Riders tucked at 80km/h ...

wtf is wrong with tucking for no reason? I do it sometimes if I'm bored.

You don't see me creating a thread saying "why do fat people ride sport bikes".

HAHAHA, seen a dude on the weekend on an R6, it looked like he had wheels drop out his ARSE.
I've done about 1000km on my bike this past week, and I've seen some very peculiar things lately from sport bike riders ...

1) Riders in full tuck doing no more than 80km/h, and just nodding in response when I wave.
2) Riders riding less than 10ft behind me in my own tire track.

Are you all new, or what possible explanation is there for this behavior, I'm really curious. :confused:

Sometimes I go in tuck (highway though) even at 100kmph if thats traffic flow when my back starts killing.
Hey........you should be happy that some of us do. It will give you more of a defence for your HTA 172 - HAHA!
It makes sportbike riders a target for cops. The cop automatically looks at the biker from a speeding perspective, becasue the sportbiker LOOKS like he is going fast, or is trying to go fast, or is getting ready to go fast, or thinks he is fast etc.....

How is hunching over a remedy for a sore back? I find the straighter I can sit up, the more comfy I am, and the extra wind blast in my chest while sitting upright helps to alleviate the weight on wrists etc..... I am not new to riding sportbikes. I have ridden just about every kind out there, for what probably amounts to hundreds of thousands of kms in the past 20+ yrs, and find this true no matter what sportbike I am on.

Guys who tuck on street rides look like posers to me....like they think they are Ricky Roadracer.
Guys who tuck on street rides look like posers to me....like they think they are Ricky Roadracer.

Its the equivalent of sitting in your garage way going vroom vroom while there is snow on the ground...you do it for fun...to pretend you could be Ricky Roadracer :)

tucking in town or at 80 actually feel like you have less control of the bike, then sitting up. Its just for jokes. I tuck when the bike is on the kickstand in the drive way...who cares lol
I've done about 1000km on my bike this past week, and I've seen some very peculiar things lately from sport bike riders ...

1) Riders in full tuck doing no more than 80km/h, and just nodding in response when I wave.
2) Riders riding less than 10ft behind me in my own tire track.

Are you all new, or what possible explanation is there for this behavior, I'm really curious. :confused:

1) I'll tuck if I'm freezing or its windy and I'm getting blown all over the place (especially if there are Trailer-trucks around).

2) That's just stupid.
i tuck always. looks cooler that way.
I tuck when riding either bc of wind or bc I relax my back and sometimes I don't. I don't think people should stereotype just bc someone on a sports bike or cruiser does something. I look at is we all ride weither it's a 125, or 1450 plus we all enjoy riding for different reasons just enjoy and be safe and keep stupid stuff on the tracks
I tuck in when pulling out of my garage.....

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I tuck while I'm on the toilet, full gear.
I like to take a nap with my head resting on the tank bag. I don't want to go faster than 80 because that would be unsafe.
My bike blasts all the air right at my head, not chest. The chest would be fine but right at my head makes my neck really tired from trying to hold my head still. If it's windy out this is worse. If I tuck, it goes over my head and it's not an issue. I have considered either a higher or lower windshield to resolve though. I definitely do not think I am a racer or even that I am a half decent rider. As far as I'm concerned I'm lucky if I make it to work on a commute, lol.

I guess the 2 pc suit doesn't help my "racer" image though. That is also for safety more than anything. Even I think I look like a retard in it.

Also, the 650R has a very skinny seat at the front to aid with flat footing but very wide at the rear. On longer commutes it helps to move my butt back to the rear of the seat where it is wider. This means I have to reach farther for the bars which means I need to lean over. There is a certain low point where my body supports itself properly. Too high but still leaned over and I find myself putting more weight on my wrists and arms than I should. That's probably just because I don't ride enough to develop the muscles properly though and am in pretty bad shape.
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I (sloppy) tuck on long straight roads because I'm lazy. Resting my weight on the tank and elbows on my knees is easier on my wrists.
I tuck when going over 100 on the DVP on windy days, help with the crosswinds.

Speaking of SS riders, I never understood why half of them ride with their left arm rested on their left thigh... I've riden hours on the highway or over an hour in stop-and-go on my CBR and have not ever felt any fatigue.

Perhaps people need to work on their core?
Personally, I've had multiple back and neck injuries...so the change in position I get from it relieves a lot of tension if things are starting to act up. Other times, frankly, I'm stuck in slow traffic and getting bored :D

I tuck below 80 sometimes. Especially if it's windy. Who cares? It's just how you're sitting on the thing.
That's when I do it as well...mind you, it's over 80kph...but the point is the same. It's always on the Skyway and I'm not interested in that being my first parasailing experience! To each his own though...

You should. It's high time this issue was addressed!


WHOA! Oh gawd..... You know, there's some thing you just can't 'un-see'.... Thanks. Really. :(
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