Riders tucked at 80km/h ...

How did you even find this thread? Did you search for "lesbian"?
I read it .. or is it customary to click on a thread and read only the last post ... damn I broke the rules again didn't I? Where am I? Who are you .. did someone say something about Lesbians .. I should do a search .. LMFAO..
Perhaps people need to work on their core? Or less fapping....? :D

I don't have a core as I am not an apple or a nuclear reactor but sometimes I work the midsection. I love these fancy new refererences to make people think it's new and improved. The idiocy I see in the gym now is funny as hell.
Dont watch me watch tv lol... Not only about ridding but in life in general y do people give a **** about wat others r doing. Worry about ur self and u will be a happier person. As for the tailing ya dumies

Your butchery of our written language is more disturbing than a flock of scooter riders in full tuck. Visually annoying to say the least.
This thread reaffirms why I hate all of you.
I tuck to get out of the wind and cold. No idea on the other one.
Thread revival indeed. Regardless, I'll put in my 2 cents as I'm sitting here procrastinating doing any work at my desk.

I recently rode from Mississauga to North York on a little 250 ninja with wind gusts of up-to 50 km/h. I got blown into all kinds of lanes on the Allen and I can honestly say that tucking helped A LOT. If I didn't tuck, it became an incredibly scary ride. Tucking helped the turbulence and kept my profile low on the bike so my body didn't act like a ****in kite.
I've tucked while duckwalking the bike and revving the engine on the Gardiner, once :D In general, good when the winds are strong or when you're underdressed for the weather (mesh sucks at 5 degrees lol).
I tuck in while waiting for the light to go green while reving my engine. I also tuck in while I'm taking a dump. That's a whole new experience right there.
I tuck when going over 100 on the DVP on windy days, help with the crosswinds.

Speaking of SS riders, I never understood why half of them ride with their left arm rested on their left thigh... I've riden hours on the highway or over an hour in stop-and-go on my CBR and have not ever felt any fatigue. I actually feel that both hands on my handlebars is the most comfy position, and I put my body's weight mostly on my thighs.

Perhaps people need to work on their core? Or less fapping....? :D

I do it on my 250 too but only to check my left side mirror. You can actually see the rear traffic under your armpit, of course in a stylish way. ;)
I read it .. or is it customary to click on a thread and read only the last post ... damn I broke the rules again didn't I? Where am I? Who are you .. did someone say something about Lesbians .. I should do a search .. LMFAO..

My point was that there were 2 years between the last post and yours, that's why I asked how you found it.
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