RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

They still don't have an email app?

C'mon. This is exactly the kind of idiocy that runs rampant within RIM's upper management. The company was practically BUILT on email/enterprise, and their tablet is rushed to market without a frickin email client? Speechless.
They still don't have an email app?

C'mon. This is exactly the kind of idiocy that runs rampant within RIM's upper management. The company was practically BUILT on email/enterprise, and their tablet is rushed to market without a frickin email client? Speechless.

What's the difference between native email and an app that bridges my work/personal/phone email on to the playbook? My playbook and phone are never more than 20 feet apart at any given time.
You really can't comprehend why it would've been a good idea for RIM to include a native email app from day one?

One method allows you to have your email on the device wherever and whenever you want it. The other method allows you to have your email wherever and whenever you want it... as long as you're within 20 feet of your Blackberry, you've installed the Bridge software, and you have an established bluetooth connection between the two devices.

Gee golly. Good thinking RIM, effectively lock out 90% of your potential market because they don't have Blackberry phones. Smart business decision.

Not having a native email app on a tablet = incredibly stupid. If you don't see that, well.. you know what you are ;)

One method allows you to have your email on the device wherever and whenever you want it. The other method allows you to have your email wherever and whenever you want it... as long as you're within 20 feet of your Blackberry, you've installed the Bridge software, and you have an established bluetooth connection between the two devices.

Gee golly. Good thinking RIM, effectively lock out 90% of your potential market because they don't have Blackberry phones. Smart business decision.

Not having a native email app on a tablet = incredibly stupid. If you don't see that, well.. you know what you are ;)

In your circle of super geek friends, how many of you leave the house (parents basement) with a tablet device and not have your smart phone with you?
So you have no counter-argument then do you? RIM locked out everybody who doesn't own a Blackberry. I'll repeat it: not having a native email client on a portable tablet is an incredibly stupid business decision. Only a staunch Blackberry fanboy like yourself would deny it. So go ahead, deny it some more ;)

And to answer your question, all of my friends leave their basements with smart-phones in tow.... but 90% of them are NOT Blackberry phones. Guess which tablet my friends will wanna buy? :lol: stupid RIM
they did it to force people to buy other blackberry products, just like now they are forcing me to use my data to download large updates to their apps and OS throught 3G when i should be able to use my WiFi to do the same...

To me, and to a lot of people, forcing me to spend money on something not because i want to, but because i have to, to be able to utilize my devices fully, means i wont do any more business with that company.

See a smart company will make an amazing tablet, that can tether to any phones 3g capabilities, or at least the majority of them, maybe the Android based ones, seeing as how they announced a partnership to run Android apps anyways? Why would they do that? Because most people already have a phone, and they dont go shopping for a tablet based on what phone they have to spend money on down the road. They have a phone in their hand, they look at the playbook and say "no email? i can only tether it to a blackberry, which i dont have? and it doesnt have its own 3g capability? PASS!!!" As they reach for the competition.

Back in the day, when RIM offered BBM and their phones were known to be frugal on the data, and there was NO competition even close to the capabilities of their phones, they could demand and bully the public into buying their phones. They havent evolved and saw the advent of unlimited texting and large data plans allowing the competition to move away from BBM to mass media capable phones that can run Twitter, Facebook etc etc. BBM was a double edges sword. One one side it forced u to buy a BB if you wanna be part of the "clique" or be connected in the business world, on the other end it forces you to buy a phone for one capability and one capability alone. This backwards thinking still persists as we can see...the problem now is, you cant demand people to buy your product and offer them an inferior product and expect people to still buy them.
So you have no counter-argument then do you? RIM locked out everybody who doesn't own a Blackberry. I'll repeat it: not having a native email client on a portable tablet is an incredibly stupid business decision. Only a staunch Blackberry fanboy like yourself would deny it. So go ahead, deny it some more ;)

And to answer your question, all of my friends leave their basements with smart-phones in tow.... but 90% of them are NOT Blackberry phones. Guess which tablet my friends will wanna buy? :lol: stupid RIM

RIM did a great job enhancing the Blackberry experience withthe Playbook.
In other words, it’s pointless to get upset over condoms you refuse to buy as they won’t deliver the same experience as my condoms. That's because mine come with a woman to complete the condom buying experience. The playbook and blackberry phone are the quintessential condom and women experience. You shouldn’t have one without the other. Since neither seem to be in your immediate future it’s time to quit while your ahead.
they did it to force people to buy other blackberry products, just like now they are forcing me to use my data to download large updates to their apps and OS throught 3G when i should be able to use my WiFi to do the same...

That's your problem not RIMs...I have no problem using my playbook with wifi only.

RIM did a great job enhancing the Blackberry experience withthe Playbook.
In other words, it’s pointless to get upset over condoms you refuse to buy as they won’t deliver the same experience as my condoms. That's because mine come with a woman to complete the condom buying experience. The playbook and blackberry phone are the quintessential condom and women experience. You shouldn’t have one without the other. Since neither seem to be in your immediate future it’s time to quit while your ahead.

Another non-argument eh ;)

Basically you admit RIM screwed up large but since you're a Blackberry user anyway the missing native email client doesn't impact you directly. Duuuhhh.

And some of you are still wondering why RIM is tanking? Just read this frickin conversation! Killerkeith is RIM.
Another non-argument eh ;)

Basically you admit RIM screwed up large but since you're a Blackberry user anyway the missing native email client doesn't impact you directly. Duuuhhh.

And some of you are still wondering why RIM is tanking? Just read this frickin conversation!

I never said they screwed up. I said the playbook is amazing and work amazing with my blackberry. The native isn't an issue, period. Everyone who owns a BB should own a Playbook.
That's your problem not RIMs...I have no problem using my playbook with wifi only.

yea its my problem, and i will solve it by not using a BB product if i could. Enough people do this and it becomes RIMs problem....oh wait...IT ALREADY HAS!

its funny how we both have the same products but you're blinded by how amazing the playbook and the blackberry mate together. Fine and dandy, because thats what its designed to do....now ask yourself how many people will run out and buy a BB to supplement the playbook? Not many. How many people who already have a blackberry will get a playbook? some.....you forget that the vast majority of BB users are business oriented people who want to be able to answer emails and BBM and THATS IT! 7 of my coworkers are also on BBM and have Blackberrys and none of them were interested in it even at the lower price point. So they are shooting themselves in the foot by limiting the market and limiting the capability of their brand new device to a dwindling BB population.

How many playbooks do you think would sell if it was 3G capable? or was allowed to be tethered to any 3G capable phone?
its funny how we both have the same products but you're blinded by how amazing the playbook and the blackberry mate together. Fine and dandy, because thats what its designed to do....now ask yourself how many people will run out and buy a BB to supplement the playbook? Not many. How many people who already have a blackberry will get a playbook? some.....you forget that the vast majority of BB users are business oriented people who want to be able to answer emails and BBM and THATS IT! 7 of my coworkers are also on BBM and have Blackberrys and none of them were interested in it even at the lower price point. So they are shooting themselves in the foot by limiting the market and limiting the capability of their brand new device to a dwindling BB population.

How many playbooks do you think would sell if it was 3G capable? or was allowed to be tethered to any 3G capable phone?

My ipod didn't make me want an iphone or an ipad...works both ways.
What's the difference between native email and an app that bridges my work/personal/phone email on to the playbook? My playbook and phone are never more than 20 feet apart at any given time.

Agree works great do not need a native email as that will then require a data plan for the playbook when I can tethered my work BB. Had one before the sales and it is great.
Agree works great do not need a native email as that will then require a data plan for the playbook when I can tethered my work BB. Had one before the sales and it is great.

How in the world does a native email client force the device to require a data plan? Please step aside.

Heavy HEAVY Blackberry fanboyism up in this thread! lol can't stop laughing... mainly because I keep picturing Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis every time I read your guys posts, then it makes RIM failing even funnier.
I never said they screwed up. I said the playbook is amazing and work amazing with my blackberry. The native isn't an issue, period. Everyone who owns a BB should own a Playbook.

This is specifically one of the reasons the Playbook failed in the market. It launched as an accessory for a Blackberry user.
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