RIM Playbook. Limited sale... $200

PlayBook price cut results in increased market share


Guess this was bound to happen. :)

Another of RIM's weakness is the lack of apps compared to Apple and Google, more good news :

-that 6600 app developers have applied to RIM recently to develop (or rejig their Android app to work on PB) for the new OS
-RIM's App world approval process is majorly backed up due to the influx of new apps coming in. Its taking much longer than the usual 2 weeks for approval.
-it appears that most of these app developers are using an online simulator to test their apps, RIM has sweetened the pot and extended their offer of free playbooks to app developers to keep the momentum going.

Maybe RIM's strategy will pay off in the long run?

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PlayBook price cut results in increased market share


Guess this was bound to happen. :)

Another of RIM's weakness is the lack of apps compared to Apple and Google, more good news :

-that 6600 app developers have applied to RIM recently to develop (or rejig their Android app to work on PB) for the new OS
-RIM's App world approval process is majorly backed up due to the influx of new apps coming in. Its taking much longer than the usual 2 weeks for approval.
-it appears that most of these app developers are using an online simulator to test their apps, RIM has sweetened the pot and extended their offer of free playbooks to app developers to keep the momentum going.

Maybe RIM's strategy will pay off in the long run?

My company is one of these who have decided RIM is relevant and are developing a BB version of our product. 6 months ago RIM wasn't even on the drawing board.
Sure there's tons of enthusiasm (who wouldn't see that coming with the changes finally done ....).

But right now, it's just a hype wave, really. Let's see first if they can release the new OS on time without a major issue and good feedback from the user base. Except for the HR changes up top, I am not aware of anything else they have done yet.
But right now, it's just a hype wave, really. Let's see first if they can release the new OS on time without a major issue and good feedback from the user base.

hahaha...i wonder if the update will be out on time?

in the article they write "Kaan Yigit, president of SRG, said he was not surprised that PlayBook sales are improving. He also said that the “current iPad is great at home,” but is not “purse or jacket-pocket-friendly” like the PlayBook, which has a 7-inch screen as opposed to the 9.5-inch iPad."

wtf, i just went around my "bay street" office and tried that frigging playbook in everyones jacket and purse. it didn't fit in half the suits and for purses, the ladies noted that it certainly adds the weight and only really good when it's a shoulder purse, not the smaller hand ones...

the advertising for the playbook when it first came out was attrocious...it's like you have a company that builds a product for the business pro and then advertises it as a consumer play toy...

i like rim, but the way they handle their products is horribly bad.
I just came back from a 5 day trip and took my playbook as apposed to a laptop. I weighs a lot less when dragging it around, doesn't do everything my laptop will do, but does a lot.
I will probably buy the keyboard/ stand for it as a convenience, I sure it will have more uses for me when i learn more about its functionality.

Out of the load of apps available there are just so many that i would never use or have need of. I'm trying to un complicate my life and travel, the playbook works so far.
I just came back from a 5 day trip and took my playbook as apposed to a laptop. I weighs a lot less when dragging it around, doesn't do everything my laptop will do, but does a lot.
I will probably buy the keyboard/ stand for it as a convenience, I sure it will have more uses for me when i learn more about its functionality.

Out of the load of apps available there are just so many that i would never use or have need of. I'm trying to un complicate my life and travel, the playbook works so far.

The new OS2 update which is apparently coming Feb 21, with the updated BB Bridge feature, will allow you to use the BB keyboard to type and as a mouse for your PB.

Since I dont go anywhere without my BB, this is a brilliant feature and will address my biggest gripe of the PB and any tablet for that matter. Lack of a keyboard!

Lots of aftermarket PB covers, double as stands, as well.
you speak of this telus deal, but i never found it, looked frigging everywhere when it was first mentioned earlier this month...$149 right? couldn't find it...just the $199 deal...
you speak of this telus deal, but i never found it, looked frigging everywhere when it was first mentioned earlier this month...$149 right? couldn't find it...just the $199 deal...

The Telus ones were available in extremely limited quantity. At that price, you don't need to be told that these things would have sold out within minutes of release.

If you check the PB forums, some people were able to snag them in time.

You snooze, you lose.

coming soon! email support for your vaporware blackberry device!


coming soon! email support for your vaporware blackberry device!

Hmmm...... 2 PB's for LESS than the price of one iPad. And still some cash left over. Pretty compelling.

Whats this I hear about iPad 3 shrinking in screen size? I hope these are just rumours, otherwise "smaller screens are DOA" Lord Jobs will spin in his grave.

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:lol: yeah smaller screen coming up!!

iPad3 6" for sure!!!
Software update version 2 is out. Email, calendar, and a host of other things. Very impressed so far. Not noticing any issues.
Software update version 2 is out. Email, calendar, and a host of other things. Very impressed so far. Not noticing any issues.

Working on it!! The early reviews are positive! Cant wait to try it.

For those with Blackberrys, dont forget to download the latest BB Bridge app, it lets you use the keyboard on your BB to type on the PB, make your BB a remote control, and other kinds of neat stuff.

Video chat updates are cool using HDMI output and contact lists. Seems I can use video on tv and browse other screens on PB at same time.

Just migrated my gmail and contacts over easily but outlook contacts are giving me grief. No Skype yet either.
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