RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

And here's some more food for thought: most people these days buy subsidized phones from their carriers because of the high up-front cost. Most of these subsidies are 2-3 year plans. You think all those people who bought Storms, Torches, and Storm2 handsets over the last 2-3 years are gonna spend their next carrier credit on another vaporware Blackberry? If you thought RIM was doing bad before, just wait until all those people form the last few years get their next 3-year credit from their carriers.... bye-bye Blackberry, hello iPhone and Android!
here is where you lost me. Once RIM sell out of playbooks, which they will, what happens then? Does everyone who bought one feel good about getting an excellent product at a great deal? BTW this is by far my favorite RIM product but i do feel like an idiot i didn't over spend on an ipad.
Buddy the financial statements are plastered all over the web, RIM is a publicly traded company! Are you dense? Fire up google and see for yourself, I don't need to do your market research for you. Nor do I need to badmouth RIM (on GTAM, no less), they've been tanking all on their own. Do you live in a cave or something? Read any tech and/or financial site yourself and have a look.

It's really simple: rapidly declining market share + a series of unsuccessful product launches + total lack of innovation = a company in serious trouble. Their sales numbers prove it. Their share prices prove it.

The problem is that they've been in this decline for a few years now and nothing has changed. They keep making the same mistakes over and over! RIM needs to get rid of their blithering idiot CEOs and hire someone with a bloody vision if they wanna turn it around. How the HELL do you launch the Storm, and then follow that up with the Torch? And then follow THAT up with a Storm 2 and a Playbook? Rofl. That company is run by idiiiiiots.

Darn, and I thought it was buy low, sell high. Please forgive me.

Does that mean that the other companies that jumped in and are still losing money on their tablets are right, or wrong?

Anyway getting back to the original topic, my wife is getting a playbook for Christmas that I picked up last week. She has a Blackberry, so it should be a good fit. I've got an iPhone, so an iPad 2 is also on order.
Darn, and I thought it was buy low, sell high. Please forgive me.

Does that mean that the other companies that jumped in and are still losing money on their tablets are right, or wrong?

Anyway getting back to the original topic, my wife is getting a playbook for Christmas that I picked up last week. She has a Blackberry, so it should be a good fit. I've got an iPhone, so an iPad 2 is also on order.

We already know what HP did with their Touchpad. As for the others? Time will tell. The only decent competitor to the iPad thus far is the Galaxy Tab. It's legitimately a nice product, but it still needs refinement. For the rest of the boys on the playing field? Who knows... for sure they're all losing money on their tablet investments, no doubt about it. Their benefit (mostly) is that they're running Android, a platform with an already established user and developer base. HP didn't do that and they tanked with their tablet. RIM didn't do it and they've tanked with their tablet offering.

here is where you lost me. Once RIM sell out of playbooks, which they will, what happens then? Does everyone who bought one feel good about getting an excellent product at a great deal? BTW this is by far my favorite RIM product but i do feel like an idiot i didn't over spend on an ipad.

Once they get rid of all that dusty stock from their warehouses? Who knows. If the past is any indication, they'll have another attempt at a tablet and they'll fail again because they haven't actually learned anything. Also, I personally don't think there's room in the market for a third platform. It's too late for RIM now, IMO. They should forget this tablet business and get back to making a competitive phone for the consumer market. That's KEY if they wanna turn their ailing business around. Forget about releasing 10 new [slightly] differing handsets every year... focus efforts on making one good consumer touch-screen phone that can (for once) actually compete with the latest offerings from Apple and Google.
To me, the best competition against tablets would be netbooks, which have smoked them in the past. Microsoft has dropped the ball big time on this one.
Entirely different products. A netbook is a neutered laptop. A tablet is its own product entirely. Obviously different folks need their devices for different applications, but I'll just go ahead and stipulate right now that 90% of people would be better off with an iPad or Galaxy Tab than a cheap tiny neutered laptop in their briefcase. Why? Because of the intuitive mobile OS. Who wants to cart Windows XP/Vista/7 around all day long? Talk about cumbersome. Unless I needed Windows with me to run a specific software unavailable on a tablet, I'd never choose a netbook.
Entirely different products. A netbook is a neutered laptop. A tablet is its own product entirely. Obviously different folks need their devices for different applications, but I'll just go ahead and stipulate right now that 90% of people would be better off with an iPad or Galaxy Tab than a cheap tiny neutered laptop in their briefcase. Why? Because of the intuitive mobile OS. Who wants to cart Windows XP/Vista/7 around all day long? Talk about cumbersome. Unless I needed Windows with me to run a specific software unavailable on a tablet, I'd never choose a netbook.

my dad uses his netbook for data entry when on location, it works for him

hp seems to still sell netbooks (3 customizable models as seen on hpshopping.com)
Netbooks are toast because someone else says they are? I would take a $300 computer way before a $500 ipad any day.

Numbers are numbers. Netbook sales have been declining heavily with the advent of tablets. Buy whatever you want.
Now they're a pathetic failure thanks to incompetent CEOs and upper management who took an industry leader down the crapper because of complete lack of vision.

Most of the CEO's got MBA in good schools, yet all they do now is jet off to some tropical location on the companies expense. I think they only learn is to drive a company into the ground.
my dad uses his netbook for data entry when on location, it works for him

hp seems to still sell netbooks (3 customizable models as seen on hpshopping.com)

My boss picked up an HP netbook (well the lines are greyer these days, it has a 750 gig hard drive, intel atom processor and small screen (10 or 12")). It is a functional computer, you can actually get work done with it. A tablet is handy because it's instant on, but I still think that they are separate markets, I wouldn't cross-shop a tablet and netbook as they are for entirely different purposes as I see it.
Looking back, IBM and Apple also had their hard years where they employed the same sort of pricing/workforce/reorg tactics that RIM is using now. They came back. Maybe RIM will too, or maybe it won't, but it's still rather early to be predicting RIM's demise.

True this.

Anyways, whatever RIMs strategy is with the Playbook pricing.... who cares? Its a steal and a quality product at $200 whether you wish to believe this or not.

I wish RIM to succeed like the next guy, but if they don't, so what? On to the next product when the contract expires. Apple only has a piddly 14% smart phone market share compared to the 50+% of Android, so we all know who is really going to be the dominant one, and the pricing will be much more competitive as there is so much to choose. It sure beats buying overpriced, overhyped Apple product.

Apple has its share of uncertainty, and in a few years, will likely be on the same path as RIM to some degree. Yes, Tim Cook is just another competent CEO, but he ain't no Jobs. Apple is searching desperately for a new Head of Marketing person since the last guy left for a Department store or something? They are searching the world over for the right candidate that can carry the marketing of their products as this is much of what they rely on for sales. On top of that, HTML5 will be the new standard and Apps as we know it, will be in a declining market which will surely take another chunk out of Apples profits.

Back to the Playbook..... some have hacked it and turned it into an Android tablet. RIM says it will be Android app capable soon and we all know RIM will still be around for a few more years, so this thing won't be outdated anytime soon.

At $200 a pop, its no wonder they are selling like hotcakes.

I don't wish to see RIM go bankrupt, but if they do, its their own fault. I'll thank them for the product I enjoyed using over the years, and move on to the next one.

Hopefully they do the right thing and release a competitive QNX powered phone and get themselves back in the fight, because its a lot of fun to watch.

Just got mine (32G) today after ordering it from Staples on Sunday. They said it was in early as they had promised a Nov 30th delivery, so great service from Staples.

Will play with it tonight.

I ordered a 32GB one from Walmart, also with a Nov 30 delivery date specified. For $300, it's a steal. It might not do everything an iPad does, but it will do everything I need and it will do it with a much lower price tag.
I was lucky today,walked into Staples and got a 32gb one that someone had just returned. Got a screenprotector discounted. Played around all afternoon,it's great, a fun toy!
Ordered two 16GB units from Walmart last night. Should get them in this Thurs. Went on the crackberry forums to get a good feel for the unit. My wife will tether one to her phone for business and my son can play with the other one.
Wonder if they'll be having a fire sale on any of these Porsche design models.....



Possibly the lamest attempt at a good design yet! Weird because I always regarded RIM's industrial design as some of the best. They've made some nice devices.
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