Riders tucked at 80km/h ...

Awwwww sweetie, that's so nice you'd suggest that for all of us but I deleted those party pics of you... You were so worried they'd end up on the internet, remember? :agave:

Yea.... But I'm no longer thinking about becoming the president of the USA. Maybe now I should get in touch with my wild side? :o
I'd make a club callled "Built Riders on SS" but then we'd probably get *** kicked; the overweight ratio, last time I health stats in 2008, was 55% overweight and 26% obese. That means 50% of the population is decently weighted: now how many of those 50% actually hit the gym 3-5 times a week and take training seriously w/ all the other crap going on in life? Yeah...we'd get sat on by ppl like that picture.

(I also first need a SS).

EDIT: Might also be able to actually get some decently toned/fit/built female riders into that club...
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what's wrong with tucking?

I've done about 1000km on my bike this past week, and I've seen some very peculiar things lately from sport bike riders ...

1) Riders in full tuck doing no more than 80km/h, and just nodding in response when I wave.
2) Riders riding less than 10ft behind me in my own tire track.

Are you all new, or what possible explanation is there for this behavior, I'm really curious. :confused:

Are YOU new?

Some riders tuck because they are cold, or just too much turbulance/wind
Some riders nod instead of waving because of what they are currently doing, i.e. using clutch to gear down, changing gears or would just rather nod than take their hand off the handle bars.

As for riding behind you in your own tire track, I don't know about that one. I quess it would depend on what the other tire track looks like. Is it full of snakes in the road?
Speaking of waving:

Dear guy at the lights opposite me:

I waved, you waved. You forgot your bike was in gear. You let go the clutch at idle. You snapped your body a bit. I'm sorry. Also sorry i giggled.

As for the riding antics lately... Yeah, it's a bit weird. I've seen more potentially bad riding in the last month than i have in the last 5 years. And every time i've been pulling into traffic behind another rider, and take the other half of the lane about 10 feet back - they're all twisty about "where'd you get to" looking for me. When i can plainly see their face in their mirrors. Weirdness.

hahaha i think that was probably me...was the guy in a black ninja 250 in icon gear and BDU camo pants and at night somewhere in brampton or malton?

Thought id see it posted on GTAM lol.
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Mostly I see guys in a tuck either because they are cold, or because there's a stiff crosswind and they are trying to stay in their lane, or the worst reason, their T shirt is beating them to death.
And every time i've been pulling into traffic behind another rider, and take the other half of the lane about 10 feet back - they're all twisty about "where'd you get to" looking for me. When i can plainly see their face in their mirrors. Weirdness.

Sounds like they are trying to politely tell you to back off, but you're not getting the hint.
LOL sometimes I tuck at 40 km/h. You got a problem with that? :p

Nothing like a full tuck at 20-50 km/h shifting like you're slamming the throttle and then looking over to the cager next to you and giving them a thumbs up for going 40 in a 60 with not a damn soul in front of them.
I was told that when riding in formation, the last guy is always in blocking position. So maybe he is in the same tire track as you cuz its the blocking position.
There is a guy who rides in Peterborough, Not going to mention the make of bike. But I have seen him on numerous occasions in full tuck (Elbows actually touching his knees!) Riding through town, in a muscle shirt and jogging shorts. Those really loose nylon ones. I don't think I need to mention what happens when wind catches loose short shorts... lol I will post pics when I snag one of him. It's pretty funny.
I'm not tucked bro. I'm resting on my tank. huh?! Whaa happin? And... your throttle response should solve the drafting problem. oiy!
Sometimes I tuck to show my wonderful butt off to the cute girl behind me.

"That's right pretty girl...this could be all yours..."
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