Riding Sunday September 2nd

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Mr Mark will see you at the meeting location.Hopefully the number of riders coming out stays relatively low-Less attention and easier to stay together-See you Sunday morn
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Hey limegreen I might join you fellas on Sunday. Back at home on 5 is perfect - were having guests come over in the evening
Was planning to head up to river road on sunday, but this looks like a lot of fun. I may show up with a couple of friends. Possibly get some good footage too.
Are 250 first timers allowed to participate? ;) I would love to join, been aching to take out my ninja250 for a ride but I don't know any roads....
looks like the fat guy with the gixxer 1000 has followers.
gonna tell my boss i'm covering the evening shift Sunday.
If you have never been up there, it's the best riding in Ontario. We will be on roads such as Southwood (tight twisties), hwy 141 (big sweepers) and the hwy 518 which is like the Le Manns with no cars on it.

looks like we are going to have a 72.7 kilometer isle of man course. you did mean that rather than lemans right?
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easy now guys be mindful how you talk about brian maybe assassin is gonna come out equipped with rocket launchers and fix us all and know you cannot get away,LOL well except maybe ramon1234 and warptiger coming too oh well there goes the :D:Dneighborhood
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