How in the world does a native email client force the device to require a data plan? Please step aside.
Heavy HEAVY Blackberry fanboyism up in this thread! lol can't stop laughing... mainly because I keep picturing Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis every time I read your guys posts, then it makes RIM failing even funnier.[/QUOTE
Nice to know that you respect other people's opinion tells the forum certainly gives an indication of your character. I use the playbook for business use as our company only used blackberry because of the security and control something which Apple does not have. I am on the road 70% of the time and to pay for a data plan for my tablet as oppose to using my BB data plan does not make economical sense. The need for a native client on a tablet means extra data plan. As an example one of our sales rep has a IPAD and he can only download his email and read presentation slide when he has a wifi connect which I do not need. Why pay the extra cost when I can use my Blackberry data plan does not make economic sense because I am not an APP or apple loyalist. I have an IPAD also and since I have gotten the playbook the IPAD is rarely used.
Yes maybe I am partial to blackberry not because they are a Canadian content but because of the security they offer so for business professional who require security the playbook is a good option regardless of the native email. The playbook was developed as a business tablet which has apps that support an interface into Oracle and Sharepoint which for a business executive is invaluable to review daily KPI. Not sure if this explanation is above your comprehension but that is the basis for me using the playbook.
I'm happy that you get a use out of the playbook and I never said it was useless. My point was always that it's largely inferior to the competition and things like lack of native email client are like nails in a coffin.
Your sales rep can tether his iPad to just about any smartphone except maybe a crappy blackberry that doesn't have wifi hotspot functionality. So your argument is stupid.
Lack of something so basic as an email client is exactly why the playbook failed miserably in the marketplace. Its an accessory, not a standalone product. A typical RIM miss. They again fail to realize the importance of the consumer market to their business. They take a product with potential and then neuter it. Stupid stupid stupid.