Road Rage on the 401, May 21, 2014

Its still early in the season. Darwin hasn't weeded out this years crop of idiot riders yet.

The OP was passing a truck. As long as he was passing, even slowly, I don't see anything wrong with what he did. Rider was an idiot. Its the people that sit beside the truck in the passing lane that I hate.
From a biker perspective, should I have touched my brakes rather then coasting? My thoughts are one would be more likely to lose control if you are confronted by brake lights at that close a range causing you to brake hard, even if I was just doing it to warn them to back off.

Why would you do EITHER of those things??? If someone's tailgating you, move out of the way - "warning" them by slowing down in any manner is just plain asking for trouble. We all agree that tailgaiting is no good - but two wrongs don't make a right and if you want to avoid road rage just do the smart thing - speed up to pass, or stay the same speed (providing you are already moving fast enough to pass). Slowing down???

How does one smash a mirror off a moving object at highway speeds using a fist without introducing high speed wobbles?

He never said he used a fist... didn't everyone learn how to punch kick and swing weapons on their SNES or Genesis's???

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[...] my car is on the way to the scrap yard (Jetta TDI with 500,000+ km's)

A VW driver, that explains a lot! :kermit:

Because the OP's a VW owner (and same goes for Audi owners, as well), you are NO bunny in Princess's Man's eyes. :snorting::angry1: :thefinger:
Its still early in the season. Darwin hasn't weeded out this years crop of idiot riders yet.

The OP was passing a truck. As long as he was passing, even slowly, I don't see anything wrong with what he did. Rider was an idiot. Its the people that sit beside the truck in the passing lane that I hate.

Hey Bikers,
Off the top, I do not own a bike, but at times think it would be a great way of cruising. Most bikers, as with car drivers, most are law abiding good drivers, but there are those who wreck it for the rest of you.
On May 21, about 8:45 PM, east bound 401 around Whitby, I was passing a truck doing about 120 kmhr. A sport biker comes screaming up behind me and sits about 5 feet off my bumper. I did what I would do to anyone tailgating me, I took the car off cruise (DID NOT touch the brakes) and slowly passed the truck. The biker didn't even give me a chance to pull to the right in front of the truck before he came flying by, reached out and smashed my passenger side mirror. By smashed, I mean hanging by its wires, not useable, not repairable. He, of course was then gone like a shot.
So, the reason for my rant.... to get it off my chest and if any of the people on this forum hear of this biker bragging how he "gave it" to a lame car driver, let him know he will end up in a box much sooner then me with the anger/speed issues he has.

Slowing down in the passing lane because he was getting tailgated and wanted to get back at the person? Its not about passing slowly, its the fact that he intentionally slowed down from 120km/h in the passing lane rather than speed up and complete the pass to get back at the rider.
A VW driver, that explains a lot! :kermit:

Because the OP's a VW owner (and same goes for Audi owners, as well), you are NO bunny in Princess's Man's eyes. :snorting::angry1: :thefinger:

Do you always post in third person? lol
Never really understood why many SS riders tailgate cars as a way to show their rage. Brake check = GG when that rage flows through your veins and all you can think about is "Take that! Imma tailgate you!"

I think it's the fight or flight response people inherently have.
Having someone almost kill me might make the risky attempt to knock a mirror off justifiable.

but then again who knows, talking about a situation is very different from being in a situation.
You are right, I did join this forum to do my rant, but also I might learn something too. Besides doing my rant, I was also hoping someone might know this guy and try to rein him in a bit. As for changing into the passing lane and me cutting him off.....nope, he was a long ways back when I first checked, so I did not cut him off. I almost cut him off when I was done passing the truck.... I had my blinker on and had started to go over when I saw him making his move to pass, so I stopped. Maybe that is how he was so tight to my car.....
My speed.... technically, I was 20 over the limit (I know cops won't do anything to me at that speed, unless they are having a bad day), so whatever driver is behind, "pushing me" needs to chill.
I think it's the fight or flight response people inherently have.
Having someone almost kill me might make the risky attempt to knock a mirror off justifiable.

but then again who knows, talking about a situation is very different from being in a situation.

Although this statement is very true, people just have to learn to let it go... I'm not saint either, I do end up raging sometimes when I ride but have learned to just take a few deep breaths, talk to myself a bit telling myself to calm down, and let it go as nothing will come out of raging at a driver other than taking time out of your day and putting yourself at risk.

Some people go full retard when they get cut off or get flipped off...
Why would you do EITHER of those things??? If someone's tailgating you, move out of the way - "warning" them by slowing down in any manner is just plain asking for trouble. We all agree that tailgaiting is no good - but two wrongs don't make a right and if you want to avoid road rage just do the smart thing - speed up to pass, or stay the same speed (providing you are already moving fast enough to pass). Slowing down???

He never said he used a fist... didn't everyone learn how to punch kick and swing weapons on their SNES or Genesis's???


I remember playing road rash on PS1 :D
i found my road rage has dropped significantly since i got my dash cam for my car. Knowing that if anything should happen, i could argue that I was doing nothing wrong. Takes the need for revenge or justice away completely.
Also makes me aware of how i'm driving, knowing that if i'm being a dick and cause something, it will be my own fault.

Just need one for my bike.
I would've jerked the steering wheel to the right (not enough to eter the lane) just to scare the living **** of him and to teach him a lesson. If he crashed meh... A call to 911 would've been oh a biker crashed into my side (broken mirror) is now face down on the road.

The driver on the bike was just a ****** bag and from some of the posts on this site some children think it's ok to 'road rage'
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Slbert: You're lucky it was only your mirror. There is a maniac out there by the name of Mighty Mike out there. He could have done much worse. Imagine, he could have chased after you slashing at your car using ropes with fishing hooks embedded in them while your family cowered in fear. The only way to escape have been would be to either drive on dirt or shout out the window "¡Yo quiero Taco Bell!".
You are right, I did join this forum to do my rant, but also I might learn something too. Besides doing my rant, I was also hoping someone might know this guy and try to rein him in a bit. As for changing into the passing lane and me cutting him off.....nope, he was a long ways back when I first checked, so I did not cut him off. I almost cut him off when I was done passing the truck.... I had my blinker on and had started to go over when I saw him making his move to pass, so I stopped. Maybe that is how he was so tight to my car.....
My speed.... technically, I was 20 over the limit (I know cops won't do anything to me at that speed, unless they are having a bad day), so whatever driver is behind, "pushing me" needs to chill.

Clearly he did something wrong, but this appears like you still believe that you did nothing wrong. I guess you aren't open to learning something after all.
Slbert: You're lucky it was only your mirror. There is a maniac out there by the name of Mighty Mike out there. He could have done much worse. Imagine, he could have chased after you slashing at your car using ropes with fishing hooks embedded in them while your family cowered in fear. The only way to escape have been would be to either drive on dirt or shout out the window "¡Yo quiero Taco Bell!".

Exaggerated. No way MM can keep up on his tricycle.
As far as I know, he used his fist to break the mirror..... hope he hurt his hand. Maybe I was in the wrong for slightly slowing down, as for speeding up.... that just encourages him to do it again because he is getting his way (I have 5 kids, so am used to discipline) I did not join to "troll", but you have to admit, the topic has generated some interesting points.
If he had decided to follow me, he would have gone a long way ..... I still had 45 minutes of driving until my exit. That is why I drive the TDI 1000 kms per 55 liters :)
To put another perspective on this, not saying the bike rider was right as he clearly wasn't, but if you're passing using cruise control that would mean you're probably moving with the prevailing flow of traffic. It's probably fair to say then that the truck you were passing was likely doing a little less than the flow of traffic. That would mean you're passing relatively slowly yes? Unless the truck was really moving at snail pace.

While this is perfectly legal over here it doesn't really help with the "keep right unless to pass" mentality that needs to prevail if traffic is to flow better.

I hardly ever pass using cruise as it's too slow a manoeuvre. I don't go warp speed, as I mentioned in another thread, but I was brought up in a "keep right(actually keep left)" country. I see quite a few people with cruise set to 120 passing someone with cruise set to 118 and it's painful. Like waiting for a truck to pass another truck.
thread like ball of string
that just encourages him to do it again because he is getting his way
well i you wanted to teach him a lesson, don't do it on the road while driving.

a broken mirror is a small consequence, and you you should be thankful that's all that happened.
if you're in the fast lane and somebody is coming up behind you, you either speed up or get out of the way. You chose to mess with him a little by slowing down before passing, so he decided to let you know he didn't like that by smashing your mirror. Nothing right about it, but you should know anything can happen.
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