Riders tucked at 80km/h ...

i find alot of SS riders make a deliberate effort to pass me as i'm maxing out my 250 (120+). I know your bike is faster and I hope your more experienced but you can hot dog more then 5 feet away from me. Some riders pass so quickly i feel the turbulence from their bike... its just not necessary...
On my complete naked bike i can ride without tucking at 100 + if need be and most of my friends who probably don't tuck at 80 on a SS thinking their tuff, couldn't even stand 60kmh on mine without tucking, so its not that someones weak or not, its all about how long you've been on the bike, how you're feeling that day, how well your bike is for rider air turbulance. after riding throughout the day, i tuck at 60 because the turbulance on my shoulders becomes painful and my back has had its maximum for the day. city riding is alot more stressful then a one time ride through the week. Also resting on the tank while tucking lets you enjoy the bike for longer that day. Basically, everyone has their own reasons for tucking. I've seen a difference i tuck more the less im dressed, meaning, the turbulance is alot more when you don't wear the full leather gear, shirts and what not flap around too much past 60kmh, thats what i think though atleast, as for following too closely, i've only experienced that in big groups riding through town, i tend to think if the biker is getting that close he/she must be an experienced confident rider. i could be wrong, but thats what i've experienced group rides or with friends, but thats at a stop, not while riding though, thats dangerous.
I tucked doin about 100 yesterday...just to see what would happen....hope nobody was watchin...was pretty cool though.
wtf is wrong with tucking for no reason? I do it sometimes if I'm bored.

You don't see me creating a thread saying "why do fat people ride sport bikes".
I'm in full tuck right no w . Sorry, my head hit the space bar.
I've done about 1000km on my bike this past week, and I've seen some very peculiar things lately from sport bike riders ...

1) Riders in full tuck doing no more than 80km/h, and just nodding in response when I wave.
2) Riders riding less than 10ft behind me in my own tire track.

Are you all new, or what possible explanation is there for this behavior, I'm really curious. :confused:

well I'd say it was gas related... few years back, on one of my trips (10,300 km in 10 days) I saw a sign saying that the next service station 100 mi... I knew my bike could easily do that with the gas I had, so I kept on riding about few over the speed limit. After about 100k, I stated keeping my eye out for gas stations.... and then I just had a sick feeling. I realised it was in miles as I was in the US. So I was in full tuck at 80k/h... watching all the cars that I passed, overtake me.... little kids wave at me as they passed me...
I try to imitate this guy when I tuck. The perfect riding position.

I tuck when going over 100 on the DVP on windy days, help with the crosswinds.

Speaking of SS riders, I never understood why half of them ride with their left arm rested on their left thigh... I've riden hours on the highway or over an hour in stop-and-go on my CBR and have not ever felt any fatigue. I actually feel that both hands on my handlebars is the most comfy position, and I put my body's weight mostly on my thighs.

Perhaps people need to work on their core? Or less fapping....? :D
I tuck below 80 sometimes. Especially if it's windy. Who cares? It's just how you're sitting on the thing.
I'll tuck at 80kph if I've lost/forgotten my ear plugs, just to get under the wind streaming over my short windscreen - it's very noisy otherwise. I believe it's the helmet though, an Arai in a dual-sport configuration - basically a dirt-bike helmet with a face shield.
Its possible they're cold and want to avoid all the turbulence

Icon vests are cold YO.

The people whining about cold and turbulence at 100 disgust me. The pussification of the North American male in full effect in this thread.

P.S. I love all you guys.
LOL sometimes I tuck at 40 km/h. You got a problem with that? :p

I tuck at < 20km/h going through tim horton parkinglots. It's all about looking the business, at any speed.
I tuck on long highway rides sometimes, keeps the windblast down and lying down on the tank rests the core.. I switch it up between that and left arm on my waist position. Need to get a throttle lock for the, foot on frame sliders leaned back, highway cruise.
whats it to you what other people are doing? (re the tucking)

its not hurting you, so why you hatin?
....look like idiots.

I ride in full tuck too...all the way down the back straight at 125+ mph
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