Riding Sunday September 2nd

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Ya bandit, that was me. And lime green, if you can't take the criticism, it says a lot. I'm not invited? After I already told you I won't be attending? Ok :s
Anyways, was great to meet some new folks. I lookforward to riding with you guys again soon. Staylor where do you live by? If you're near me and miles we can hit you up whenever. We usually ride every third day at least.

I live in Brampton/Vaughan area. I'm always down for a ride. This is my second bike, started riding this one in march/April, this ride just put me over the 16000km mark. So yes.. I'm always down for a ride lol
Always down for a ride. All day, err day! AHHHH yeah!
Ya bandit, that was me. And lime green, if you can't take the criticism, it says a lot. I'm not invited? After I already told you I won't be attending? Ok :s

btw love the sound of your bike
I completed a full run from Parry Sound, down to Bala to Southdown back up through Port Carling, up 7/632 and back to Parry Sound solo...
Sometimes it's best to keep it simple. It would have been nice with another couple experienced riders...
Sounds like it was far more of a crowd than expected. It's hard too lead a varied crowd...

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I completed a full run from Parry Sound, down to Bala to Southdown back up through Port Carling, up 7/632 and back to Parry Sound solo...
Sometimes it's best to keep it simple. It would have been nice with another couple experienced riders...
Sounds like it was far more of a crowd than expected. It's hard too lead a varied crowd...

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To be honest after the first incident things got a lot better. I think a lot of peoPle backed out after that and it was for the best. Also the fast riders got to the front and the slower ones were moved to the back so not much passing was needed.
Yeah man. Great job trying to keep the group together. I commend you on that. Very mature respectable thing for a rider to do. *tips hat to you*

Little suggestion limegreen. With big rides, it may help to have key people at the front, middle and end of the group. It can be a huge help in many different situations and scenarios.
I think you have a lot to learn in way of leading a large group.

Mistake #1: DO NOT LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND. (I spent the morning picking up the pieces [about 10 people])

Mistake #2: DO NOT WEAVE IN AND OUT OF TRAFFIC ON THE HIGHWAY (you have noob's on your ride an there was a ton of close calls).

Mistake #3: Know how many people are on your ride and when a person goes down STOP AND WAIT. YOU DIDN'T.

I could go on and on, but I hope I got you thinking. I hope you learned a lot today.

I will not attend another one of your rides.

I think it was an awesome run with a few soar moments when 2 riders went down...... Either way, people need to be a little less sensitive and more skillful : If I'm on your A** in a turn, let me pass by or dont complain when I cut you off in the next turn.

Overall, gorgeous day and good boot. Maybe next time we'll have a smaller crowd !

Hold on a second. Did I read that two riders crashed and people find that acceptable and a regular occurrence? If that's the case I hope to never come across any of these rides on the roads.
Lots of fun this ride was. Seriously, enough with the drama, you either enjoyed it or you didn't. When all is said and done, you fend for yourself, the leader is not responsible for your safety, they're just "leading" you to somewhere.

As far as I know, the crash total was three. Minor lowsides where the bikes and riders rode home.

We did the 507 run after, that was fun, a bit of a good race :D WarpTiger, Ramon1234 and I lost the rest of the group shortly after, but everyone was on their way home anyway :)

Chaotic at times, but I blame that on the numbers. I love huge turnouts just cuz its amazing to see so many sport bikes riding together, despite the difficulty when it gets down to riding and staying together.

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Hold on a second. Did I read that two riders crashed and people find that acceptable and a regular occurrence? If that's the case I hope to never come across any of these rides on the roads.

Good for you, we don't need people who need others to hold thier hands while riding. If someone took someone else out then I'd be concerned. As it stands it was a couple of people who pushed the limits a bit to far and payed a MINOR price for it. This could have happened to them alone just the same as it did this ride.

Don't be a drama queen.
If I'm on your A** in a turn, let me pass by or dont complain when I cut you off in the next turn.


It's that attitude that keeps me away from Group rides. I trust very few people that I'd ride in a group with.

Hold on a second. Did I read that two riders crashed and people find that acceptable and a regular occurrence? If that's the case I hope to never come across any of these rides on the roads.


Gong show indeed. Though I'm very releived to hear no one got hurt. With all the Motorcycle fatalities this year, last thing we need as a community is riders getting seriously injured or killed on group rides cause of Ego....or trying to follow a rider infront who's more experienced.
had fun. I should have brought the fast riders outta the closet sooner.

i'm just glad no one crashed trying to follow my crazy line.
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had fun. I should have brought the fast riders outta the closet sooner.

i'm just glad no one crashed trying to follow my crazy line.

never mind your crazy line, i had my share of avoiding to deal with.



First vid, person behind crashes. All this pile up cuz of person in front of me jamming on breaks in the corners.

Second vid, ZX-10r other dude crashed earlier, stay on your side of the road.

No offense guys, maybe something to consider working on.. to prevent future mishaps
Hold on a second. Did I read that two riders crashed and people find that acceptable and a regular occurrence? If that's the case I hope to never come across any of these rides on the roads.

Honestly, it is acceptable because it wasnt me holding their throttle or brake. They crashed because they miscalculated something. Crashes are bound to happen if you ride aggressively, I'm just glad the riders were okay and I do hope they feel better.

BTW, Concern is one thing but if people are expecting the other riders to act like their mother if something happen, now thats far-fetched.
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