RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

I'm bored, so here is what I think RIMs strategy is.


We all know PBs have been slow sellers, so why would someone bother developing for it? RIMs getting PB's in as many hands as possible will encourage app developers to make apps that will work on the PB and the next gen BBs running bbx.

Already done http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforu...-sale...-200&p=1693460&viewfull=1#post1693460
it's not like the issues that rim were having appeared overnight, stock has been dropping for a reason...two issues with rim that bug me is the mentality of the chiefs, and the desire to try and make everyone happy.

a ways back, the chiefs decided that the blackberry didn't need a camera or media support, but then everyone else put these features on their phones, so rim followed suit...this left them behind and playing catch up (many other reasons why they got left behind)...for me, their mentality was summed up in the that decision for me, how can you have these sorts of people running the shop...go manage the money, not the product.

as for trying to make everyone happy, well, look at their last device they released before the playbook, the torch. it's got every frigging feature you could cram onto a device, touch screen, track pad, keyboard, the works...i have spoken with people at different levels in rim, and what i found was that they received input from everyone, from common users like me, to developers, from carriers, from everyone, and they wanted to try and make everyone happy, but it doesn't work, you can't make everyone happy...now look at the playbook, rim decided, for whatever reason, to release a tablet (i don't think it can be called that) in the 7" range...so here we have ipad at 9" something and iphone at 3.5" and a samsung phone coming in at just over 4.5"...rim decided they wanted to release a product to try and keep everyone happy...AGAIN...it can't be used as a phone due to no 3G, too big to fit in your pant pocket anyways...viewing on it is ok, but the ipad and comparably sized tablets have it beat...but it seems like they took everyones input and turned out a niche product, something to try and make everyone happy, but it won't work...

they keep making the same mistakes and never learn...you need someone there to make a decision that has the foresight to do so and understand what makes a great product...rim have had some great products, but it's run by too many cooks and not enough waiters...

i am annoyed at rim because they had a good thing going and they keep blowing it...i don't want rim to go down the drain, but i won't feel bad if they do when they keep making these dumbass decisions...

so what would make a good playbook since we have already complained about what makes them bad:

1. email support for the native client (they were rushed to market, but fix it already)
2. allow for 3G usage without tethering (not everyone has a blackberry to tether it to, nor wants to buy one)
3. larger screen maybe. (i dunno about you but i have clients that want to use the device, but are friggin blind as bats)
4. better integration of desktop manager for media. (lets face it, people will want watch their shows)
neat little device.

feels like a well built unit. Although I'm not a huge fan of touch screen typing, this one works pretty good.

size is ok too. Slots nicely between my bb and my macbook.
Just great, I have 4 on the way now. Walmart sent me an email on Thurs saying they couldn't fulfill my order so it wasn't shipped. Thinking it was cancelled I ordered 2 more from the RIM website. Now I get an email from Walmart saying the items were shipped...

Looking at the walmart link today : http://www.walmart.ca/canada-estore/catalog/productdetailpagecontainer.jsp?trail=SRCH%3Aplaybook&skuId=129357&ancestorID=alldept&searchString=playbook&moduleName=S0011&startSearch=yes&fromSearchBox=true&addFacet=SRCH%3Aplaybook they show availability but price is $498 for a 16GB unit???
Just great, I have 4 on the way now. Walmart sent me an email on Thurs saying they couldn't fulfill my order so it wasn't shipped. Thinking it was cancelled I ordered 2 more from the RIM website. Now I get an email from Walmart saying the items were shipped...

Looking at the walmart link today : http://www.walmart.ca/canada-estore/catalog/productdetailpagecontainer.jsp?trail=SRCH%3Aplaybook&skuId=129357&ancestorID=alldept&searchString=playbook&moduleName=S0011&startSearch=yes&fromSearchBox=true&addFacet=SRCH%3Aplaybook they show availability but price is $498 for a 16GB unit???

Sale price ended 25th.
^^ Not for BestBuy or Futureshop...they are showing the 200/300/400 dollar prices until dec 1st.
^^ Not for BestBuy or Futureshop...they are showing the 200/300/400 dollar prices until dec 1st.

I believe Best Buy dropped the PB, at least in the US.

Rim site still pumping them at $199 until Dec 3.


Free shipping, but they say because of the high volumes, it may take up to 7 days now to ship.

Get yours while you can. At this price, its a steal!

Amazed by the stunning display and other neat discoveries.
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I believe Best Buy dropped the PB, at least in the US.

Rim site still pumping them at $199 until Dec 3.


Free shipping, but they say because of the high volumes, it may take up to 7 days now to ship.

Get yours while you can. At this price, its a steal!

Amazed by the stunning display and other neat discoveries.

thanks for the info! just bought one for the fiance!
Want to pay even less for your playbook?

RIM employees are getting them for $99. If you know any RIM employees, they might be able to help you.

OTHERWISE........ You just use the coupon code 09OLTY12 and it will knock $10 off the price making the 16GB model only $189 when ordering from the blackberry website, and free shipping too!


EDIT: Rats! RIM must have caught on.......... the promo code worked earlier, it appears they disabled it now.
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Price match !! Take an ad from anybody other than Staples and they will price match it plus 10%. Thats another $20/$30/$40 savings
Price match !! Take an ad from anybody other than Staples and they will price match it plus 10%. Thats another $20/$30/$40 savings


They"ll tell you that everyone else has the same price, so there is nothing for them to "match".

The best incentive I could find out there was from Future Shop. They are throwing in a slick HP printer for only $30 with the purchase of any tablet inc PB.

Its a shame RIM caught on to the 10$ discount promo, I was just about to jump on a second one, but was looking for that extra incentive til they put the kibosh on it later that night.

Looking at RIMs website, they are all sold out of 16g and have a "keep me posted" button now.

Mini Review

This thing is quite snazzy. You can tell its a quality built piece. The screen/display is stunning. Especially when you run their sample HD vid that comes installed on the tablet.

I'm not sure about all the people who argue how "counterintuitive" the PB is. Set up was a snap and it led you from step to step quite easily. Even telling you to download the latest updated OS as soon as you turn it on and connect to Wifi.

This unit is especially great if you already own a BB. The PB automatically guides you through the set up for BB bridge. It was a snap. Honestly, it couldn't be any simpler, and the bridge feature works well.

Only 10 mins playing with it, it is quite easy to figure out. Unless you are technically challenged?

I really don't think this thing is worth $500 and feel sorry for anybody that paid this. But at $200, its a steal and works quite well. Esp if you own a BB.

Seriously considering buying another one. I think RIM has some life left in them, and if not, and worse comes to worse, guys are hacking this thing and turning into an Android machine which can always be a future option. :)

LMAO! These guys must be in deeper than they ever imagined. This morning I received an email that the order would be delayed up to 7 days... Tonight I received this:

Dear Cardholder,
Your order number SBBCA616289xxxxx placed on the ca.shopblackberry.com website has been cancelled as it was flagged as a high risk transaction. If you wish to place a replacement order, kindly call our call center at 1-866-957-0761 1-866-957-0761 and a customer service representative will assist you.
Very best regards,
The ShopBlackBerry.com Team

LMAO! These guys must be in deeper than they ever imagined. This morning I received an email that the order would be delayed up to 7 days... Tonight I received this:

Dear Cardholder,
Your order number SBBCA616289xxxxx placed on the ca.shopblackberry.com website has been cancelled as it was flagged as a high risk transaction. If you wish to place a replacement order, kindly call our call center at 1-866-957-0761 1-866-957-0761 and a customer service representative will assist you.

Very best regards,

The ShopBlackBerry.com Team

Lol I got the same Msg. They truly are goofs over there. Serves me right to go against apple.
Exactly why it's really a fail in the big picture. But hey, good for all the people that like it.

Big picture is this. BB have recognized this is an overcrowded market place so we better start kissing our rich executive/manager cliental who still have BB’s because everyone in the mailroom has got an iphone now.

Success...I will be buying another BB when the time comes.
Sounds like a supply issue, as in it's sold out and those poor kids in China have to work over time.

Then an apology for the delay would have been appropriate instead of accusing a customer of being flagged as a high risk transaction. What the hell does that even mean?
A lot of the people on the BB forums are complaining that they are getting different types of emails explaining delays of their order from the mothership.

Obviously, they are sold out.

Start calling around. I called a Staples store this morning, and he told me they had 80 PBs in stock and was certain they would be gone by the end of the day.

Maybe he was wrong?

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