RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

i thought they had cancelled that promotion of the employees being able to collect the $100 discount on the new price...

Just ordered it 2 days ago. I thought they had cancelled it too but apparently it's back. I only picked up a 16gb because I really just wanted a bit of a toy. The only thing I plan on doing with this is surifng the net while watching TV, or maybe playing a few games. For $99 I couldn't really pass it up.
me me me I want one too!!! cmon cmon please please!!!
the discount is counted as income, so $99 is $172 at the end of the day for the employee after shipping, hst, income tax...still a better deal than paying $200...at least when you plug it in it maps a drive letter and you can just copy videos, pics and everything straight onto it, kinda makes it easy...the only issue i had with that is why a 1.5GB movie took 10 mins to copy, slow as molasses...
can you get more at that price?
No, it was through a friend of a friend.

me me me I want one too!!! cmon cmon please please!!!
Surely you know someone at RIM?

the discount is counted as income, so $99 is $172 at the end of the day for the employee after shipping, hst, income tax...still a better deal than paying $200...at least when you plug it in it maps a drive letter and you can just copy videos, pics and everything straight onto it, kinda makes it easy...the only issue i had with that is why a 1.5GB movie took 10 mins to copy, slow as molasses...
Yes it's counted as income so we paid slightly more to offset it.
It helps when your phones are the ones offered in free phone for contract deals. If they didn't take a loss on every playbook they wouldn't sell any either. They may have market share but without profit it is a hollow number.

I've been thinking of grabbing a cheap playbook but without native contacts/email client its a no go. I am not buying a BB phone and have no interest of being part of their eco system.

Geez....... Apple doesnt dump free lower end phones in their contracts either, right? :rolleyes:


Whatever RIMs strategy is.... who cares? The PB at $199 does far more than what most people will ever do with a tablet, and it sure beats paying $500+ for an iToy.

RIM is commited to the PB. RIM press release......"Both consumer and enterprise customers who purchase a new BlackBerry PlayBook at the current promotional pricing, along with existing PlayBook customers, will be able to upgrade to the enhanced PlayBook OS 2.0 software at no additional charge when it becomes available in February 2012."

It continues..... "Based on the positive response to the promotions that are underway in select markets, RIM believes this strategy will accelerate adoption of its QNX-based platform by consumers and enterprises, as well as help to drive the development of a vibrant application ecosystem in advance of its next generation BlackBerry smartphones."

Native email is coming.... why else would they be showcasing this recently this if it wasn't forthcoming?

Its clear RIM is using the PB as the sacrificial lamb to introduce and jump start their coming BBX OS, to get developers and users on board.

As consumers, we do whats best for us, not RIM or anybody elses bottom line. Clearly the PB is an outstanding deal at $199. Capitalize on it.

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Your the best Sunny, calling an iPad and iToy, while you keep hailing the PLAYbook. Just wanted to point that out bro.
This is the REAL bargain tablet that's actually a good device for the money...

And they already sold 5x the units that RIM did :lol:

it's too bad you can't get it in Canada
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it's too bad you can't get it in Canada

Its also too bad its budget price means no premium features, cameras, microphone, GPS, and location services are absent, its paltry storage (only 8GB of storage), lack of Bluetooth, no High Def disply, screen brightness could be better.

It makes that other tablet currently available at $199 a screaming steal!

But agreed..... it sure beats paying $500+ for the other tablets. :lmao:
its paltry storage (only 8GB of storage)

Perspective, dude, it's all a matter of perspective. I can remember, years ago when I was in the army, labouriously typing in data on a Commodore 64 and having to save it to a floppy disk. A simple 8pg document pretty much used up all the available space.
Perspective, dude, it's all a matter of perspective. I can remember, years ago when I was in the army, labouriously typing in data on a Commodore 64 and having to save it to a floppy disk. A simple 8pg document pretty much used up all the available space.

I had a C64 once. Great machine for its time. Enjoyed many years out of it growing up.

As for the Kindle, its "strength" and market is multimedia... it really should have at least 16g.
I like how RIM named their BlackBerry accessory a "play" book... as if they could actually attract developers to make interesting things for it :lol:
Perspective, dude, it's all a matter of perspective. I can remember, years ago when I was in the army, labouriously typing in data on a Commodore 64 and having to save it to a floppy disk. A simple 8pg document pretty much used up all the available space.

I remember driving to Hills in Lackawana to buy my Commodore 64. Before it, I had the Texas Instruments 99/4A, with a whopping 16Kb of memory and a cassette data storage drive.

At least it had programmable sprites, better than the Trash-80s of the time could offer.

My first real computer was a Zenith Z-161 "portable", 38 pounds of "portable" computer. It had an edge over the IBM Pc in that with a special Z20 processor chip you could make use of up to 704Kb of RAM instead of the 640Kb limit of the IBM. That and a 300 baud modem would let me hook up to the university remotely over one of a half-dozen remote access lines, and bypass the line-up for the VT-100 terminals in the computer lab. I could type faster with two fingers than the vi editor and remote connection could keep up.

Funny how technology goes.
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^^ those things are awesome.

I grew up with a Vic20. First one's in the neighbourhood to have a real computer. There were the Atari's and Coleco-visions, but the Vic20 was a serious computer what with those dot matrix printers........

So I haven't read through this entire thread because of the useless drivel about which brand is better is better and whose dad is stronger..

Are the playbook's still on sale and how do I go about getting one in person without waiting in a line-up or being subjected to 'out of stock and we'll order it for you'? I don't know anyone at RIM, though I would appreciate the savings.

Are the playbook's still on sale and how do I go about getting one in person without waiting in a line-up or being subjected to 'out of stock and we'll order it for you'? I don't know anyone at RIM, though I would appreciate the savings.


Deal ended Dec 3. RIM wanted to move a tonne of dead stock and needless to say, succeeded.

Prices are back up to $500+tax for a 16gig.

I know where you can get a brand new one in box for $300 including tax. PM if interested.

^^ thx for the offer, but I don't have a blackberry and $300 is more than I wanted to spend on one - I am barely inclined to drop $200 on one, since I would only get it as a gift for my girlfriend.
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