. Will I do anything different next time? Don't know, maintain my speed and give him a 1 finger wave as he passes? It will depend on my mood I guess.
As far as I know, he used his fist to break the mirror..... hope he hurt his hand. Maybe I was in the wrong for slightly slowing down, as for speeding up.... that just encourages him to do it again because he is getting his way (I have 5 kids, so am used to discipline) I did not join to "troll", but you have to admit, the topic has generated some interesting points.
If he had decided to follow me, he would have gone a long way ..... I still had 45 minutes of driving until my exit. That is why I drive the TDI 1000 kms per 55 liters :)

Who passes with cruise control on? Come on reality check here. You were camped out in the passing lane.
And the fact that you wanted to teach somebody a lesson means you were probably being passive agressive, no matter how you sugar coat it.
Then you seal the deal with being a TDI owner. Typical slow poke worried about fuel comsumption, TDI owner love to brag out fuel comsumption. Everything points to you being a moving roadblock.
If you're not passing get out of the left lane. That includes you camping out @ 120 with the cruise on who just happened to be going past a truck.
Did the biker take it too far, sure did.
My guess is that the biker was trying to pass to the right of you when you decided to then change lanes, essentially cutting off his improper pass. Bikers assumes you don't use your mirror cause a) you hogged the passing lane, which if you did use mirrors you would have got out of the way. b) you didn't use your mirror when changing lanes.
Either was bikers probably thinks you don't use your mirror so you're in no need of having one and removed it for you.
The way I see it both parties are to blame. The perfect storm of impatient biker and entitled driver met and things went poorly.
if you're in the fast lane and somebody is coming up behind you, you either speed up or get out of the way. You chose to mess with him a little by slowing down before passing, so he decided to let you know he didn't like that by smashing your mirror. Nothing right about it, but you should know anything can happen.

This is what the OP should take away from his thread. End of story.

Clearly you have never driven in Europe. If you are in the inside lane slowly passing someone with your cruise on, and you see someone come up behind. Common road etiquette would be to step on the gas (you don't even need to disengage the cruise) and pull to the right as soon as you can. Instead you thought that your 20 over was ok, but his 25, 30, 35, whatever over was not, and you became self-righteous and decided to teach him a lesson. Well, I guess you learned the lesson! I agree that he over reacted by smashing your mirror. I would have just pulled in front of you and rolled off the throttle for a second or 2, then be on my way. You know, do unto others as they just did unto you, but not escalate the situation. Since you don't ride, you may not be aware that your actions have serious life threatening consequences to riders. He was just trying to encourage you to actually pass the truck, not just sit beside it. But instead, you did the opposite. So I guess there were 2 a...oles in that situation.

Btw, I can't believe that you actually joined a motorcycle forum just to rant about this, especially when you took the first aggressive move. I'll get my popcorn out!

I'm with Face on this one. 2 A-holes and one got away with it.

Who says I haven't learned anything? I know it takes 2 to make a fight..... but who started that fight? I would say him by tailgating, but I managed to escalate it by slowing.....I was passing the truck and did so within a km or so, not like some truckers who take 5-10 kms to pass. Will I do anything different next time? Don't know, maintain my speed and give him a 1 finger wave as he passes? It will depend on my mood I guess.

So you have 5 kids and wanted to "discipline" this biker, and you go "BUT HE STARTED IT!!! :'(". Interesting.

And you got off lucky with a mirror after your "accidental" cut into him while he was passing. If you're being a smartass by slowing down in the passing lane so be it, I'll be annoyed but not enough to risk my life to get back at you. If you pulled that maneuver and swerved into me while I was trying to pass, well I know people who have busted a passenger window. Or door. Really whatever's easier.

I would've jerked the steering wheel to the right (not enough to eter the lane) just to scare the living **** of him and to teach him a lesson. If he crashed meh... A call to 911 would've been oh a biker crashed into my side (broken mirror) is now face down on the road.

The driver on the bike was just a ****** bag and from some of the posts on this site some children think it's ok to 'road rage'

What you just described is SEVERE "road rage". And you're a sack of ****. I wish you a slow death by castration.
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I'm heading out to the parking lot to see how many mirrors I can smash off cars with my gloved hand.
Maybe just the VW's.
I would've jerked the steering wheel to the right (not enough to eter the lane) just to scare the living **** of him and to teach him a lesson. If he crashed meh... A call to 911 would've been oh a biker crashed into my side (broken mirror) is now face down on the road.

The driver on the bike was just a ****** bag and from some of the posts on this site some children think it's ok to 'road rage'

What gives you the right to teach someone a lesson on the 400 series hwy. And if he crashed because of you, he probably would get run over by the truck, or the truck would try to avoid him and take out an innocent driver. You are an ***. Hope you have a slow painful death.
Who passes with cruise control on? Come on reality check here. You were camped out in the passing lane.
And the fact that you wanted to teach somebody a lesson means you were probably being passive agressive, no matter how you sugar coat it.
Then you seal the deal with being a TDI owner. Typical slow poke worried about fuel comsumption, TDI owner love to brag out fuel comsumption. Everything points to you being a moving roadblock.
If you're not passing get out of the left lane. That includes you camping out @ 120 with the cruise on who just happened to be going past a truck.
Did the biker take it too far, sure did.
My guess is that the biker was trying to pass to the right of you when you decided to then change lanes, essentially cutting off his improper pass. Bikers assumes you don't use your mirror cause a) you hogged the passing lane, which if you did use mirrors you would have got out of the way. b) you didn't use your mirror when changing lanes.
Either was bikers probably thinks you don't use your mirror so you're in no need of having one and removed it for you.
The way I see it both parties are to blame. The perfect storm of impatient biker and entitled driver met and things went poorly.

Sorry you feel that way.... I don't "camp" in the left lane and I was legit passing at a reasonable rate and then getting out of the way. It actually speaks to how fast the biker was going that he was on my tail that quickly. At least now I have a good reason for not using the passenger side mirror.... I will miss it because I really did use it. Yes, I love to brag about my fuel consumption, or lack thereof. When you drive 50-60,000 kms/year and are on a limited income with, as I said, 5 kids, any savings are appreciated.
My wife just made the point when someone is tailgating her, she feels like she is being bullied. I never thought of it that way.
Who says I haven't learned anything? I know it takes 2 to make a fight..... but who started that fight? I would say him by tailgating, but I managed to escalate it by slowing.....I was passing the truck and did so within a km or so, not like some truckers who take 5-10 kms to pass. Will I do anything different next time? Don't know, maintain my speed and give him a 1 finger wave as he passes? It will depend on my mood I guess.

Like I suck. :pukeright:

Your passive agressive chickens came home to roost on your mirror last time. Next time you may not be so lucky.

You need an attitude adjustment if you really need to ask what you should do "next time" since it appears you haven't learned a thing so there will be a next time, as it's been made abundantly clear: don't cruise in the passing lane; don't slow down when being tailgated...speed up and get out of the way.

Be courteous and understand that you need to: 1) share the road with drivers/riders who want to go faster than you; 2) accept it's not up to you to enforce the law, or impose your road values on others by slowing them down.

Passive agressive, self-rightous drivers like you cause more accidents and road rage than that motorcyclist ever could be not getting the $#@* out of the way and slowing down traffic. :(
I would've jerked the steering wheel to the right (not enough to eter the lane) just to scare the living **** of him and to teach him a lesson. If he crashed meh... A call to 911 would've been oh a biker crashed into my side (broken mirror) is now face down on the road.

The driver on the bike was just a ****** bag and from some of the posts on this site some children think it's ok to 'road rage'

Lol, you're contradicting yourself pretty bad in your post cause apparently you think its okay to "road rage"....
Who says I haven't learned anything? I know it takes 2 to make a fight..... but who started that fight? I would say him by tailgating, but I managed to escalate it by slowing.....I was passing the truck and did so within a km or so, not like some truckers who take 5-10 kms to pass. Will I do anything different next time? Don't know, maintain my speed and give him a 1 finger wave as he passes? It will depend on my mood I guess.
A km or so..... I don't tailgait and I would if someone took that long to pass a truck lmao
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I pass all the time with cruise on but I'm usually going much faster than the car I'm passing. Although if someone comes up behind me as aggressively as it sounds like the bike did, I'll generally finish my pass (by accelerating) as quickly as possible.
Who says I haven't learned anything? I know it takes 2 to make a fight..... but who started that fight? I would say him by tailgating, but I managed to escalate it by slowing.....I was passing the truck and did so within a km or so, not like some truckers who take 5-10 kms to pass. Will I do anything different next time? Don't know, maintain my speed and give him a 1 finger wave as he passes? It will depend on my mood I guess.

1 km to get passed a truck, and you slowed down when someone came up behind you = case closed!

And in hind sight with everything posted here, the best you would do is maintain your speed. You clearly don't consider the perspective of any on the road but yourself. Maybe you should consider getting your M licence. See how different it is out there on a bike. It's not to late, there still may be hope for you yet!
Who says I haven't learned anything? I know it takes 2 to make a fight..... but who started that fight? I would say him by tailgating, but I managed to escalate it by slowing.....I was passing the truck and did so within a km or so, not like some truckers who take 5-10 kms to pass. Will I do anything different next time? Don't know, maintain my speed and give him a 1 finger wave as he passes? It will depend on my mood I guess.
Transport trucks have speed limiters. That is why it takes them so long to pass. You can thank Dalton Mccimpy for that.
Who says I haven't learned anything? I know it takes 2 to make a fight..... but who started that fight? I would say him by tailgating, but I managed to escalate it by slowing.....I was passing the truck and did so within a km or so, not like some truckers who take 5-10 kms to pass. Will I do anything different next time? Don't know, maintain my speed and give him a 1 finger wave as he passes? It will depend on my mood I guess.

So you took a ****ing km to overtake? Maybe you got what you ****ing deserve.. then you come crying here looking for sympathy? Typical Ontario driving attitude.
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Sorry you feel that way.... I don't "camp" in the left lane and I was legit passing at a reasonable rate and then getting out of the way. It actually speaks to how fast the biker was going that he was on my tail that quickly. At least now I have a good reason for not using the passenger side mirror.... I will miss it because I really did use it. Yes, I love to brag about my fuel consumption, or lack thereof. When you drive 50-60,000 kms/year and are on a limited income with, as I said, 5 kids, any savings are appreciated.
My wife just made the point when someone is tailgating her, she feels like she is being bullied. I never thought of it that way.

What you think is reasonable means nothing. If you're in the passing lane and something comes up on you quick you get out of the way. Slower traffic move right. It's simple. That's the proper thing to do. Most good drivers practice staying out of the passing lane and move over when a faster vechicle approaches.
Don't get me wrong tailgating is plain stupid. No argument there.
But if you or your wife feel bullied by tailgaters, you should probably rethink driving because it sounds like there is too much nerves or lack of confidence. Deal with it and get out of the way.
Who says I haven't learned anything? I know it takes 2 to make a fight..... but who started that fight? I would say him by tailgating, but I managed to escalate it by slowing.....I was passing the truck and did so within a km or so, not like some truckers who take 5-10 kms to pass. Will I do anything different next time? Don't know, maintain my speed and give him a 1 finger wave as he passes? It will depend on my mood I guess.

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