RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

Then an apology for the delay would have been appropriate instead of accusing a customer of being flagged as a high risk transaction. What the hell does that even mean?

Maybe it means there's been wide spread credit card fraud and they will only take new orders by phone? Maybe it's better than saying "sorry but the product is sold out" and it's a delay tactic so you don't take your cookies elsewhere, or maybe your just a deadbeat who doesn't pay their bills? I don't know nor care. I have mine and am making love to it now.
I like it. A lot. I agree on Sunny's reviews, really nice screen resolution. NOVA 2 HD is a cool game and I ordered an otterbox from Costco as well. Really don't see much need for our Asus Transformer at the moment. My wife and I actually prefer the smaller PB's.

Just need to figure out what to do with all my .mkv's.
I like it. A lot. I agree on Sunny's reviews, really nice screen resolution. NOVA 2 HD is a cool game and I ordered an otterbox from Costco as well. Really don't see much need for our Asus Transformer at the moment. My wife and I actually prefer the smaller PB's.

Just need to figure out what to do with all my .mkv's.
You'll have to convert them


Or you can just try using Handbreak and using the setting profile "Regular" and "MP4".

here a list of supported file formats

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LMAO! These guys must be in deeper than they ever imagined. This morning I received an email that the order would be delayed up to 7 days... Tonight I received this:

Dear Cardholder,
Your order number SBBCA616289xxxxx placed on the ca.shopblackberry.com website has been cancelled as it was flagged as a high risk transaction. If you wish to place a replacement order, kindly call our call center at 1-866-957-0761 1-866-957-0761 and a customer service representative will assist you.
Very best regards,
The ShopBlackBerry.com Team

Be glad you are not alone..... this was posted this am, and its already 13 pages long....

Huh? You mean it doesn't do EVERYTHING and there's limitations? I am very seriously amused.

name one tablet that supports everything
Barely got my hands on one today(Staples). Wow, great tablet! It may not do "everything" as some trolls have mentioned but at a mere $200 it does a hell of a lot more than I'll ever need.
name one tablet that supports everything

Nah bro don't get me wrong, not bashing. I just thought if its not apple it will play everything and do everything, my mistake, I now realize that not everything else is as amazing as anti apple people make believe.
my email said it was delayed by 5-6 days.
Ordered one yesterday through a RIM friend. Got the 16gb for $99.99. Now I'm just waiting for it to come in.
I just thought if its not apple it will do everything, my mistake, I now realize that not everything else is as amazing as anti apple people make believe.

My Playbook even makes me dinner. Why, your tablet doesn't?

Yup. Strictlye, got the exact same email the other morning. That same evening is when they informed me my order was cancelled. Hope things work out better for you.
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Ordered one yesterday through a RIM friend. Got the 16gb for $99.99. Now I'm just waiting for it to come in.

i thought they had cancelled that promotion of the employees being able to collect the $100 discount on the new price...i actually played with one of these devices today...while the feel of it is nice and i can browse the web and watch movies...the email, bridging and tethering is a pile of steaming horse crap...here's a few of my issues...

1. you can bridge the device to your blackberry, you can then tether it to the internet, but you can't access the app store over the internet unless you do it over wifi...WTF!!!

2. the device i was fixing today for one of my users, i had it bridged, tethered, wifi off, i could browse the web no problem, couldn't get the damn thing to give me email, calendar, contacts...NOTHING...no help from rogers either, will have to call blackberry tomorrow. the user has a 9700, latest os, latest bridge software (but the icon could not be found on the screen, nor the app world icon either, yet both show as installed)...what i fear is that i will have to reload the entire device (9700) and re-install all the apps to get this thing to work...this will cost the user more for me to set it up then the price of the device...neither of us are happy...

3. email support, i cannot access ANY email unless it is bridged with a device and/or has a live connection to the internet to pullup webmail...i can't keep a cached copy on my device to read if i'm on a train, subway, airplane, bad cel signal, deadzone interruption...the list goes on, no offline capability for email for this device...and no third party apps for email either...my blacberry has the gmail client, at least i can have offline access, even though the search feature is a little messed up...

the only highlight so far was dumping a movie on it so he could watch it on the way home, my only consolidation prize...this device is merely an accessory to the blackberry, for what it should be supporting, it is a hopeless piece of badly executed junk...

i feel bad for the people who work on this device, it has a lot of potential, but the higher ups sat on their butts and did nothing. put in some 3G/LTE whatever to make it a stand alone device, give it native support for email, fix EXTREMELY buggy bridging and tethering...fix the software to access ANYTHING through ANY CHANNEL it can communicate out on...

the 2.0 release coming out next year will only have the ability to fix half or probably less than half the problems...

if you wanna watch movies, read the web, maybe read a book (this i laugh at since any novel is turned into a childrens book when viewing on a 7" screen with a horrible layout), go right ahead and buy one, you'll love it...

and for those that have their's tethered and bridged and working peachy, wait until it doesn't work for some odd, weird, strange reason, you will spend MANY frustrating hours trying to figure it out. dear god i hope they fix some of my issues in the next release...
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RIM has decided there will be significant software updates to the 2012 models, but aren't saying what yet. The lack of native email may continue, BB claims you cant easily hack email that is not stored on a device. Its a business tool and will probably stay oriented that way.

For all the BB haters they still have majority share (35%) of the smartphone market in Canada, some fixes to the playbook and they should be just fine.
God damn f*n RIM. They can go to hell. I had ordered two Playbooks from their webstore a week ago. At the beginning of this week I got an email saying that they would ship in a week (the same email other people got). I have received no further correspondence from them. I just checked my order on their site and it is cancelled. I guess they are planning on telling me after the sale is over.

It would be nice if I could support a Canadian company, but they continue to amaze me with their horrendous management.

RIM go f yourself.

EDIT: Just spent 75 minutes on hold waiting for a rep. They told that that my order was cancelled and I was SOL, there was nothing they could do. I was welcome to reorder when they get stock in again (at full price).

Another nail in their coffin, I have now gone from being non-positive towards RIM (they had a great idea once and have ridden it for far too long) to being actively negative. If this is how they try to increase their customer base, the end is closer than I thought.
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For all the BB haters they still have majority share (35%) of the smartphone market in Canada

It helps when your phones are the ones offered in free phone for contract deals. If they didn't take a loss on every playbook they wouldn't sell any either. They may have market share but without profit it is a hollow number.

I've been thinking of grabbing a cheap playbook but without native contacts/email client its a no go. I am not buying a BB phone and have no interest of being part of their eco system.
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