RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

Those of you still waiting for your Playbook to arrive will have to wait even longer... a trailer loaded with 5,000 Playbooks bound for Ontario was stolen from a truck stop in Indiana yesterday.

They should be appearing on Kijiji any minute now....
Future Shop will be listing these at $200 again for their boxing day sale.

If portability, and internet browsing are high on your priority list, this thing can't be beat at this price IMHO.

Got me a PlayBook for Xmas! Have been mucking around with it for ther last couple hours and it looks like I'll be leaving my laptop at home from now on. This thing is amazing!
I don't know why people hate on a device that does what someone needs and costs a fraction of the other in the market.

If you like the Ipad, buy the ipad and pay the $600. If you wanted to have a pad with some features and you didn't want to pay the $600 then get the playbook. I didn't want to pay neither of it so I spent $100 on the HPpad.

Don't know why people have to hate :)
I don't know why people hate on a device that does what someone needs and costs a fraction of the other in the market.

If you like the Ipad, buy the ipad and pay the $600. If you wanted to have a pad with some features and you didn't want to pay the $600 then get the playbook. I didn't want to pay neither of it so I spent $100 on the HPpad.

Don't know why people have to hate :)
It's a great device, but it's neutered if not bridged with a BB. The iPad has a native email client and calendar, the Playbook doesn't unless I have a BB to pair it too.
It's a great device, but it's neutered if not bridged with a BB.

My Dad doesn't think so, he also got a PlayBook for Xmas and bridged it to his MacBook Pro earlier today with no problems. He's been in the living room pretty much ever since, playing with it and having a blast.
What is a RIM ID? Would my wife already have one with her Blackberry?
What is a RIM ID? Would my wife already have one with her Blackberry?

You mean a BlackBerry ID? She'll have one if she's used the App World, you can't download any apps unless you've created an ID and logged in with it first. Once that is done, you use the same ID if/when prompted by the PlayBook during setup.
It's a great device, but it's neutered if not bridged with a BB. The iPad has a native email client and calendar, the Playbook doesn't unless I have a BB to pair it too.

this shortcoming is well documented and will be addressed with the free upcoming OS2 update coming in Feb.

also, around this time or shortly thereafter, android apps will be available as well for the app happy people.

Whatever the case, the playbook is quietly growing its fanbase quite quickly judging by the increased activity in the forums, RIMs committment to the PB, the fact that guys are jailbreaking this thing, and the fact that the app world has new apps introduced just about every day.

how much longer can RIM sell this thing at a loss?
Whatever the case, the playbook is quietly growing its fanbase quite quickly judging by the increased activity in the forums, RIMs committment to the PB, the fact that guys are jailbreaking this thing, and the fact that the app world has new apps introduced just about every day.

And the next time you're in the back seat of an OPP cruiser, you might be surprised to see the nice Officer using a PlayBook to document your arrest. Apparently it is well liked by the force and there's a very real possibility of more law enforcement agencies using it in the near future.
on the pb forum, one guy mounted his to his bike with a RAM mount and uses it for gps and roadmaps. pics to come soon. He also says he goes to a big empty parking lot and plays NFS using the bike bars to "steer" the car. lol.
Couldn't help but notice that Angry Birds is now available from BB app world. I guess things are looking up for RIM haha.
and i thought i got a deal for my 32G for $300 plus tax did you get the RIM employee price ?
I got it off Kijiji this afternoon with the receipt. Brand new in the box, seal is still a virgin.

Having a bit of an issue though, when I pulled it out of the box the battery was completely dead.
So I hook up the charger and set up the wi-fi etc, then I get a message saying "battery level critically low" and it wouldn't charge after I left it plugged for more than an hour. Called RIM about the issue and they said take it to the store I bought it from and they'll exchange it for a new one. Disappointed a little but still excited to see this thing in action. We'll see what happens.
how much longer can RIM sell this thing at a loss?

As long as they have to. Ask Microsoft about xbox. Some products are just not about making money, they are just strategically in the lineup. The problem for RIM is their cash in their bank account. I don't think they have nearly enough to weather the storm for very long ...
RIM is one of the few corporations in the world that operates without debt. If anyone is in a position to pull it off it would be them. But I personally don't have a very good outlook on RIMs future. Too many screw ups in a very short period of time with no saving grace in sight.
how much longer can RIM sell this thing at a loss?
The better question is, how much longer will they have to? I've actually considered retiring my work Android, jailbreaking my iPhone so I can use it for work, and then getting a BB for personal use. I just don't want to void my iPhone warranty, so I'm SOL until May (unless RIM fixes the issues with the new OS in Feb.) IMO, the $300 savings to drive up sales also hurt RIM because a lot of people will perceive the PB as cheap and only sellable with a fire sale.

on the pb forum, one guy mounted his to his bike with a RAM mount and uses it for gps and roadmaps. pics to come soon. He also says he goes to a big empty parking lot and plays NFS using the bike bars to "steer" the car. lol.
I'd like to do this with my Jeep. This is the perfect size to have in the dash as a GPS and trail riding.
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