Riders tucked at 80km/h ...

Who cares when people tuck... Being a former 250 rider Im sure you remember how the winds can effect you. I feel it at those speeds and find I need to tuck.
Speaking of SS riders, I never understood why half of them ride with their left arm rested on their left thigh... I've riden hours on the highway or over an hour in stop-and-go on my CBR and have not ever felt any fatigue. I actually feel that both hands on my handlebars is the most comfy position, and I put my body's weight mostly on my thighs.

Perhaps people need to work on their core? Or less fapping....? :D

not everyone has long arms... so tendany the weight really get distributed through your arms and wrist. stretches the back too.
New topic about coloured tires?
So at what speed threshold do I have to pass to be considered OK to tuck?

Crap, I dont want to be a tard by tucking at 79km/h when the threshold is 80km/h.
Seriously, who gives a crap! If you want to tuck then tuck! If you want to do a wheelie then do a wheelie, who cares, ride the way you want to ride as long as your not hurting anyone else.
Dont watch me watch tv lol... Not only about ridding but in life in general y do people give a **** about wat others r doing. Worry about ur self and u will be a happier person. As for the tailing ya dumies
LOL...............look at all you tuckers :lmao:
So has anyone burned the witch that went over 80km/hr on the highway?

Edit: Sorry forgot it was a dude so I mean warlock
Lesbians on Bikes ... have you gone mad? LMFAO !!!! love it

How did you even find this thread? Did you search for "lesbian"?
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