RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

This thread is too geek for me now. I don't have the passion or tech background to defend RIM. I am proud that RIM is a canadian success story and it saddens me to see so many of you slag it off.
Jist ordered my 32G at Staples today, paid for it and should be in by Nov 30th. (limit 1 per customer) They only had a few left on their Nov 30th order. A customer was demanding a second and third for his friends but they held firm. Good for them!

did the same thing but bought from walmart.ca
This thread is too geek for me now. I don't have the passion or tech background to defend RIM. I am proud that RIM is a canadian success story and it saddens me to see so many of you slag it off.

RIM was a success story. Now they're a pathetic failure thanks to incompetent CEOs and upper management who took an industry leader down the crapper because of complete lack of vision.

Maybe if Balls-silly spent more time leading RIM and less time trying to buy hockey teams they would've hung onto their share of the market.
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This thread is too geek for me now. I don't have the passion or tech background to defend RIM. I am proud that RIM is a canadian success story and it saddens me to see so many of you slag it off.

You don't really need a tech background to see through a lot of the ******** that's being posted on here. But I echo your comment about it being a Canadian success story and it is too bad that a lot of people seem to take a peverse pleasure in what they think is its imminent demise, but what do you expect from an internet forum? Misinformation and ignorance is the norm in discussions like these.
Which parts are misinformation exactly? It's no secret that RIM has been tanking, all you need to do is look at their filings and their stock price. If you wanna be blind just because they're Canadian then go right ahead.

The facts are simple: RIM management got complacent and their competitors took over the market. RIM thought they wouldn't have to do anything innovative because their hold on the enterprise market would magically float them above the competition. They were idiots for thinking that this story would unfold any other way than it has. Only a moron would think that the enterprise market wouldn't follow the consumer market eventually.

So tell us wise one, how exactly are we mistaken? Is RIM secretly doing really well and turning impressive profits behind closed doors? Has their stock price NOT been falling for the last 2 years dwindling away to nothing? LOL please...wake up.
So tell us wise one, how exactly are we mistaken?

Easy. Read the drivel you just posted. You seem to think you have insider`s knowledge of the company, its operations and its executives, so let`s hear how that came about. List your qualifications and what your position is within the industry and who you know at RIM. Tell us in detail what makes you the expert on their business and back it up with facts - not just the ``even a moron knows``vague statements, but verifiable facts - otherwise you`ll go on the Ignore list like the rest of the idiots.
Which parts are misinformation exactly? It's no secret that RIM has been tanking, all you need to do is look at their filings and their stock price. If you wanna be blind just because they're Canadian then go right ahead.

The facts are simple: RIM management got complacent and their competitors took over the market. RIM thought they wouldn't have to do anything innovative because their hold on the enterprise market would magically float them above the competition. They were idiots for thinking that this story would unfold any other way than it has. Only a moron would think that the enterprise market wouldn't follow the consumer market eventually.

So tell us wise one, how exactly are we mistaken? Is RIM secretly doing really well and turning impressive profits behind closed doors? Has their stock price NOT been falling for the last 2 years dwindling away to nothing? LOL please...wake up.

You said it. They are still making a profit. Profit is still profit and that my friend is success. 380,000,000 profit to be exact, but yes, i can see how you could confuse hundreds of millions in profit as going out of business.
Easy. Read the drivel you just posted. You seem to think you have insider`s knowledge of the company, its operations and its executives, so let`s hear how that came about. List your qualifications and what your position is within the industry and who you know at RIM. Tell us in detail what makes you the expert on their business and back it up with facts - not just the ``even a moron knows``vague statements, but verifiable facts - otherwise you`ll go on the Ignore list like the rest of the idiots.

Just as I thought. No argument. Lol

RIM is fine guys, no need to worry. Everything is OK!
Just as I thought. No argument.

Just as I thought - no qualifications, just a lot of smoke and mirrors when taken to task. Go, go Gadget Ignore Button!
RIM share prices
June 05 2009 - 92.50
June 04 2010 - 63.23
June 03 2011 - 38.15
Today - 18.76

There is absolutely no investor confidence in RIM.

RIM had set the stakes high on multiple previous product launches and failed miserably. Blackberry Storm, Torch, Storm 2, Playbook; all 4 products were supposed to be the 'it' products to regain consumer market share and every single one failed terribly for the same reasons. Lackluster performance, crappy unintuitive operating systems, and abysmal developer turnout. Apple unveiled the iPhone at the start of 2007 and they sold millions of units within 12 months. RIM's answer took almost 2 years to come out in the form of the BB Storm and it was a downright pathetic showing. Meanwhile, Google, a company with absolutely no history in the cell phone market came out of left field and took dominance of the rest of the smartphone market with Android. Where was RIM? They were building the Torch.. another failure. Google continued their rise, Apple continued to sell tens of millions of iPhones... what was RIM doing? Building the Storm 2. Guess where that went?

Okay, so Apple unveils the iPad in early 2010... and single-handedly creates an entire product market all on their own. What does RIM do? They take almost 2 years to build their answer in the form of the Playbook. Launch day sales? A pathetic 50,000 units. Apple sold 3 million iPads in the first 3 months. RIM's total sales tanked...they were estimated at 2 million, then 1 million, and finally came out to 700k units. It's now not even 2012 and they're unloading inventory at a below-cost firesale. Gee, RIM failed again.

Does this sound like the story of a company that's on its way up, or down? Go-go gadget blinders! Hope your wife can find a job when RIM goes under... it's a-comin!

Their ONLY chance (and I've been calling it for a year+ while shorting their crappy stock) is a new CEO and management restructuring. Good luck RIM. No company ever survives long-term while continually selling crappy products. Once the enterprise market moves to iOS and Android (and its already happening), RIM is done.
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You said it. They are still making a profit. Profit is still profit and that my friend is success. 380,000,000 profit to be exact, but yes, i can see how you could confuse hundreds of millions in profit as going out of business.

They were $300M short in sales last quarter! They sold 1.5M fewer phones and shipped only 30% of the tablets they were expected to ship! They blew through HALF of their cash last quarter, they're sitting on something like $1.5B on the books now. Go look up how much AAPL and GOOG have in cash please, so you can get a sense of what differentiates a successful company and one in a downward tumble.

Just because they made a profit doesn't mean they're doing fine. Take off the blinders.
pretty sure if kawi or any other co released four ****** bikes in a row people would have no problem saying their are heading downward, but becuase rim is canadian we are all supposed to defend it? I used to love my BB, then i found android and rim has done nothing that urges me to go back, not one competitive product. I'm hoping, but i don't see it as likely. I dont need to be an insider to have this opinion.
pretty sure if kawi or any other co released four ****** bikes in a row people would have no problem saying their are heading downward, but becuase rim is canadian we are all supposed to defend it? I used to love my BB, then i found android and rim has done nothing that urges me to go back, not one competitive product. I'm hoping, but i don't see it as likely. I dont need to be an insider to have this opinion.

Naww man... their share price is half of what it was this summer, they blew through half of their cash in one quarter, and their last 4 big products sucked balls and are collecting dust in their warehouse, gearing up for below-cost fire-sale. They're fine, because they're CANADIAN!!!! :lol:
pretty sure if kawi or any other co released four ****** bikes in a row people would have no problem saying their are heading downward, but becuase rim is canadian we are all supposed to defend it?

No, that's not what I'm saying. If none of RIM's products offer what YOU want, then by all means go to the competition to find what makes YOU happy. But for people to sit there and make endless comments about the daily operations of a business, slamming it simply because it is Canadian and suffers from what theyperceive to be epic mismanagement, rambling on and on about "mine does this, yours doesn't do that", "RIM/Apple/Android sucks", "RIM/Apple/Android" is the best ... it sounds more like a 2nd Grade recess than a coherent adult discussion with valid points and counterpoints.

Seriously, what do people gain from threads like this? You techies are worse than motorcycle riders when it comes to brand loyalty. It's a ****ing phone, fer chrissakes. If your world revolves around nothing but games and Facebook and Twitter and text messaging and everything/anyhting else that avoids face to face contact with real live human beings, I find that laughable. And kinda sad.

EDIT: And yes, I'm aware that the Playbook is a computer. My comments are directed at this thread in general and that other 70+ page ******** fest elsewhere in this forum.
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Technology companies have this happen all the time.

Remember Apple and Microsoft investing in them, Palm Pilots, IBM and the personal computer, Microsoft nowadays?

Lets not buy into all that b.s. spouted from people who are possibly shorting companies or investing heavily in them. They are trying to influence the market, to their own advantage. People need to come out with hard facts that can be backed up, with documentation. Rumours can ruin perfectly good and profitable companies.
No, that's not what I'm saying. If none of RIM's products offer what YOU want, then by all means go to the competition to find what makes YOU happy. But for people to sit there and make endless comments about the daily operations of a business, slamming it simply because it is Canadian and suffers from what theyperceive to be epic mismanagement, rambling on and on about "mine does this, yours doesn't do that", "RIM/Apple/Android sucks", "RIM/Apple/Android" is the best ... it sounds more like a 2nd Grade recess than a coherent adult discussion with valid points and counterpoints.

Seriously, what do people gain from threads like this? You techies are worse than motorcycle riders when it comes to brand loyalty. It's a ****ing phone, fer chrissakes. If your world revolves around nothing but games and Facebook and Twitter and text messaging and everything/anyhting else that avoids face to face contact with real live human beings, I find that laughable. And kinda sad.

EDIT: And yes, I'm aware that the Playbook is a computer. My comments are directed at this thread in general and that other 70+ page ******** fest elsewhere in this forum.

Surprise surprise, he has no answer.

RIM is a publicly traded company buddy, their books and accounting are open for the world to see. You're blind. Or a fanboy. Or both.

*hands over eyes and ears* they're fine they're fine they're fine they're fine they're fine they're fine they're fine they're finet hey're fine lalalalalalalal **
Technology companies have this happen all the time.

Remember Apple and Microsoft investing in them, Palm Pilots, IBM and the personal computer, Microsoft nowadays?

Lets not buy into all that b.s. spouted from people who are possibly shorting companies or investing heavily in them. They are trying to influence the market, to their own advantage. People need to come out with hard facts that can be backed up, with documentation. Rumours can ruin perfectly good and profitable companies.

lol rumors

Right, because their tanking share prices are "rumors"

And because them blowing through half their cash in one quarter is a "rumor"

And because they haven't launched a successful product the last 4 times they tried is a "rumor"

And because they're selling off inventory at below-cost to recoup some of that lost money on failed products is just a "rumor"

I love it.
lol rumors

Right, because their tanking share prices are "rumors"

And because them blowing through half their cash in one quarter is a "rumor"

And because they haven't launched a successful product the last 4 times they tried is a "rumor"

And because they're selling off inventory at below-cost to recoup some of that lost money on failed products is just a "rumor"

I love it.

Looking back, IBM and Apple also had their hard years where they employed the same sort of pricing/workforce/reorg tactics that RIM is using now. They came back. Maybe RIM will too, or maybe it won't, but it's still rather early to be predicting RIM's demise.
lol rumors

Right, because their tanking share prices are "rumors"

And because them blowing through half their cash in one quarter is a "rumor"

And because they haven't launched a successful product the last 4 times they tried is a "rumor"

And because they're selling off inventory at below-cost to recoup some of that lost money on failed products is just a "rumor"

I love it.

Not rumor, rumour.

So, if you save up for a bike and then blow all your cash, should I assume that you are going belly up?

If you save during the good times for the bad times, and then spend half your cash in the bad times, should I assume that you are going bankrupt?

People have been known to short a company and then bad mouth it on the internet to try and depress the price. Put some financial statements in your messages, instead of your strongly negative opinions, if you don't want to be thought of that way.
Buddy the financial statements are plastered all over the web, RIM is a publicly traded company! Are you dense? Fire up google and see for yourself, I don't need to do your market research for you. Nor do I need to badmouth RIM (on GTAM, no less), they've been tanking all on their own. Do you live in a cave or something? Read any tech and/or financial site yourself and have a look.

It's really simple: rapidly declining market share + a series of unsuccessful product launches + total lack of innovation = a company in serious trouble. Their sales numbers prove it. Their share prices prove it.

The problem is that they've been in this decline for a few years now and nothing has changed. They keep making the same mistakes over and over! RIM needs to get rid of their blithering idiot CEOs and hire someone with a bloody vision if they wanna turn it around. How the HELL do you launch the Storm, and then follow that up with the Torch? And then follow THAT up with a Storm 2 and a Playbook? Rofl. That company is run by idiiiiiots.
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